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Степень сравнения прилагательного wet

10-11 класс

Filaa3101 27 апр. 2013 г., 0:52:05 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 апр. 2013 г., 3:35:39 (11 лет назад)

Степень сравнения данного прилагательного - положительная

+ 0 -
27 апр. 2013 г., 4:10:12 (11 лет назад)

wet-wetter the wettest


Другие вопросы из категории

Pr.S.- Present Simple, P.S.- Past Simple, F.S.- Future Simple, Pr.C.- Present Continuous, P.C.- Past Continuous, F.C.- Future Continuous, Pr.P.- Present

Perfect, P.P.- Past Perfect, F.P.- Future Perfect, Pr. P.C.- Present Perfect Continuous, P.P.C.- Past Perfect Continuous, F.P.C.- Future Perfect Continuous, F.S.P.- Future Simple in the Past, F.C.P.- Future Continuous in the Past, F.P.P.-Future Perfect in the Past, F.P.C.P.- Future Perfect Continuous in the Past.

2) I (to wait- Pr.P.C.) for permission to go abroad for three months, but I (not to receive- Pr.P.) the visa yet.
3) We (to drink-P.C.) tea when the telephone (to ring).
4) Light ( to travel- Pr.S.) more quickly than sound.
5) I (to finish- F.P.) the book by Friday. If you like, I (to give-F.S.) it to you on Saturday.
6) He said he (to arrive –F.S. in the Past) in the evening.
7) We already (to cover-P.P.) about ten miles when Peter, who (to look-P.P.C.) out of the window for the last five or ten minutes, exclaimed, “Here is the station.”
8) The young and the old (to suffer- F.C.) from the economic recession. (экономический спад)
9) Housewives and their children (to watch- F.P.C.) this show for three years by next autumn.
10) We thought we (to lie- F.P.C.in the Past) on the beach for half a day when our friends returned from dive.
Мы думали, что будем лежать на пляже полдня, когда наши друзья вернутся после погружения.
11) Researchers conveyed that the Earth (not to survive-F.P.in the Past) after the sun went out.
12) It was reported that Plex Company (to share- F.C.in the Past) information and its plans with subscribers in the coming months.


1. When Maria's fatger got a new job in the States, the family haed to leave their..... and move abroad.
A. harbour B. gateway C. homeland
2. Don't throw the batteries away, they're ......
A. disposable B. rechargeable C. achievable
3/ Helen was ......hungryas she hadn't eaten all day.
A. timidly B. ravenously C. earnestly
4. Animal rights organisation work to prevent ...... towards animal.
A. cruetly B. abolish C. reject
6. I won't ....... impoliteness in my class! I will be informing the headteacher about your behaviour.
A. offend B. defend C. tolerate
7. Suzanne was holding her....ticket, hoping that this time she had the rightnumbers which would make her rich beyond her wildest dreams.
A. loterry B. winnings C. scam
8. As Cindy was walking through the park, a stranger..... her handbag and ran eway.
A. mugged B. grabbed C. burgled
9. Don't be timid; you need to .... for your right to express yuorself freely.
A. stand up B. keep up C. face up

Write what each word is followed by: F. I. (full inf.), B.I. (bare inf.) or -ing form.

1. enjoy - .....

2. promise - ......

3. be made - ...

4. object to - ......

5. it's no use - .....

6. can't stand - .....

7. can't help - .....

8. had better - ...

9. resist - .....

10. agree - .....

11. can - ...

12. would like - ....

13. would - .......

14. refuse- ....

15. spend time- ......

16. avoid - ......

Завершите предложение соответствующей формой причастия I.

Model−−−−−:Havinggiven a promise he couldn't fail us. (дав, после того как он дал; togive - давать)

The teacher wrote some formulas on the board the laws of motion. (объясняя; toexp lain - объяснять)

Составить ситуацию используя следующие слова

to decide,the cinema,an interesting film,the box-office,a lot of people,among,to bay tickets for

Читайте также

Объясните мне пожалуйста правило степеней сравнения прилагательных.

Не знаю, что писать если дан текст и нужно образовать ту или иную степень сравнения.

а) образуйте 3 степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

Difficult, Warm, Far, Heavy .
б) переведите предложения, в которых употреблены степени сравнения
1. The Fountain square is the most beautiful and busy place in our town
2. In winter days are shorter than in summer
3. Mars as well as Venus has no life

Раскройте скобочки,образуйте необходимую степень сравнения прилагательного:

1.She thinks this shop is (good) than in my town
2.These people are (polite) than in my town
3.Who is (old) student in the class?
4.Is Michael (intelligent) than Stephan?
5.What is the name of the (high) mountain in Europe?

Образуйте отрицательную и

вопросительную формы предложений. обращая внимание на употребление степеней сравнения
прилагательных и наречий.

1. That was the shortest way. 2. She is four years younger than I am. 3. My friend knows English much better than me. 4. Our company will buy cheaper office furniture next year.

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