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Французский: 1 Прочтите текст Être musicien, c'est toujours avoir une valise à côté

5-9 класс

de soi, prête pour un nouveau voyage.

Depuis de nombreuses années, je remplis une autre valise, dans ma tête, de toutes les rencontres, les expériences, les odeurs de voyage, les émotions que mon métier de musicien me procure.

Un jour, j'ai voulu l'ouvrir et en sortir un peu de ce que j'avais accumulé durant tout ce temps, pour créer ce trio et cet-te musique. On ne fait jamais rien tout seul, merci à Jean-Charles et Pascal de m'avoir aidé par leur talent et leur amitié.

Jean-François Baëz

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Qui parle ?

2. De quoi parle-t-il ?

3. De quelles valises parle Jean-François Baëz ?

4. À qui est-il reconnaissant ?

5. De quel groupe parle-t-il ?

6. As-tu écouté la musique de ce trio ?

Машунья1 14 дек. 2014 г., 5:36:31 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 дек. 2014 г., 7:19:26 (9 лет назад)

ответ 5. De quel groupe parle-t-il ? вот 100% это


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Помогите срочно пожалуйста: Поставить глаголы в Present Perfect: the cooking, the dusting, the hoovering, the

shopping, the washing up, be late for school, be polite, cheat, clean after my pet, feed me pet, fight, make my bed, take out the rubbish, tell lies, walk my dog, water the plants, work hard, have only good marks

Rewrite these sentences, beginning While...

Пример: It was sunny, but there was a cold wind. While it was sunny there was a cold wind.

She’s very clever, but she’s got no common sense at all.
I know how you feel, but I think you’re making a mistake.
The job is well paid, but it’s deadly boring.
I’m interested in economics, but I wouldn’t want to work in a bank.
The hotel was nice, but it was a long way from the beach.

Compare because and because of, and (al) though and in spite of.
She lost her job because she was ill.
She lost her job because of her illness.
Although/Though it was raining we went out for a walk.
In spite of the rain we went out for a walk.

составьте 3 предложения с First и 3 предложения с At First.

Зарание огромное спасибо)

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Прочтите текст.Заполните пропуски,употребив глаголы в скобках в Present Simple,Past Simple,Present Continuous или Future Indefinite.
1.When Jerald _____ (to be) five he _____ (to dream) of becoming a vet.
2. He _____ (to love) animals very much and______(to read) a lot about animals very much and ________ (to read) a lot about them.
3.At that time he _____ (to have) three pets:a parrot,a cat and a dog.
4.He____(to take) care of them every day:he____(to feed) them,____(to play) with them and often_____(to talk) to them.
5.His pets_______(to be) Jerald's best frends.
6.Now Jerald _______(to be) twenty.
7.He_______(to study) in college.
8.He_______(to know) a lot about animals now.
9.In summer he ______(not to go) to the seaside for vacation because he________(to work) in a vet clinic.
10."I ________(to be) very busy at the moment,"Jerald______(to say).
11."I ____(to work) on my first article now.
12.I think I (to publish) it in our college magazine next month."

1. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы: 1. What is the territory and the

population of Russia?

2. What kind of country is Russia?


1. Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. It occupies an area 17 million square kilometers. Russia is washed by three oceans and twelve seas and borders on fourteen countries.

2. The population of the country is about 150 million people. Russia is a republic with President as Head of State. It is one of the in the world.

3. The climate of the country varies greatly. The coldest regions are in the North and the climate here is arctic. The climate of the part is continental and in the South it is subtropical.

4. If you look at the map of Russia you will see the highest mountains in the Caucasus and the Altai, the Urals, separating Europe from Asia, many and large lakes. The longest rivers are the Volga in Europe and the in Asia. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and it has the

on earth.

5. Russia is a highly developed industrial country. Russia is very rich in natural resources such as oil, coal, gas, gold, diamonds and others. It has the largest oil and gas resources, concentrated in Siberia and Far East. It cars, machinery, chemicals, textile and many other items.

