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составить сочинение на английском Books in my life...

5-9 класс

Vika1111111vika 02 мая 2013 г., 10:57:09 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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02 мая 2013 г., 12:40:01 (11 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

2.Russia has got its own musical places.

What would you tell your foreign friends about some musical places of Russia? Use the words from the box.

• annual
• ballets
• brass bands
• catchy, romantic and sentimental
• choral
• composer
• conductor
• first nights
• full houses
• opera houses
• took place
• was staged
• jazz

St Petersburg is known for its musical traditions. There are wonderful ___ like the Mariinsky Theatre.* Its famous Valery Gergiev* organises the ___ Easter Festival of classical music. The Mariinsky is famous for the ___ of outstanding Russian operas like Life for the Tsar (or Ivan Susanin), the first Russian national opera, by Mikhail Glinka.* It ___ in 1836.

The world-famous Russian ___ Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky* was born in the town of Votkinsk. His most famous works are the ___ Swan Lake,1 The Nutcracker2 and The Sleeping Beauty.3 His music is considered to be ___ .

The Russian ___ tradition is long. The first Russian folk choir was organised by Prince Yuri Golitsyn* in the village of Novocherkutino (now Lipetsk Region) in 1856.

Many Russians like ___ . The famous Oleg Lundstrem big band was founded in Harbin, China, by Oleg Lundstrem and his brother Igor in the 1930s. In 1947 the band came to live to Kazan, and in 1964 to Moscow. Their concerts have always been very popular and success-ful and they have often played to ___ .

In some Russian parks you can listen to ___. They are very popular among older people.

помогите перевести: your job at the moment.

people whom you love best of all.
заранее спасибо

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New Millennium English 6 класс
Unit 2 Lesson 7 Ex3,4

ответьте пожалуйста на вопросы) 1)What is the natural habitats of fish bears elephants gorillas? 2)What animals are extinct animals? 3)There are a lot of

endangered species of animals and plants nowadays. Can you name some of them? 4)How can people protect endangered animals? 5)Can you give an example of how man destroys the habitats of birds animals and plants? 6)Why do people destroy forests? How does this influence the wildlife? the life of people? 7)Do you think it is easy for different animals species to survive in the 21 century? Why? 8)Have youever been a member of some ecological organization? Would you like to become one?

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Помогите пожалуйста. Нужно составить сочинение на английском языке по теме "ЭКОЛОГИЯ". Небольшое где-то 8 предложений.

Что бы можно было выучить. Выручайте, друзья. Можно написать об охране природы или что захотите но на английском языке. Времени нету на это задание!

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