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Очень прошу помогите!!! Нужно ответить на письмо Фионы. От имени Джейн. Задание 10-11 класс!! Кто не уверен не пишите и не копируйте с сайтов!!!!

5-9 класс

Azaell2014 04 апр. 2014 г., 10:31:42 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 апр. 2014 г., 12:20:45 (10 лет назад)

Dear Fiona,  

I was very glad to hear from you. I haven't written for ages because of my school activities.  
I am very glad to find out that you are quite right in your new place. It's really grate that you have an opportunity to live in a big city and enjoy making new friends. Here I miss you too because you are only my best friend and I am almost  alone.
It is a great idea to visit you, but not now. I think maybe in summer.
That's enough for me today. I have to go to the swimming pool now.
Best regards to your family.


Другие вопросы из категории

Портфолио: Создать краткий текст о знаменитом спортивном мероприятии в вашей стране (50-60 слов). Написать:

• Название • тип • место • время
• конкуренты • зрители • призы
• любая другая интересная информация

Помогите ребята!!! Если бы имел больше 35 баллов то с радостью поставил бы всех!!!

Нужен эссе из 12-17 предложении на тему: Reading must be one of the hobbies of a teenager.

Помогите, в долгу не останусь, помогу с чем смогу!!! Пожалуйста.

1 Put the verb in the present Continuous or present Simple

l I (not understand). What you (mean)?
2 He (not/watch) television very often.
3 Listen! What language they (speak)? I (think) it is Spanish.
4- Where is Andrew?- He (smoke) outside. I (not/believe) you. He (not/smoke)
5 You can turn off the TVset.I (not watch) it at the moment.
6 Why (be) you under the table? What you (do) there?
7 Take an umbrella. It (rain). It often (rain) here in autumn.

6 речень у Past Perfect
translate 1)kõige enam meeldib mulle pärast kooli lõdvestuda ja muusikat kuulata 2)praegusel ajal inimesed

reisivad palju

3)ma käisin möödunud nädalavahetusel lõbustuspargis

4)Ian tunneb puudust oma vanast treenerist

5)kas lambad on karjamaal

Читайте также

Помогите, пожалуйста, ответить на вопросы ( на английском) 1)Why and when did England become interested in America? 2)When did the

MAYFLOWER sail to America?

3)What did they call the partof America where they set up their first colony?

4)What kind of life did they lead?

5)Why did people in America fight for their independence from England?

6)Как ты можешь охарактеризовать колонистов? ( 1 простое предложение на английском)

7)Какие большие города в US Вы знаете?

8)How manu cents are there in a dollar?

9)What are other American coins?

10)How many cents are there in a nickel, a dime and quarter?

11)Каково название американского города, где Леви Стросс начал делать специальную одежду? Какая это была одежда?

12)Какие цвета на Американском флаге?

13)Почему 50 звёзд на флаге?

14)Почему 13 полос?

15)Каков национальный символ в Америке и правда ли что он стал им в 1782 году?

16)Что американцы празднуют 4 июля?

17)Что озночают буквы D и C в название столицы Америки?

18)Почему люди говорят Вашингтон D.C. когда говорят о столице Америки?

19)Where can you see the picture of the eagle with an olive branch and arrows?

20)Что за символ оливковой веточка и что за символ стрелы?

на все вопросы нужно ответить на английском. Буду рада хотя бы 15 правильным полным ответам)))

Всем огромное спасибо!

СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА текст на английском языке (ответ на письмо девочке по имени Бекки)

с ответами на её 2 вопроса: какие дома в России?сколько спален в домах обычно? 120-140 слов
пожалуйста напишите.

не то что не знаю не успеваю мне ещё 3 матехи конрольные решать
составлять 2 плана и учить пересказ текста по литературе и готовится к
конкурсу "умники и умницы" по теме анти Гитлероская коалиция. помогите с
английским кто может

Помогите пожалуйста! Это важно ! От этого зависит мое окончание 11 класса! Я не могу все забыла, надеюсь на вас!

