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Use the shopping list to wtite sentences in your notebook, starting We haven't got ane .... . пример Butter - We haven't got any butter/ 2) pasta

5-9 класс


3) crips.

4) milk.

5) lemons.

6) onions.

7) orange juice

Катерина345 21 апр. 2013 г., 7:40:05 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 апр. 2013 г., 9:55:16 (11 лет назад)

We haven't prepared any pasta yet

We haven't bought any crips yet

We haven't boiled milk yet 

We haven't bought lemons yet

We haven't chopped onions yet

We haven't drunk orange juice yet


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите решить 1 номер
comment on the following:

- we shouldn't have schools at all.
- it's not necessary to study english.
- our school is perfect.
- students agree to all the school rules and teachers' requirements.
- handicapped people don't need any education.
- video is not of much importance in studying english.

Читайте также

Write 6 to 8 sentences about your usual holiday. use the table for ideas

Write 6 to 8 sentences about your usual holiday. use the table for areasWhere (abroad. camping. to the village. to the sea)What's the place like?(beautiful. exciting. boring. interesting. cold. warm)With who (alone. with my family. with my friends)Who do you there?(by train. by plane. by car. walk)Where do you stay? (at my granny's. at the hotel. at our friends. at the campsite)What do you do there? (swam. play. read. help. with the garden. visit interesting places. take pictures. meet old friends)

Помогите 1.Correct the sentences if necessary. 1)We haven't got many bread. 2)We've got a little apples in the fridge-two

or three,I think.

3)There's a little shampoo in the bottle,but not much.

4)We've got a few CDs here but not many.

5)We don't need much books to do this project.

6)Have we got any paper in the classroom.Yes,there's a lot of.

7)We haven't got some milk

20 за правильные все ответы) прошу помочь) Ex-1 1)Use the words below to complete the

sentences. There are three words you do not need to use.

-connect - link - frozen - transfer - join - memory - domload - deleted - connection - virus -split

Вставить слова в предложения:

1)Oh,no ! I've accidentally ..... all the photographs on my hard disk! 2)Let me make a copy of these files before you .... them to your computer.3) The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more.... 4)Is there a problem with the network? I can't ..... to the Internet. 5)I need to buy a new mobile phone. I've water on my old one, and it's stopped working. 6)Click on this ..... to go tothe international site of the online store. 7) I think your computer has a... You'd better run a full scan . 8) What's wrong with the screen? It's been .... for the last ten minutes.

Ex 2-Form nouns from verbs and translate.






Ex 3- Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions and then use them in their correct form to complete the sentences.

1)break down =2)break into =3)break up =4) break out= 5) break out of

A go into a building by force to steal sth B escape from a place C stop having a relationship with sb D start happening E stop working

1)The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had ..... the local prison. 2)Fighting .... between opposing football fans after last night's game. 3) The couple .... but got back together a month lated . 4)When her car .... she called a local garage to ask for help. 5) The poloce are looking for two men who were filmed as they were ...... an electrical shop lats night.


1)Don't call Jessica tomirriw morning ; she..... a tennis lesson. a) will be having b) is having c) will have

2)Send me a copy of the photographs.... I can show them to my friends. 1)in order b)so that C) in case

3)James stopped playing his video game... he heard his mum at the door. a) while b) by the time c) as soon as

4)I don't like my next-door neighbor; she's ... nosy woman! a)such a b)such c)a so

5)Can we watch the parade when we... to the Carnival? a) are going b)go c)Will go

6)It's not worth going to the footbal pitch now; the game.... by the time we get there. a)wil have started

b)Will start c)Wil be starting

Change The underlined words. Use the expressions in the list.

four times a week three tumes a day every day twice a day once a month twice a year
1 Diana read her email at 9 o'clock, at 1 o'clock and at 4 o'clock
2 The cinema is open from Monday to Sunday
3 Frank goes theto the dentist in Februrary and July.
4 They have maths lessons on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
5 We meet on the first Saturday of every month.
6 Suzanne cleans her teeth after breakfast and before she goes to bet.

How do you say these sentences in your language?
1 What do you in your fre time?
2 Are you sure?
3 Let's go home. - OK, then.
4 Do you eat insects? - No, of course I don't.
5 Your Hair is a mess.
6 How often do you clean your teeth?

5My parents /be at home on Saturday /usually 6 He /be tired in the evening/ never 7 I /speak English /often 8 My teacher/ use the computer/sometimes . 1

I/ be happy/ always. I am always happy 2 My friend /study /never 3 My brothers/ watch football on TV/ often 4 We/ go to parties/ sometimes.Первый пример. задание здесь:Use the cues to make sentences in the Prresent Simple. Put the adverbs in the correct place

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