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He's passed the exam ...

10-11 класс

A) happily
B) slowly
C) beautifully
D) easily
E) quick

Tereyrqr778904 28 марта 2017 г., 17:15:02 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 марта 2017 г., 19:30:44 (7 лет назад)

здесь подходят два ответа B или E , он сделал экзамен медленно или быстро


Другие вопросы из категории

Answer the questions.

- What is there in the middle of your room?

- There is a round table there.

1. How many rooms are there in your flat?

2. What is there in the middle of your living-room?

3. What is there near the window?

4. What is there opposite the door?

5. What is there in the corner of the room?

6. What is there on the walls of the room?

7. How many windows are there in the room?

8. How many beds are there in the bedroom?

9. What is there in the kitchen?

10. What is there in your room?

помогите! пожалуйста :)
Помогите срочно !! Пожалуйста

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Переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на правильный перевод модальных глаголов. 1. You shouldn't walk alone around the town late at

night. 2. Books must be returned to the library on time. 3. I cannot meet them at the station, I should be at work. 4. His car has broken down so he has to go to work by bus. 5. You needn't do it if you don't want to.

Перепишите следующие предложения в Past Simple. 1. She looks pale. She must spend more time out in the open air. 2. My parents are not at home and I must look after my little sister. 3. They must call the doctor because grandmother is ill. 4. Pete must stay at home because it is very cold. Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can. 1. Cheques … be accepted only with a bank card. 2. … I take a seat here? Yes, you … 3. He … not join the party because he is busy. 4. … I bring my sister with me? 5. She … translate this article without a dictionary.

Вставьте модальные глаголы: can, may, could, should, need. 1. You … think about the future and not about the past. 2. We … not do the work so quickly, there's plenty of time left 3. Where she was a baby, she … only cry. 4. You … do it, I am sure! 5. … I try this coat on?

Образуйте разделительные вопросы. 1. It's happened before, … ? 2. Jack's on holiday, … ? 3. Let's go out tonight, … ? 4. Listen, … ? 5. She likes sweets, …? 6. Tom won't be late, … ? 7. He should pass the exam, … ?

Помогите людишки, только правильно пожалуйста постарайтесь! Перепишите следующие предложения в Past Simple. 1. My parents are not at home

and I must look after my little sister. 2. They must call the doctor because grandmother is ill.

Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can. 1. Cheques … be accepted only with a bank card. 2. … I take a seat here? Yes, you … 3. He … not join the party because he is busy. 4. … I bring my sister with me? 5. She … translate this article without a dictionary.

Вставьте нужный модальный глагол: can, may, could, should, need.

1. You … think about the future and not about the past.

Переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на правильный перевод модальных глаголов. 1. You shouldn't walk alone around the town late at night. 2. Books must be returned to the library on time. 3. I cannot meet them at the station, I should be at work. 4. His car has broken down so he has to go to work by bus. 5. You needn't do it if you don't want to.

Образуйте разделительные вопросы. 1. It's happened before, … ? 2. Jack's on holiday, … ? 3. Let's go out tonight, … ? 4. Listen, … ? 5. She likes sweets, …? 6. Tom won't be late, … ? 7. He should pass the exam, … ?

Помогите пожалуйста, срочно надо. Благодарю) Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can. 1. Cheques … be accepted only with a bank card. 2. … I take

a seat here? Yes, you … 3. He … not join the party because he is busy. 4. … I bring my sister with me? 5. She … translate this article without a dictionary.

Перепишите следующие предложения в Past Simple. 1. She looks pale. She must spend more time out in the open air. 2. My parents are not at home and I must look after my little sister. 3. They must call the doctor because grandmother is ill. 4. Pete must stay at home because it is very cold. Вставьте модальные глаголы: can, may, could, should, need. 1. You … think about the future and not about the past. 2. We … not do the work so quickly, there's plenty of time left 3. Where she was a baby, she … only cry. 4. You … do it, I am sure! 5. … I try this coat on?

Переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на правильный перевод модальных глаголов. 1. You shouldn't walk alone around the town late at night. 2. Books must be returned to the library on time. 3. I cannot meet them at the station, I should be at work. 4. His car has broken down so he has to go to work by bus. 5. You needn't do it if you don't want to.

Образуйте разделительные вопросы. 1. It's happened before, … ? 2. Jack's on holiday, … ? 3. Let's go out tonight, … ? 4. Listen, … ? 5. She likes sweets, …? 6. Tom won't be late, … ? 7. He should pass the exam, … ?

I. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.( суффиксы и приставки) 1. Many people find their work rather___________(bore). 2. He

did not pass the exam. He was very______________(appoint) 3. Peter liked all animals and little children. It ____________( character) him like a very kind man. 4. The only thing poverty leads to is ___________(happiness) and ____________(literacy). 5. It was such an ______________(interest) excursion! 6. Susan is a _____________(charm) girl with lovely figure. 7. The ____________(distant) between S.Petersburg and Moscow is about 600 kilometers. 8. My Mom does the ______________(cook) in our family. 9. Your behavior is awful! You are ________________(polite) and ___________(moral)! 10. She had the ______________(appear) of an actress. II. Раскройте скобки. Поставьте глагол в нужное время или форму (герундий). A) Обратите внимание на времена сказуемых в главном и придаточном предложениях!!! В) Обратите внимание на условные предложения!!! 1. If you_____________ (phone) me earlier, we could have bought this book. 2. I can’t stand Mr. Brown! He__________________(always / tell a lie). 3. Steven______________(work) at this problem for three months. We’ll be able to see the presentation next week. 4. We________________(just / buy) a new car. We can go to the see. 5. Before Olga came to London, she___________________(learn) English for three years. 6. When her mother came home, Helen____________________(clean) the room since morning. 7. Thank you for_______________(come) in time. 8. There is no reason in______________(argue). 9. If the train _________________(come) in time, we would not have been late at the concert. 10. Yesterday at 5 o’clock Tom _______________(do) his homework and could not go for a walk. 11. Yesterday by 5 o’clock Tom_______________(do) his homework and could go for a walk. 12. If you ________________(phone) me, I would go to the cinema. 13. When her mother came home, she______________(write) the letter and___________(go) to the park with her friends. 14. If he _______________( buy) a car, we’ll go to the see. 15. If he___________________(buy) a car, we would go to the see. 16. If he____________________(buy)a car , we would have gone to the see. 17. My father _________________(work) here for three years. 18. My father__________________( repair) this car since morning. 19. If I had learned the grammar rules, I __________________(not /get) a bad mark. 20. If I learned the grammar rules, I_______________________(not/ get) a bad mark. 21. If I learn the grammar rules, I_______________________( not / get) a bad mark.

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