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составить предложения house is this the

1-4 класс

Hfrvfh 23 окт. 2013 г., 14:29:35 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 окт. 2013 г., 15:00:47 (10 лет назад)

this is the house - это дом

+ 0 -
23 окт. 2013 г., 16:52:38 (10 лет назад)

this is the house перевод это дом 

не волнуйся я так написала мне 5 поставили))


Другие вопросы из категории

Write the plural form of the countable nouns
1. Write the opposites. behind - ____________, warm - ____________, short - _________, nice - __________, left - _______, big - _________, on - _________,

sunny - __________. 2. Write the degrees of comparison of the adjectives. cold - ________ - _________, warm - _______ - _________, tall - ________ - __________, small - _________ - _________, favourite - _____________ - ______________, interesting - _______ - __________, nice - _______ - __________, hot - _________ - ___________, big - ____ - ___________, tasty - _____________ - _______________.

исправь ошибки - зачеркни лишнее слово .

1. I am like chicken
2. Does he is like carrots?
3. Can l have got some pizza?
4. l love my grandma"s a biscuits. Yum!
5.He has got a cheese sandwich in the his lunch box.

Look and listen. 1.This is his grandfather. 2.This is his grandmother. 3.This is his father. 4.This is his mother. 5.This is his brother. 6.This is his

sister. как прочитать и перевести на русски?

Сделать как в примере такие слова: (strong,short,interesting,young,famous,fantastic,cheap,expensive,light,good,terrible,bad, delicious)

Пример: slow-slower-the slowest

wonderful-more wonderful-the most wonderful

Читайте также

составь вопрос из этих слов is/room/the/childrens/what/in/there

составь предложение из всех этих слов a lot of/hills/there are/in the/green/ country

дополни предложение ----- ------- a lot of rooms in their flat.
выбери подходящее по смыслу слово The houses in the city are very ------
1.small 2.angry 3.windy 4. tall


What's this?Who's saying 'Mew!'?''Simon is in the living room.The living room is nice.There is a round table in the middle of the room.There is a big

armchair next to the fireplace.When it's cold,Simon likes to read interesting books in the armchair.''Mew!Mew!''.Now he is looking for the sound:under the table, behind the armchair, between the sofa and the armchair.''Nothing!'' Simon is in his room.He is still looking for the sound :on the floor,under the bed above the shelf,under the carpet.''Nothing!''Simon is in the pantry.And he is still looking for the sound:in the left corner,in the rigth corner.''Nothing!''Simon is in his kitchen.In the middle of the room there is a box.Simon is surprised .''Mew!Mew!''comes foom the box.''What are you?''Simon says.''What is in the box?''It's a secret.Then he sees two black eras...,two big green eyes...and a small pink nose!''Oh!It's a kitten!''saus simon.He is so happy!He has got a new friend. They will play hide-and-seek together.переводите пажалуста на русским языку

Which house is it, Dad?

This one.Here we are.
wow!it's great and the garden is beautiful.
l've got the key.let's go in.
This is nice.The living room is very big.
Yes,but the kitchen is quite small . Let's go upstairs.
Which is my bedroom?
This one here . It's your favourite colour -blue
It's great, Dad!
переведите пожалуйста!!

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