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подскажите пж времена и вставьте слова в пропуски

5-9 класс

1)John (not do)..........washing up yet.
2)Jane(not eat)..........since 2 o'clock
3)by 8 o'clock yesterday i(do)...........my homework and at 8 i (play)..........the piano
4)when mother(come).........home,the children(eat).........the soup which she(cook).........in the morning.
5) by 9 o'clock yesterday grandma(wash).........the dishes and at 10 she (watch)........tv

а это переведите в пассивный залог
1) people catch fish in all rivers
2)he doesn't have to clean his room today

и в reported speech
1)polly asked brother :"will you bring me that book?

Akashapova95 26 июля 2013 г., 1:53:18 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 июля 2013 г., 2:42:21 (10 лет назад)

1 Doesnt, 2 doesnt eat, 3 did, played, 4 came, eat, 5 washed, watched.
Наверное так бро...

+ 0 -
26 июля 2013 г., 4:53:56 (10 лет назад)

я только 1 попытаюсь сделать

+ 0 -
26 июля 2013 г., 5:43:22 (10 лет назад)



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Помогите, пожалуйста!!! Нужно произношение текста !!!! (Русскими буквами) умоляю, очень срочно )

One day in 1777, Jose Montgolfier rested before the fire drying his nearby laundry after washing. A little later, he noticed that one of his shirts began to rise up. The young man wondered what was going on and he threw a few small pieces of paper in the fireplace to see whether there will be with them the same. When he saw them departing from the chimney, he concluded that the smoke has the force that lifts and carries things in the air. Jose loved science and wanted to become an inventor, because he began to think about a trade that would help control the smoke and tear people from the land. Together with his brother Jacques, he began experimenting with what later became the first balloon in the hot air.

Montgolfier brothers quickly realized that the heat and not smoke raises things. 19th September 1783, they presented their first balloon in the hot air, which was made of paper and lumps. They set fire to the straw under him, and helped heat the ball up in the air. Since this was the first trip, the Montgolfier brothers too worried to pick up on the ball itself. So they put a sheep, a duck and a chicken in a basket, which hung below the ball during a 2-mile journey.

The new discovery was a brilliant success, and the animals landed unharmed and screaming. A huge crowd, including members of the French royal family, gathered to look at the ball soaring high in the sky. Later, the brothers asked permission from the king to send people up in a balloon. King agreed, and the first flight with people as passengers held in Paris November 21, 1783 with the greatest success. Balloon reached an altitude of 150 meters, flying over rooftops, beginning of a long tradition of ballooning.

переведите пожалуйста)
номера 2 3 4


Put the verbs given in brackets in Present, Past or Future Simple Passive.

1. America … … in the 15- th century.( to discover)
2. More than 800 poems … … by Pushkin ( to write)
3. A lot of popular songs … … in English ( to sing)
4. Australia … … is «Lucky Country» (to call)

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нужно вставить слово work в правильной форме^

He .... hard because he s got a math test tomorrow
My mother is a teacher.She ... in a priamary school.
нужно вставить слово write в правильной форме^
Jane lets go the cinema.- I am afraid,I can not . I ...... an essay.And itll take a lot of time to do it.
She doesnt use a computer orthe Internet, she .... letters to her sons every Friday.

вставить слово MAKE в нужной форме

Her mother pulled two packages from her shopping bag. In the first package there were some very nice slippers. They ___________ from soft, pink fabric and had bright flashing lights. Inside the second package were glow-in-the-dark pyjamas! вставить слово


Ben saw that I ...... my job.He wanted to paint the fence, too.I let him do it and he gave me an ...... .
Then my friend Billy Fisher came and I let him ..... the fance,too.By the afternoon, the fance was painted twice and I had many ...... thisngs.
надо вставить слова в пропуски

Вставить слова в пропуски:)

crashed • accelerated • indicate • reverse • overtake
smashed • skidded • started up • braked • fasten • swerve
adjust • sounded • check • stalled • release • pulled away

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