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My hands ___ cold что вставить вместо прочера

5-9 класс

Sonya2001makhortova 09 авг. 2013 г., 2:40:06 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 авг. 2013 г., 3:18:17 (10 лет назад)

 это же легко my hands are cold 

+ 0 -
09 авг. 2013 г., 4:18:59 (10 лет назад)

my hands are cold.
Вот что. Учи английский!

+ 0 -
09 авг. 2013 г., 6:40:27 (10 лет назад)



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In the news story aliens came ___ earth to give medical tests to people.

Что вставить вместо ___?
1. to
2. at


1 My uncle ___ a yacht last week.

A did buy B bought C buyed

2 She ___ French when she was at school.

A study B did study C studied

3 I ___ the bills last month.

A didn’t pay B didn’t paid C payed

4 ___ a new TV program yesterday?

A Watched you B Did you watch C Did you watched

5 It was my brother’s birthday on Sunday, so I ___ him a postcard.

A sent B send C sended

6 We ___ last night due to the nasty weather.

A didn’t went out B did go out C didn’t go out

7 Who ___ the first airplane?

A did invented B did invent C invented

8 My grandfather ___ violin very well when he was young.

A can play B could play C could played

9 We ___ a lot last year.

A did travel B travelled C did travelled

10 When ___ Maria?

A did you last see B did you last saw C you last saw

11 We ___ to sell our old house and buy a new one.

A did decide B did decided C decided

12 I ___ when I was getting off the bus.

A slipped B sliped C did slip

13 How much time ___ in Germany last month?

A did you spend B did you spent C did you spended

14 John was so thirsty that he ___ two glasses of water.

A drink B drank C drinked

15 It was hot, so I ___ the window.

A did open B open C opened

16 Sandra ___ her English exam successfully yesterday.

A passed B pased C did pass

17 When ___ your new garage?

A did you built B did you build C you built

18 The film was boring. I ___ it.

A enjoy B didn’t enjoyed C didn’t enjoy

19 Nobody ___ while we were having dinner.

A didn’t phone B phoned C did phone

20 We ___ a nice time at seaside last summer.

A had B did have C haved

21 My dad ___ when he was little.

A didn’t smoked B not smoked C didn’t smoke

22 ___ any museums when you were in England?

A Visited you B Did you visited C Did you visit

23 Rosa was sleeping when somebody ___ on the door.

A did knock B knocked C did knocked

24 My mother was very tired, so she ___ to bed early last night.

A went B go C did go

25 He never ___ long distances when he was a child.

A runned B ran C didn’t run

Take my hand and walk with me,

Be my friend and talk to me,
We can talk of many things.
How me feel when a songbird sings,
We`ll talk quietly not shout,
There is so much to talk about.
How we help our mummies too,
They have so much work to do.
Take my hand and walk with me,
Be my friend and talk to me.
переведите пожалуйста, чтоб складно было

1)The Sahara Desert is in the north of Africa between mountains, the sea and a very long river 1. the Nile 1.Что вставить? call



2)During the year lots of people 2. all over the world visit the Sahara Desert. They come in groups in big cars. They all have cameras and take lots of photos.

2.Что вставить?



3)Not (3) people live in the desert, because it is such a difficult environment. A few people move from one of the desert to another with (4) camels and goats 3.

Что вставить?




4.Что вставить?




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