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што куда надо вставить?first/next/then/after/that/finally/

5-9 класс

_____________________type the name of the website you are interested in.
________________complete the form and send your e-mail.
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_____________________click on E-mail Friends Contact.
_____________________connect to the Internet.

Blackbull52rus 17 нояб. 2013 г., 11:42:59 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 нояб. 2013 г., 14:20:49 (10 лет назад)

надо вставить все по порядку только в конце не that ,a finally.

+ 0 -
17 нояб. 2013 г., 16:31:02 (10 лет назад)

1 - First
2 - Next
3 - Than
4 - After
5 - Finally


Другие вопросы из категории

Какие 3 страны используют английский в качестве официального языка?

4)South Africa

помогите перевести текст на английский язык Моя квартира не очень большая. В ней гостинная , 2 комнаты, кухня, туалет и ванная комната.

наш зал! в нем очень уютно. В зале стоит большой шкаф, телевизор, 2 кресла, диван и торшер.

моя спальня очень большая! в ней находится шкаф для одежды , стол, стул, музыкальный центр, 2 тумбочки , комод, зеркало, 2 кровати и компьютер.

В бабушкиной и дедушкиной комнате шкаф, тумбочка, телевизор и 2 кровати.

на кухне имеется стол , 4 стула, холодильник,раковина, газовая плита, микровалновая печь и шкафы для посуды и продуктов.

Моя квартира замечательная!

ток не через яндекс

Читайте также

Помогите сделать инглишь вот задание: Сomplete the sentences with the verbs below in the correct from. Вот слова которые надо вставить: be, take, switch,

work, get, fly. Теперь предложения куда надо вставить слова: 1) Maria ......... of her MP3 player when she's at school. 2) Martha and Katie live far from their school, but they ........ on time for class every day. 3) You don't have to .............. part in the school performance if you don't want. 4) Ivan is an excellent student and always.....

используй начало одной из сказки и расскажи ее с помощью слов :first,first of all.,next,then,after that , afterwards , just then , meanwhile , previously

, eventually , finally , in the end , so , as , however\anyhow ,nevertheless , because , although , on the contrary , actually , that's why.
1.once upon a time there lived a nice and kindly lady.she had only one wish : she wanted to have a child....
2.once upon a time there was a girl called little red riding hood who lived with her mother.....
3.once there lived a poor boy who had neither a mother nor a father.the boy's name was Dick Whittington.......
4.once there lived a little girl with Holden hair. everybody called her goldilocks. one day goldilocks went for a walk in the forest .......

Помогите сделать английский вставьте подходящие фразы вот они: Shopping malls, food court, fasfood restaurant, 14-screen cinema, dinosaur museum, roller

coaster, sea creatures. Вот предложения куда надо вставить эти фразы: 1) You can choose to eat from a huge number of restaurants in the.......... 2) Sam is eating a hot dog at a(n).............. right now. 3).......... give you the chance to visit a lot of shops under one roof. 4) Let's go and see a film at the new....... in the city center. 5) The children want to go on all the rides in the........ 6) The........ is great! The exhibits look so real. 7) Ben doesn't like going on...... rides; he finds them scary.

Какие сюда надо вставить слова?: Kim ..... her parents every day . Monday to Friday, When she to come back home from school,she ..... her room

and ..... the furniture. On Saturday she ..... the shopping. On Sunday she ..... her grandparents to work in the garden. She says, "I ..... to spend time on doing things about the house. That ..... my family happier.
I have got many friends at school. Today we ..... a school project about the weather,so I'm very busy. Today it ..... , so all the people ..... their umbrellas with them. They ..... also ..... raincoats.

to come
to help.
to make.
to dust.
to do(2x).
to like.
to rain.
to have (2x).
to take.
to wear.
to clean.

(Слова которые надо вставить)

Нужно вставить слова в предложения,помогите пожалуйста :)

Слова: December,admire,is situated,built
вот предложения куда надо вставить :CN Tower ____ in Toronto,Canada.It`s the name of the railway company which ___ the tower in 1976.Brave tourists can _____ the city from under their feet.CN Tower is open every day exept _____,25th.

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