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Complete the stories.Use the words in exercise 28:1)Last year I had a teasher I liked him/her because he/she...

1-4 класс

Mrlucker 24 апр. 2015 г., 0:51:36 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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24 апр. 2015 г., 1:52:42 (9 лет назад)

Last year I had a teasher I liked her because she intresting


Другие вопросы из категории

Откройте скобки, используя Present Perfect(3.Ex.8.)

1. They recently (manage) to settle a serious financial problem.
2. All right, we (agree) on the method of payment, but what about a small discount?
3. This week our R and D department (set up) a research team to test the new hand cream.
4. Bob (not study) the offer yet.
5. ...you (find out) any information about our target customer?
6. Since the day I joined this consulting firm 1 (gain ) a lot of useful experience.
7. They already (accept) our proposal but they (not send) us a draft contract yet.
8. ...James (complete) his mission in Russia yet?
9. This year our total sales (rise) by 10%.
10. You (waste) all your pocket money on fashion magazines again; you won't get any more next week!
11. It’s already 12 o'clock but we (not get dowm) to business yet.
12. Mr. Tanaki and Mr. Furt just (exchange) business cards, they are very pleased with the conference.

помогите ответить на вопросы.

When do you get up?
What do you eat for breakfast?
When do you go to school?
What do you do after school?
Where do you watch TV?

Прочитай выбери нужное слово.Обведи соответствующую букву.

1) my sister ...her homework in the afternoon.
a)makes b) has c) does
2) After breakfast Mag ... the washing up.
a) washes b) cleans c) does
3) Do you ... your bed in the morning?
a) clean b) do c) make
4) We,ll ... photos of our friends.
a) make b) take c) do
5) The boys usually... lunch at 2 pm,
a) have b) do c) go

помогите плиз!

вот в английском языке к примеру
THIS is a camera
"this" это типо "это" слова которое близко и в ед. ч.
а какое типо начало у мн. ч.,предмет который вдали и так далее

Читайте также

Complete the sentences with the phrases. Use get in the correct form. Get injured, get into

trouble, get a splinter in my toe, get run over, get sunburned, get angry, get a lift, get lost.

1. Don`t lie in the sun too long. You might...... .

2. If my dad`s going to the station, perhaps we can ...... with him.

3. Last Saturday we went camping. We forgot to take a map with us and we ..... .

4. I`ve ...... . Can you take it out?

5. Why do you ...... so easily? Try to be calm.

6. Pedestrians might ...... it they cross the street in the wrong place or walk on the road without reflectors.

7. We were in a car crash last year. Fortunately nobody...... .

8. If you don`t listen to me, you ...... .

1.write the correct personal pronoum- linda:..... i, you, he/she/it/,1.write the correct personal pronoum- linda:..... i, you, he/she/it/, и также

mark, tom & lyn, sue & i, ben & you, eraser.
2.complete the sentences.use 'm, 's, 're. susan .......... new to the school. i ....... 14 years old. they ...... in room E. he ............. my best friend. you ......... in grade 7.
3.complete the questions. them write answers. ............. they in grade 5. yes, ................. . ............. you 11 years old? no, ............ . ............. it a ruler? yes, ................ . ............ you and mary in the same class? no, .......... . .................... he mark? no, ............. .
4.write the questions. ..............? no, it isn,t an eraser. ............? yes, i'm twelve. ............? no, they aren't pencils. .........? yes, we're in year seven

Complete the questions

1. We didn't live in a small house last year, ...?
2. There is a kitchen and a bathroom in my house, ...?
3. Nick's house is rather comfortable, ...?
4. They have not got many flowers behind their house, ...?
5. You can't see a dog in front of the louse, ...?
6. There is no river behind ma house, ...? ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУСТА, БУДУ ОЧЕНЬ БЛАГОДАРНА!

Помогите решить . Пожалуйста . Заранее спасибо . :)))

COmplete the sentenses using words from each box.

Could , could not . Eat , read, go , lift , see, hear .

1. The bag was too heavy . I ........ it.
2. The boys were very noisy . We ......... them outside /
3. The pizza was enormous ! Harry ..... it.
4. Sally was tired. She .....,. to the mall.
5. My brother was hiding behind the curtain but I ....... his feet .
6. Lusy was only two. She ..... her book.

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