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Nilara 21 марта 2015 г., 7:24:32 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 марта 2015 г., 10:08:00 (9 лет назад)

he average growth  може так

+ 0 -
21 марта 2015 г., 10:54:24 (9 лет назад)

he have medium long
вот так вот


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Julia Sherman spent her summer holidays with her parents at the seaside. They took a trip to Africa. Julia and her parents wanted to visit Egypt and the Red Sea. Julia's dad bougt the tickets. They arrived at the airprort on time. Julia sow a lot of big and modern planes. On board Julia ate tasty sandwiches and drank some juice. Julia read a book and watched an interesting video.
In the afternoon Julia and her parents arrived at the hotel. From the window she could see the Red Sea smelt the beautiful flowers . She wanted to go sightseeing. She took a lot of photos of the Sahara Desert , hte big camels, and the exotis flowers. For two weeks she had a lot of sunbathing, swam watched the beautiful fish in the sea all day long. She was very happy at the seaside.

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Is there Life on other planets? The planets in the solar system all go round the Sun. There are nine planets, but our planet, the Earth, is the only one with living things. We now know that the conditions on the other planets are not suitable for life. Меркурий , for example, is closer to the Sun than the Earth is. It is too hot. Other planets which are further from the sun are too cold. Марс has icecaps and volcanoes, wind and clouds. Once it had water, но now all the water is frozen in the icecaps. At night the the temperature at the equator drops to -111 C. The Viking Lander took this picture of the surface of Mars in 1976. Space phobes explore the solar system and take photos of defferent planets. This tells us a lot about our solar system.

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