1.составить предложения в Future Simpe используя выражения и добавив указатели времени
1. Learn French
2. Stay at home
3. Travel to England
4. Have lunch together
5. Go to Moscow
2) поставить предложения в отрицательную форму
1. My friend will help me to do my homework .
2. I will play chess with my dad tomorrow .
3.we will celebrate this holiday next Sunday
4. You will work in the schoolyard in summer .
3)задать вопросы к выделеным словам ( я их напишу вам большими буквами )
1.we will meet you AT THE STATION tomorrow.
2. My sister will go out for lunch NEXT SUNDAY
3. Mark will get there BY PLANE .
4. THEY will be happy to see you next summer .
5. In ten years , I will live IN MOSCOW .
я вас очень прошу помогите!!!

Помогите пожалуйста, нужно ответить на письмо Кевина :Dear Friend, My name is Kevin.I'm nearly sixteen and I enjoy travelling.I haven't been to many

places yet, but I read and watch a lot of TV programmes about travelling to exotic countries. I've been reading about Russia recently and it sounds like a fantastic place!Both my sister Kate (who is fourteen) and I care going to Russia for the coming holiday and feel delighted about it.I will be very grateful if you give me some tips about the places worth visiting. Some information about me: - I'm a sporty person,good at swimming,cycling and horse-riding -I enjoy watching studying wildlife.My sister is quite sporty,too -She is interested in history,folktales and songs from other countries -We like sightseeing offal kinds write soon Hope to meet you when in Russia, Kevin.
Свой ответ нужно начать со слов: It"s your choince but I waqnt to invite you and your sister to the plase where I live.It s ......
Если можно ответ с переводом

помогите нада ответить на 1. What is weather? 2. What is temperature? 3. What factors influence weather? 4. How do clouds form? 5. Why is there rain? 6.

What is snow? 7. What is hail? 8. Why is there wind? 9. What's the most common form of precipitation? 10. Where does weather happen? 11. What is humidity? 12. What is atmospheric pressure? эти вопросы по тексту вот этому тексту

A. Weather happens in the atmosphere ['astmasfio], or in the air between the Earth and space, which consists (is made up) of a few layers (see the picture). The atmosphere is different and can behave in different ways. The higher from the Earth, the colder the air and the lower the pressure is, as there are fewer molecules ['mDlikjuilz] of oxygen and other gases.
B. The simplest explanation of weather is that it is the condition (состояние) of atmosphere at a definite time and place on the Earth. It can be hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. This condition is influenced by a number of atmospheric [^tmos'fenk] factors, such as air pressure, temperature ['tempritjo], humidity, precipitation.

C. Temperature is how hot or cold something is, for example the atmosphere or the sea. Temperature is measured ['тезэё] in degrees Celsius (centigrade) or Fahrenheit.

form of precipitation is rain, snow,

hail, sleet, drizzle, fog, mist. .


E. The air around us is never com- ■

pletely dry. It is usually moist.

That means that it contains (содержит) water in the form of vapour. Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere. Humidity is measured as a percentage [po'sentid3]. 100% humidity is the point (точка) where the air can hold no more water vapour.

K. Atmospheric pressure is the weight of air on the Earth's surface. Pressure is shown on a weather map with lines called isobars ['aisaobaiz]. Warm air is lighter than cold air, cold air is heavier than warm air. Low pressure near the Earth's surface occurs when air is warm and rises. High pressure occurs when nir becomes colder and falls.

. When the sun shines, the Earth's surface is heated. The sun heats the Earth unevenly (неровно) and influences the ntmosphere. Warm and cool air move and change air pressure. The movement of air around the Earth from high pressure to low pressure, of the cold and warm air brings about winds.

II. The sun also heats the water which is on the Earth in l i vers, lakes, seas, oceans, and in the upper layer of the ground.It evaporates and water vapour rises into atmosphere making it humid.

I. When the vapour rises higher and mixes with the cold air, it turns into small water droplets and forms clouds. In other words, water vapour condenses out of the air. When the little droplets run into each other because of the wind, larger drops grow, and start falling on the ground because the air can't hold them any more. When clouds rise higher, the water in them freezes and turns into little balls of ice, which may fall like hail or snow on the ground some time later. The water in the clouds can freeze and turn into ice crys tals and fall like snowflakes on the ground. помогите буду очень благодарен ответ на вопрос должен быть с предложений из текста

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