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СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ ИСПРАВИТЬ ОШИБКИ!!! За ранее спасибо огромное :)

1-4 класс

Боря789 14 янв. 2015 г., 15:14:37 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 янв. 2015 г., 17:51:35 (9 лет назад)

вроде всё
пиши правилно


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Помогите пожалуйста перевести предложения

Onion skin is very thin, mild winter is coming in. Onion skin is thick and tough, winter will be cold and round.
Pale moon rains, red moon blows. White moon neither rains nor snows.
Evening red and morning grey, two sure signs of a fine day.
Clear moon, frost soon. When seagulls fly to land, a storm is at hand.
When clouds appear like rocks and towers, the Earth's refreshed by frequent showers.

Задайте вопросы к подлежащему и ответьте на них.1. He finds the answer

2.She understands chidren
3.They go to cinema
4.We play football in summer
5.You read in the evening
6.I listen to the music on Saturday

Написати по англійському (рік писати по англ)

1. Мою маму звати Кристина,вона народилася 1987 році
2.Мого тата звати Максим,він народився 1984 році

I want to tell about

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Помогите пожалуйста срочно!!!

Fill in blanks, where necessary, with one of these prepositions:of, by,at, from, abut, on, into:
1)There are a lot ... textboors ... the teble.
2)Little children like to learn funny poems ... heart.
3)... the lesson we translate ... Russian ... Cerman.
4)Students answer ... the reacher s questions ... the lesson.
5)" ... course she is ... Britain," Kate said.
6)Pavel told ... us ... his summer holidays.
И перевод плиз за ранее спасибо

Помогите сделать задание по английскому перевод и вставить слова, за ранее большое огромное спасибо, в переводчике переводит,но не понятно(( Piet

is phoning Bob. Complete the conversation. Use the phrases in the box. a) thursday suits me fine

b)Thanks for calling back.

с)what about later in the week?

d)let's make it first thing on Thursday morning.

e)I'm tied up

f)I can be with you at 9 a.m

Pier) Hello, Bob? Bob ) Piet! Good to hear you. I guess you got the message. ______________________________ Pier) No problem. You wanted a meeting, you said. Bob) Yes. That's right. I have to go to Frankfurt, so could I see you at the start of next week? Pier) No, Im afraid ________ all day on Monday. So _______ Is Thursday any good? Bob) Thursday? OK. Yes. _________ I'll be finishing in Frankfurt the day before. Pier) All righr, and I expect you'll want to catch an carly flight home,so ____________ Bob) Right. I'll fly in from Frankfurt the evening before. Piet) Fine. Can we just quickly talk about the points we'll need to cover, and how much time we'll need...

Помогите написать на английском языке предложения со вставлением is или are 1 Это ... моя книга 2 То .... его книга

3 Это.... мои друзья

4 то... её друзья

Ещё в задании даются такие слова This That These Those

Помогите плиззз, за ранее спасибо!!!

Test 7. Fill in the correct reflexive pronouns.1. The girl decorated the room ______.2. The winner looked very proud of ______.3. She brought up her

children by ______.4. The cat is washing ______.5. The children enjoyed______ when they visited Disneyland.6. She was afraid of spiders, so she didn’t go into the room by ______.7. She decided to do all the cooking ______.8. He was asked to behave______ at school.9. He shouted loudly to make______ understood.10. Cats are very clean animals: they are always washing ______.11. Doctors advised us that we have to exercise ______regularly in order to keep healthy.12. In ______your problem is nothing to worry about.13. She loves looking at______ in the mirror.14. If you don’t behave ______, I shall put you all to bed early.15. The music was so loud that I had to shout to make ______heard.16. The teacher tried to make______ understood but she failed to get the class to understand.17. We painted the room ______.18. She was very pleased with ______when she got such a good job.19. I think I’d go back to France. We really enjoyed______ there.20. I don’t feel______ today. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.помогите пожалуйста=)за ранее спасибо)

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