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Use passive contructions the past indefinite tense

10-11 класс

Используйте пассивные конструкцииреальное прошлое

Pavlue 25 мая 2014 г., 13:47:10 (10 лет назад)
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25 мая 2014 г., 16:18:04 (10 лет назад)

1) The letter was received by us in the morning
2) She was called by them away for a moment
3) His secret was kept by them
4) This matter wasn't discussed by them yesterday
5)The letter wasn't read by him until teatime
6) She wasn't invited by us to dine in the restaurant


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Special q-n
Alternative q-n
Disjunctive q-n
Most economists agree that three things are essential for economic
growth to occur: capital growth, saving and technological progress.

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Use the Present Perfect Tense. 1. He gets up at 6 a. m. (just)

2. We translate English texts every week, (already)
3. I see her every day. (today)
4. They pass the exams every year, (already)
5. I know him very well, (since 2000)
B. Use the Past Perfect Tense.
1. They finished their experiment, (by 5 o'clock)
2. She typed the letter, (by the time we returned)
3. He looked through the documents, (by 12 o'clock)
4. He had supper at 8 o'clock, (by that time)
C. Use the Future Perfect Tense.
1. I'll make dinner tomorrow, (by the time my husband comes)
2. They will build the shop next year, (before we move there)
3. We are packing the things, (by the time the taxi comes)
4. They will pass the exams in June, (by July)

Use the sentences in the Past Indefinite Tense.
Rewrite the following sentences twice: in the Past

Indefinite and in the Future Indefinite Tense. Change the modal verbs for their
equivalents where it is necessary.


6.4. Put the following sentences into the Past Indefinite and the Future Indefinite tenses 1. Firearms are sold only

in special shops.

2. Every year hundreds of people are robbed in the streets.

3. What questions are discussed at the meeting?

4. This employee is asked to take documents to the law enforcement agency.

5. The Militia day is celebrated on November, 10.

6.5. Choose the right tense of the verb in Active or Passive Voice.

Ех 26 Open the brackets,

using either the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous Tense according to the

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