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5-9 класс

you like to try any national dishes of Britain? Why? Пожалуйста, 3-4 предложения по этому вопросу, срочно.

Egorkup 03 июня 2016 г., 5:01:53 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 июня 2016 г., 6:50:36 (7 лет назад)

I`d like to try Haggis. Haggis is the national food from Scotland. It makes with meat, onions, flour, salt and paper. Usually, people eat haggis on Burns Night. I`d like like to try it, because it`s famous, tasty and healthy dish.


Другие вопросы из категории

переведите пожалуйста :)
Пожалуйста, если беретесь за задание, то выполните полностью. А то некоторые начнут и не доделывают. Спасибо за помощь! P.S.

trong> если не уверены, то не беритесь. От правильности выполненного задания зависит моя оценка на экзамене.

Читайте также

Сопоставьте предложения,пожалйста нужно по зарез!!!! 1.My sister would come to see me 2.He would have bought the book 3.Patty's

dreams would probably have come true

4.He would have passed the exam

5.We shall save our Planet

a) if he had enough money at that moment.

b) if she were not busy today.

c) if he hadn't made so many grammar mistakes.

d) if we care about the environment.

e) if the jag of milk hadn't fallen on the road.

Would you like ...?

What`s the answer?
Сhoorse the correct reply (a-f).

1. Would you like a cold drink?
2. Would you like to go to the cinema on Friday?
3. Would you like a hamburger?

4. Would you like to go to the school disco?
5. Would you like that cassette for your birthday?
6. Would you like help with your homework?

а. No thanks, I don`t like that kind of music.

b. No thanks, I don`t eat meat.

c. Yes please, I feel very thirsty.

d. Yes please, I think she`s a great singer!

e. No thanks, I don`t like cinemas.

f. Yes please, I can`t understend it at all.

какой правельнный ответ ) Things would go faster if you ... me.

A) helpings
B) will help
C) would help
D) helped

Вот фото раскройте скобки!!! 1. If you (not be) busy, we could go for a walk.2. If I (have) enough money, I would have taken a taxi.3. If I were you, I

(buy) a new suit.4. If I (be) interested in the film, I would have gone to the cinema.5. If we (not take) the wrong turning, we wouldn’t have arrived late.6. If he had more time, he (take) up tennis.7. You could have come first if you (run) faster.8. If she (not have) a car, we would have to go by bus.9. What (do) if you lost your job?10. If I (not feel) tired, I would have gone to bed later.11. If Bruce had asked me, I (say) ‘yes’.12. If I (not take) an umbrella, I would have got wet.13. If he knew that it was dangerous, he (not come).14. If someone (give) you a helicopter, what would you do with it?15. They (not miss) the plane if they hadn’t woken up late.16. If you (ask), I could have told you the answer.17. I could help you with the text if I (know) Greek.18. If only he had asked, I (help) him.19. If I (invite) to my friend’s party, I would never dress casually.20. If she (pass) her driving test, she would have bought a car.

Write a body of an advice-seeking letter basing it on the picture below. Begin with:1. I would like to ask questions about .....

2. It would be great if ....
3. It's likely that ...
4. The problem is that....
5. To complicate matters ....

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