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вставить вместо пропусков ( a, an, the, - ) he is taking.....hliday next week before stating......work again.He is going to spend....few days

10-11 класс

in.....Alps with......friend and then go to......Lake Balaton.They meet in.....Lime street and take....... bus to.......Heathrow Airport. In ........half......hour theyll be there.

AnnaGraber02 19 июня 2013 г., 23:48:23 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 июня 2013 г., 0:59:23 (10 лет назад)

-, -, a, -, -, -, -, a, -, a, -.


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по образцу перефразируй эти предложения используя слова my, his,her, its, our,your,their. образец: i have a brown kangaroo. my kangaroo is brown. 1) harry

the troll has a good house in green hill . 2) the robin is a bird. it has two little wings . 3) the boys have funny teddy bears. 4) you have an old bike.5)emily the elf has a purple flower.6)my brother and i have a nice room.7)i have a green blouse.

All of… sudden; as … result; in… demand; to tell … truth; to be at … loss; once … week; from …head to … foot; as … matter of fact; in … loud voice; at …fir

st sight; …day before yesterday; after … lunch; two times … day; in…fact; to have … good time; to play… violin; in… conclusion; at…time; to be in…hurry; from …time to …time; by…mistake; …other day; at…sunset; to watch…TV; to listen to … radio; to be in…bed; for… example; to tell … time; by… bicycle; to take …seat

Translate the sentenses into English using the Subjunctive Mood.1. На вашем месте я бы не беспокоился; она знает что делать.2.мы зашли бы к вам, если бы не

спешили, но мы опаздывали на концерт.3. она чувствовала бы себя лучше, если бы она меньше принимала лекарства и больше была на воздухе.4.если бы он жил в Петербурге, он навещал бы нас каждую неделю.5.если бы я знала его лучше, я бы поговорила с ним об этом еще вчера.6. она сдала бы экзамены лучше, если бы больше работала в течении года.7.мне бы понравился фильм больше, ели бы он не был черно-белым.8.что бы вы делали, если бы сейчас были каникулы? .9.мы бы очень беспокоились,если бы он не пришел вчера.

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вставить вместо пропусков ( a, an, the, - ) вставить вместо пропусков ( a, an, the, - ) he is taking.....hliday next week before

stating......work again.He is going to spend....few days in.....Alps with......friend and then go to......Lake Balaton.They meet in.....Lime street and take....... bus to.......Heathrow Airport. In ........half......hour theyll be there.

I. Вставьте вместо пропусков глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложения.

1. Nick ... a nice man.
2. Ann and Mary ... university students.
3. We ... not journalists.
4. I ... ten years old. How old ... you?
5. ... you in the kitchen or in the living-room?
II. Вставьте вместо пропусков глагол to have в нужной форме.
1. My brother ... a new car.
2. She ... some friends.
3. They ... a two-room flat.
4. How many English books ... you?
5. ... you friend any English books?
III. Вставьте соответствующие личные местоимения в объектном падеже.
1. Close your books and put ... on my desk.
2. Is it your school? Show it to ....
3. He is coming. Open the door for ....
4. Give ... some flowers. She likes them.
5. My phone number is 5543. Say ... to Nick.
IV. Выразите принадлежность одного предмета/лица другому, употребив притяжательные местоимения my, her, his, our, your, their.
1. (You) house isn`t high and modern.
2. (He) coat is black.
3. (She) dog is small and funny.
4. (I) teacher of Maths is a very clever man.
5. (We) hometask is very difficult.
V. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.
1. This is a large room and that is a small room.
2. Her dress is beautiful.
3. The woman is young but the man is old.
4. She has a little child.
5. The text is English.
VI. Употребите притяжательный падеж вместо словосочетания с предлогом of.
1. The father of Jane.
2. The books of the school children.
3. The names of his cousins.
4. The brother of this boy.
5. The parents of John.

Task1. Choose the right variant 1) I (go) to bed every day. A)go; B)went; C)will go; d) goes 2) I (go) to bed yesterday. A)go; B)went;

C)will go; d) goes

3) I (go) to bed tomorrow. A)go; B)went; C)will go; d) goes

4) I (go) to bed now. A)go; B)went; C)will go; d) goes

5) She (go) to bed every day. A)go; B)went; C)will go; d) goes

6) He (come) a moment ago A) came B) has come C) had come D) is coming

7) He just (come). You can speak with him. a) came b)has come c) had come d) is coming

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Simpleили вFuture Simple. I.He (to go) to the theatre tomorrow. 2. We (to go) to s

chool in the morning. 3.Look! Kate (to go) to school. 4. You (to help) your mother tomorrow? 5.1 (not to play) the guitar now. 6. My brother (to play) the guitar every evening. 7. They (not to take) care of the garden next summer. 8. You (to like) apples? 9. You (to eat)apples tomorrow? 10. Nick (to read) many books. 11. Mother (to work) every day.12. He (not to sleep) now. 13. Your brother (to go) to the exhibition next Sunday?14. We (not to go) to the zoo tomorrow. 15. I (not to learn) the poem now. 16. She (to live) in San Francisco. 17. My father (to shoot) very well.18. He is very strong. Look! He (to carry) a very heavy box. 19. My sister (not to like) coffee. 20 When you (to go) to bed every day? 21. What he (to read) now? 22.What he (to read) every day? 23. What he (to read) tomorrow? 24. Where she (to go) tomorrow? 25. You (to give) me this book tomorrow?

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