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сочинениенатему день благодорения в sha 6 класс 1 страница

5-9 класс

KrySkills 23 июля 2014 г., 8:55:20 (9 лет назад)
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23 июля 2014 г., 10:48:35 (9 лет назад)

The English had visited America at different times starting from the 15th century. Among them were John Cabot (1498), Sir Francis Drake (1577), Sir Humphrey Gilbert (1583) and Sir Walter Raleigh (1585).

The first successful English colony was founded in 1607 by a group of Englishmen who sailed to Virginia. They hoped to find riches. 105 men (there were no women or children at first) landed at a place they called Jamestown, after England’s King James I. They never found gold but the settlement survived partly with the help of Indians, partly because of their strong will and partly because they found tobacco which they sold to England at a very good price.

When King James I was rulling the country, many Englishmen did not like him. Many people also did not like the Church of England. That is why they wanted to leave the country. Puritans wanted to find religious freedom from the Church of England somewhere far away.

In 1620 some English families (about one hundred people) formed the group which they called the London Company. They left England from Plymouth on board the ship called Mayflower and sailed to America. Their harsh journey lasted for seven long weeks.

It was already winter when the ship reached the shores of America. The weather was terrible with rain and cold wind. First, 16 men landed and went ashore. They found some corn and brought it to the ship. The corn was left on that coast by the Indians.

Next day was Sunday. So, all the passengers of the ship had a rest. On Monday women went ashore to wash their clothes. Now in America Monday is "a wash-day".

Next five weeks men from the Mayflower left the ship and looked for a good place where they could live. The weather was getting colder and more and more people fell ill.

Finally, they found a place that seemed suitable. There was everything they needed — forests, fields, a small river and a harbour for ships. They started to build a village there which they later called New Plymouth.

King James I himself gave the Pilgrims the right to establish their own colony.


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Переведите плиз:Giant panda-one of the most known, but also the most rare animals.Now at liberty there were very few pandas,but in recent years are put a

lot of effort to provide their survival.
Pandas in the wild occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents or carrion. In captivity, they may get honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food.
"Black glasses"-special feature of the panda.It make them beautiful and lovely.Giant pandas are bears. They have fur. Their fur is black and white. The black fur is on their ears. They have black fur around their eyes. They have black fur on their legs. They also have black fur on their shoulders.
The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuan province, but also in the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. As a result of farming, deforestation and other development, the panda has been driven out of the lowland areas where it once lived.
Now the problem of disappearance of rare animals is actual. Giant panda also in this list.The giant panda is an endangered species. It may become extinct. In 2013, it was estimated that there were less than 2,500 mature giant pandas living in the wild. Illegal hunting is no longer a problem. It is a crime. The penalties are harsh.
The greatest threat to survival is the loss of living areas. People are ruining the areas where pandas live. They are cutting down trees. They are building farms. Groups of pandas are forced to live in small areas. They are isolated. They cannot mix other panda groups.Giant pandas eat bamboo. Sometimes the bamboo dies off. At one time, pandas could move to an area where bamboo was still growing. Moving has become more and more difficult. People are living and working in panda areas. Pandas cannot move about as freely as they once did.
I consider that we will protect these lovely animals. We will not allow them to die. Who else will protect them, if not we.

напиши и раскажи о расписаний уроков марка по по схеме.

1) on monday they have seven lessons.they have three lessons of Maths,two lessons of Arts,english and geography.they have lunch at 12 o clock.

2)on Tuesday.....................................чё дальше ребят

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Поожалуйста!! Переведите мне)))) на английский буду очень благодарна!!!Самый памятный день в школе оказался день когда идешь в 1 класс.

1 сентября идешь первый раз в первый класс, с букетом, с ранцем на плечах, в глазах волнение.

и тут ты видишь свою первую учительницу добрую, но в меру строгую. Эти 4 года начальных она как мама нам. 1 сентября это праздник который нельзя забыть он остается в памяти. Вспоминая самое первый свой шаг в школьную жизнь, вспоминаешь то первое волнение и радость в глазах родителей!

Заранее спасибо!

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