6. In 1957 our country successfully launched the world's first satellite, manned spaceship "Vostok" piloted by Yuri Gagarin, the citizen of Russia, was launched on April 12, 1961. It opened a new era in the history of mankind.

2. Переведите в письменной форме абзацы 1, 2, 5, 6.

3. Найдите герундий и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Flying from Moscow to Magadan takes eight hours.

2. I am proud of being a citizen of Russia.

3.I enjoyed travelling through Russia last summer.

1. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы: 1. When do students get degrees of Bachelor of Science? 2.

When do students get a master's degree?

COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES IN THE USA 1. Young people in the USA get higher education in colleges and universities. Students choose "major" subject and make many courses in this subject. 2. After four years of study students get the degrees of Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.), Bachelor of Philosophy (B. Phil.) or Bachelor of Arts (B.A., if they study Greek or Latin). After a year or two of further study they get a master's degree. If they go on in their study and research, they will get a still higher degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D). 3. Higher education trains people to become teachers, engineers or to do other professional work. 4. College students often continue their study at universities. Not all the students get grants. The minimum period of study is two years (in this case they don't get the degree of Ph. D.), three or even four years. 5 . Many cities have colleges and universities that hold evening classes as well as daytime classes. People who work in the daytime can get higher education attending evening classes.

2. Переведите в письменной форме абзацы 1, 2, 4.

3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. School education in the USA (is, was, will be) free.

2. They (are, were, will be) second-year students last year.

3. History (is, was, will be) the first lesson tomorrow.

4. Напишите предложения в вопросительной, а затем в отрицательной форме и переведите их на русский язык:

1. They have five lessons every day.

2. We had four exams last term.

3. Students will have a lecture on history tomorrow.

5. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite Tense (прошедшее неопределенное время)

1. He (to get) a degree in chemistry last year

2. I (to pass) my entrance exams successfully a few days ago.

3. They (to read) many books on management last term.

6. Составьте три предложения, используя слова, данные в колонках, и переведите их на русский язык:

There in 2,600 universities in the USA There are many students at the university a a large library

7.Заполните пропуски предлогами по смыслу

1. There are three terms ... a school year.

2. University classes start... September.

3. In America all children from 6 to 16 go ... school.

1. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы: 1. When do students get degrees of Bachelor of Science? 2. When do students get a master's degree?

COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES IN THE USA 1. Young people in the USA get higher education in colleges and universities. Students choose "major" subject and make many courses in this subject. 2. After four years of study students get the degrees of Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.), Bachelor of Philosophy (B. Phil.) or Bachelor of Arts (B.A., if they study Greek or Latin). After a year or two of further study they get a master's degree. If they go on in their study and research, they will get a still higher degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D). 3. Higher education trains people to become teachers, engineers or to do other professional work. 4. College students often continue their study at universities. Not all the students get grants. The minimum period of study is two years (in this case they don't get the degree of Ph. D.), three or even four years. 5 . Many cities have colleges and universities that hold evening classes as well as daytime classes. People who work in the daytime can get higher education attending evening classes. 2. Переведите в письменной форме абзацы 1, 2, 4. 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be и переведите предложения на русский язык: 1. School education in the USA (is, was, will be) free. 2. They (are, were, will be) second-year students last year. 3. History (is, was, will be) the first lesson tomorrow. 4. Напишите предложения в вопросительной, а затем в отрицательной форме и переведите их на русский язык: 1. They have five lessons every day. 2. We had four exams last term. 3. Students will have a lecture on history tomorrow. 5. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite Tense (прошедшее неопределенное время) 1. He (to get) a degree in chemistry last year. 2. I (to pass) my entrance exams successfully a few days ago. 3. They (to read) many books on management last term. 6. Составьте три предложения, используя слова, данные в колонках, и переведите их на русский язык: There in 2,600 universities in the USA There are many students at the university a large library 7.Заполните пропуски предлогами по смыслу 1. There are three terms ... a school year. 2. University classes start... September. 3. In America all children from 6 to 16 go ... school.

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