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Обведите лишнее слово

1-4 класс

Elephant - fur - trunk - tail
Feathers - beak - insect - wings
Lion - paw - tail - feather
Giraffe - tail - neck - wings
Tiger - bear - zoo - penguin

Zympling 15 апр. 2013 г., 2:25:26 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 апр. 2013 г., 3:26:14 (11 лет назад)

1) fur
2) insect
3) feather
4) wings
5) zoo


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Перевести текст на русский

The Best Time for Apples
The children were at a lesson at a country school.The lesson was about the seasons of the year.
"There are four seasons in a year," said the teacher.''They are; spring,sum, autumn and winter. in spring it's warm and the trees are green.
In summer it's hot, and there are a lot of flowers in the fields, in the parks and in the gardens.
In autumn there are a lot of apples. They are red and sweet and good to eat.
In winter it's cold and it snows...''
Suddenly the teacher stopped and looked at John.
'' John, stop talking! Now , answer mu question! When is the best time for apples?''
''It's when the farmer isn't at home and there is no dog in the garden,'' said John.

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Помогите!!! Зачеркни лишнее слово в каждой строке.

1) a hen, a fox, a sheep, a cow, a horse.
2) a cockerel, a hen, a cow, a dusk
3) a camel, an elephant, an eagle, a monkey
4) a whale, a fish, a crocodile, a dolphin
объясни почему это слово лишние

Нужно лишнее слово зачеркнуть :

racket, game, create, map, site, forum
Напишите просто лишнее)

надо перевести предложение переведешь точно то это предложения нужно зачеркнуть неправильное слово написать нужное слово. предложение(Varvarka Street is

near Mohovaya Street) помогите найти лишнее слово и зачеркнуть его написать нужное слово!!!???!?!??!?

найди лишнее слово

первый пример образец выделеное слово лишнее
1. name,many,space,radio

1.Вычеркни лишнее слово.

Theatre, hospital, tree, garage.
Baker's, mechanic, artist, doctor.
Hockey, violin, volleyball, badminton.
Bird, burger, park, serve.
2. Напиши об увлечениях этих людей,как показано в образце. Образец:watch films/go to the cinema/twice a week - Daniel and George like watching films.They
go to the cinema twice a week. Задания: play tennis/have tennis lessons/on Welnesdays and Fridays Harry. play the guitar/have guitar lessons/there times a week Leo. paint/paint pictures/always/Clara. play baseball/have baseball games/at the weekend Paul. and his friends sail/go sailing/every summer Our family .
3.Поставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения.
Помогите сделать хоть какой заранее спасибо!

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