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Choose the words which can be matched with "rein, snow, stock" to form the new ones: A) Deer; B) King; C) Flake

5-9 класс

кsuha103 29 янв. 2014 г., 14:37:10 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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29 янв. 2014 г., 17:23:20 (10 лет назад)

a) reindeer - северный олень

b) stocking - чулок

c) snowflake - снежинка


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Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение на английском про школу моей мечты)

Не очень сложное
Там про уроки, про школьный автобус, про предметы и т.д
Не больше 10 предложений ;)

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Я понимаю, что "ин" - в, а "он" - на.
В другом смысле

составьте предложения из данных слов be watch enjoy leave decide fall to look for terrible







to knock

some thing

some one

to water

только плиз нормальные не из двух слов

Charli Chaplin is Famous for his films.(What)

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The pupils were in the Museum yesterday.(Whare)
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Напишите вопросы ,начиная их словами данными в скобках

Читайте также

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning. Example: research – c) a) an experiment b)

an achievement c) an exploration

1) cold

a) misty b) windy c) cool

2) miserable

a) hard b) terrible c) nasty

3) astronaut

a) spaceman b) space travel c) spaceship

4) to break

a) to damage b) to destroy c) to hurt

5) a problem

a) research b) information c) trouble

II. Choose the word which best completes the sentence.

Example: I'm sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems.

a) take b) solve c) explore

I'm sure that one day the scientists will solve most of medical problems.

1. Every year different natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions happen on our … .

a) star b) satellite c) planet

2. Jules Verne throws his heroes into … by means of a huge gun.

a) distance b) space c) the Moon

3. The terrible hurricane had … all the houses by that time.

a) destroyed b) damaged c) broken

4. We have been doing … into space for many years already.

a) damage b) research c) disasters

5. … is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.

a) flood b) earthquake c) drought

6. He climbed into his … and in a few minutes he was out in space.

a) spacesuit b) spaceship c) satellite

7. InBritainpeople often start conversations by talking about the … .

a) seasons b) weather c) disasters

8. The satellite was launched … space three days ago.

a) in b) into c) to

9. I shake … a leaf before every exam.

a) like b) with c) from

10. I haven't been to any parties … a long time.

a) since b) for

III. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.


More than 200 people were killed during the disastrous hurricane in 1992.


When I arrived, the sun began to shine … .


It was lovely to ski down the hills inSwitzerlandand the weather was … and snowy.


Sergei Korolev was the … of the first spaceship.


The last earthquake in theUSAwas very … .


What kind of weather is … of the northern part ofRussia?

IV. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. He … the house before I had time to ask him anything.

a) left b) was leaving c) had left

2. When I rang up Mike, he … still … the poem.

a) did … learnt b) was … learning c) had learnt

3. I … to the hotel after I had sent the telegram to my relatives.

a) returned b) was returning c) had returned

4. While Kate … inAmerica, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

a) travelled b) was travelling c) had traveled

5. When … you … receive a letter from your friend?

a) did … receive b) were … receiving c) had … received

Помогите решить задание: Choose the words which correspond to the following definitions or pictures

1.a british word `pavement` in American English
a)sidewalk b)side line c)side street
2.a word or phrase that is difficult to say guicly and correctly
a)mouth twister b)language twister c)tongue twister
3.a daily record of events
a)diary b)dairy c)daisy
4.movement of people or cars along the street
a)traffic b)vehicle c)transport
5.not able to walk normally because of injury or defect
a)dumb b)humpy c)lame
6. to give somebody hope and confidence
a)to encourage b)to encroach c)to enclose
7. the flowers in picture are ... .
a)daffodils b)cornflowers c)dandelions (на картинке изображен одуванчик)
8. to be in a difficult or dangerous situation
a)to get into trouble b)to give up c)to interfere
9.(на картинке изображен осьминог) this sea creature is an...
a)oyster b)octopus c)otter
10. to stop attempting do something
a)to give away b) to give up c) to give off

1) choose the words that have no mistikes in spelling

a)actreses b)housewifes c)secretaries d)swimers e)runners
2) tom sawyer and ..... .
a)eve b)gerda c)becky thatcher d)juliet e)christina ray
3) choose the words that have no mistikes in spelling
a)tuesday b)januery c)officce d)grandaughter e)tommorrow
4) choose the odd word out
a)hospital b)airport c)computer d)farm e)factory

Circle the words which can be a verb and a noun. Give their meaning.

Пример: hope- надеяться (гл), надежда(сущ)
agent, dance, change, bridge, artist, help, circle, travel, wish, show, dry, finish, club, stay, visit, walk, play.

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