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Перевидите:I play hide and seek with your friends. I'm going to visit a friend. Postman brought an envelope.

1-4 класс

Rakhmatullin06 27 мая 2014 г., 20:02:42 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 мая 2014 г., 20:54:21 (10 лет назад)

Я играю в прятки с друзьями. Я собираюсь в гости к подруге. Почтальон принес конверт.

+ 0 -
27 мая 2014 г., 22:43:00 (10 лет назад)

Я играю в прятки с друзьями. Я собираюсь в гости к подруге. Почтальон принес конверт.


Другие вопросы из категории

очень прошу помогите Записать глагол в правильной форме. 1. KATE LIKES ( sing ). SHE IS ( sing) NOW. 2. RICK CAN (ride) a bike. HE IS (

ride ) A BIKE NOW.


4. MAY I (ask ) YOU ? I AM (ask) YOU NOW .

Переведите, пожалуйста, три предложения.

1. Audio, video, or a combination may be used but, because of the absence of case law to serve as a legal guide, local requirements should be checked.
2. The determination should include whether it is necessary to inform the suspect that the interrogation is going to be recorded.
3. A sound videotape that can be shown on a television set or a sound motion picture that can be introduced into court is best. It can be used to overcome charges of coercion.

составь словосочетания. go for,take,make,go,miss,spend,give,ask. глаголы

pictures,abroad,money,bad marks,a walk,clever questions,snowman,friends.с кем составить сочетания

Читайте также

раскрой скобки и запиши глагол в правильной форме- 1) We (play) hide-and-seek now. 2) We often (play) hide-and-seek on holiday. 3) We never (play)

hide-and-seek at scool.4) This boy likes (fish). 5) He is (fish) now. 6)He usually (fish) in summer. 7) He never (fish) in winter.

1. Твой друг рассказывает о каникулах. Какие это были каныкулы? I had a good time. Every day I went for a walk, played hide-and-seek with my friends, enjoy

ed fresh air and got sun burnt. On weekends I went sailing and camping.
1) spring 2)winter 3) summer.

2. Составь праввильное предложение из следующих слов. The, eggs, find, basket, did, with, they, Easter.

3. Вставь арттикль. I liked ... second song
1)the 2) a 3) (no article)

4.Выбери нужную форму глагола. There ... a blackboard and desks with computers in the classroom.
1) were 2) are 3) was


I've got a sister. Her name is Kate. She's three. She has got many

toys: four balls - red, green, blue and yellow; three puppies - black,
white and grey; two brown monkeys, a yellow giraffe, a white bear and
two nice dolls. Do you think she likes to play with her toys? No, she
doesn't. What she does like is – she likes to play hide-and-seek with
me. Do you know the way she does it. She hides under the table and says:
"Helen, where am I?"
I say:

"Are you on the chair?"

"No, I'm not"

"Are you under the chair?"

"No, try again."

"Oh, Kate, I try and try again, but I can't see you!"

Then she runs up to me and says

"Here Iam!".
This is the way my little sister Kate plays hide-and-seek. Isn't she funny? Как читать на русском текс +перевод.

Выбрать нужные слова,вставить их,что бы получился диалог.

of course,
with us,
with great,
I don't know,
I'm sorry.
-Can you play hide-and-seek?
-______________ ___________,I can.
-Do you want to play_____ _____?
-Oh,yes,____ _____ _____.
-Does your friend like to play basketball?
-____ ______, ____ ____ ______.

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