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The young people are going to the ... concert beatles led zeppelin guns N Roses

10-11 класс

SunKissed 07 февр. 2015 г., 11:13:41 (9 лет назад)
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07 февр. 2015 г., 13:01:54 (9 лет назад)

по-моему правильный ответ Guns N` Roses


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Помогите перевести на английский пожалуйста!! В 1986 году братья Люмьер познакомили с кинематографом россиян, а в 1898 году появились на свет первые

российские фильмы. Первым российским фильмом считается картина «Понизовая вольница» . К 1910 году российский кинематограф обрел свое лицо. Появилось достаточно много фильмов в различных жанрах – детектив, мелодрама, историческая и военная тематика. В России появились первые кинозвезды - Вера Холодная, Иван Мозжухин, Владимир Максимов.

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The World Wide Fund for Nature protects hundreds of species around the world. These species need special measures and extra protection if they are to survive. The WWF is currently funding over 2,000 projects. It also employs almost 4,000 people across the planet, but it always needs more support from the public. Only the public can ensure a living planet for future generations.

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Dima: We are going to London soon. And there is one thing we have to think over.
What presents are we going to give to our English friends?
Katya: What about some Russian souvenirs: matreshkas, some Gzhel souvenirs,badges perhaps?
Jim: Yes, badges! I`m going to take my collection jf Russian badges to London.
Lena: Maybe some postcards and books about Russia? Any other ideas?
Dima: What about an album?
Jim: What kids of album?
Dima: A school album about our school, teachers and students.
Lena:What a wonderful idea! We can take photos, draw pictures of our classmates and the English classroom
Jim: Good idea, Lena
Dima: I`ll be responsible for photos then.
Katya: OK. And we can also write about our shool parties and our trips to some Russian towns, can`t we? Lena and i will be responsible for stories. Will you help us with pictures and photos, Jim?
Jim: Of course! Whit pleasure.

In Great Britain some categories of people are entitled to financial help. The benefit paid to retired people is the state pension or retirement

pension, to which women are entitled to at the age of 60 and men at 65. Anyone below the retirement age of 65 who has previously worked for a certain minimum period of time receive unemployment benefit. Women who leave work to have a baby receive maternity pay from their employer. Women who do not qualify for this, for example, the self- employed, receive a maternity allowance from the government. A women whose husband dies before retires, receives a widow's pension if she is aged 45 or over. If she has children, she receives a widowed mother's pension. Some people are entitled to neither pension nor unemployment benefit. These people can apply for income support. Child benefit is a small weekly payment for each child, usually paid directly to mothers. Family credit is for working families on modest incomes. Income support is for those without work and with low financial resources. There is also mobility allowance available to the disabled to pay for transport or to buy a special vehicle. Invalidity pension is paid to a person who is unable to work after a sickness period.ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ

Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо переведите текст At .... restaurant they are going to eat ... big cake and drink ... champagne.

They will be opening all... presents. Some people will be making ... speeches and both of... mothers will be crying, … guests will be dancing , telling jokes, singing songs and wishing ... bride and … groom ... happiness. They are going to spend their ... honeymoon on. .,. Hawaii. They are going to be happy for ever and have … lot of children.

32. ask three of your classmates what they are going to do in evening. compare their answer with your plans. Possible qustions:Are you going to play

chess?What are you going to do?Where are you going to play tennis?Possible answer:Yes, I am / No? I'm not.Roman and I are going to play computer games evening.We are going to play tennis in the gym.

A local newspaper has recently published a series of articles about young people. In most of the articles, young people are described as irresponsible,

rude and looking only for cheap entertainment. These opinions are mainly based on a few recent incidents in the local discotheque.
You're going to write a letter to the editor expressing your disapoproval not only with the editorial policy of treating the topic, but also with the perception of young people.

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