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Differences between the two religions Christianity in Russia and Islam

10-11 класс

Lobina66 07 апр. 2014 г., 20:33:10 (10 лет назад)
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07 апр. 2014 г., 21:21:20 (10 лет назад)

Відмінності між цими двома релігіями християнство в Росії та іслам


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The appeal to common sense.

“To site an example used by Mill....”

It is beyond my apprehension.

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пожалуйста помогите написать письмо! Write a letter to your friend describing the most popular pastimes in Russia. Follow the plan

Paragraph 1

1 Open your letter

2 Thank your friend for the letter

3 Express your readiness to help

Paragraph 2

1 Describe common pastimes in your country

2 Mention some pastimes which are not popular in Russia

3 Write about your favourite pastimes

Paragraph 3

1 Express hope that your letter will help (in his project on the most popular pastimes in other countries)

2 Offer more help if needed

3 Close your letter

Read these sentenses. State the difference between the two passive constructions. Translate them into Russian. 1.They have

read her an interesting story.

a) An interesting story has been read to her.

b) She has been read an interesting story.

2.The teacher gave each pupil a small map of England.

a)A small map of England was given to each pupil.

b)Each pupil was given a small map of England.

3.I have written a letter to my pen-friend.

a)A letter has been written to my pen-friend.

b)My pen-friend has been written a letter.

4.The hostes has made us some coffee.

a) Some coffee has been made to us.

b)We have been made some coffee.

5)The chief offered him a new job.

a)A new job was offered to him.

b)He was offered a new job.

6)I shall send her some beautiful flowers.

a)Some flowers will be sent to her.

b)She will be sent some beautiful flowers

7)The guide is showing a new exposition to the tourists.

a)A new exposition is being shown to the tourists.

b)The tourists are being shown a new exposition.

Помогите пожалуйста!!!

Задание 1. переведите текст.
Ivan Polzunov
Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov was a Russian inventor. He created the first steam engine in Russia and the first two- cylinder engine in the world.
Ivan Polzunjv was born in the family of a soldier in the town Turinsk. After graduating in 1742 from Mining School (Горнозаводская школа) in Ekaterinburg he worked as a mechanic’s apprentice and in 1748 he began to work in Barnaul.
In the library of Barnaul he found works of Mikhail Lomonosov, that he studied by himself as well as the descriptions of contemporary steam machines by I.Shlatter. In 1763 he proposed an original 1.8 h.p. steam engine. The design used two cylinders on the same shaft that allowed its operations completely independantle from water power even on dry places or in mountains. The design was a great step forward from contemporary steam machine that used hydropower to return the piston and so could not be used if the hydropower was not available. The project was sent to Empress Catherine II. She awarded him 400 rubles but did not seem to appreciate the new technology.
In 1765 Polsunov designed a large 32 h.p. steam machine for air pumps. The director of Barnaul Plants general Porshin agreed to use Polzunov’s two-cylinder design as Barnaul steel mills were in a very dry area and in summer they often did not have any hydropower at all.
The machine was assembled in the winter and spring of 1766. But Ivan Polzunov’s tuberculosis became much worse and he died on May, 1766, at the age of 37, three days before the machine was finished. The machine worked three months, and then was disassembled despite paying off its costs in those three months. A working model of the steam machine made by Ivan Polzunov is in the museum of Barnaul and it still works.
A minor planet, 1978SP7 is named in his honor, as well as the crater on the Moon.

Задание 2 Укажите, какие из следующих утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста. Используйте фразы: It is right. It is wrong. Исправьте неверные утверждения.
1.1.I.Polzunov was an English inventor.
6. In 1748 he began to work in Barnaul.
7. In the library of Barnaul I.I.Polzunov found works of M.Lomonosov that he studied by himself.
8. In 1865 Polzunov designed a large electric machine for air pumps.

The main attention of health service in Russia is paid to prophylaxis. One of the most important tasks in the fight against different diseases is the

early detection of the first signs of the disease. We pay much attention to the popularization of medical science among the population. We believe that one the main available methods of preventing the spread of diseases is health education. The press, cinema, radio and television are very helpful for this purpose.
The basic medical unit in our country is the polyclinic. We have policlinics for the adult population and for children. Ambulant patients are seen at the policlinic by the district doctors. A patient who is ill at home is visited by his district doctor. The doctor works 6 hours a day. For the district doctor this is made up of 3 hours in consultation at the policlinic and 3 hours in visiting patients in their homes.
The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and is free of charge. The ambulances are equipped by diagnostic, respiratory, anesthetic and electro-therapeutic apparatus, blood-transfusion and other equipment.
There are several specialized hospitals in Russia for the treatment of particular diseases – infections, psychiatric diseases, cancer, ophthalmological diseases and others.
Some words must be said about the Mother-and-Child Health Care Centre in Moscow. This centre concentrates effort not only on traditional problems of obstetrics and gynecology but also on research in normal physiology of the female organism. The main task of this centre is to ensure the birth of a healthy child. The centre developed new methods of disease prevention, diagnostics and treatment. Much attention in our country is paid to the scientific problems, concerning the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular, viral and oncological diseases, the problems of gerontology, medical genetics, immunology and the creation of artifical organs.

There are two stages of school education in Russia: primary education and secondary education.

At the age of 6 or 7 Russian children go to school.
During the first three or four years they get a primary education: they learn to read, write, count, and draw. They also have lessons of music, physical training and handicrafts.
Unlike England or the U. S. A., in Russia primary schools are not, as a rule, separated from secondary schools: we have large schools which combine a primary education department and a secondary education department under one roof. In fact, a typical Russian school is actually a secondary school with a primary education department. Only in small country places there may be separate primary schools, on finishing which, the pupils pass on to the nearest larger secondary school.
The course of secondary education is, in its turn, subdivided into two stages: the first stage, which might be called intermediate, and the second one.
The intermediate stage is compulsory and embraces forms from the 5th up to the 9th. During the intermediate stage the pupils get a basic knowledge in the Russian language and literature, a foreign language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, geography, biology. They also have lessons of music, art and handicrafts. A computer course is also included in the curriculum.
On completing the intermediate course of studies, at the age of 14, the pupils may either go to vocational or technical schools, which give a professional training, or stay on at the secondary school for another two years. The curriculum of the last two years offers a wide range of subjects, so that teenagers can choose a course of studies, according to their individual inclinations and abilities.
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