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Present Perfect or past perfect?

5-9 класс

1. a) I phoned Mr Williams to find out if Pat (go) away. He was not sure. b) Wait, I'll go and see if she (go) out. 2. a) Look at this house. I (live) here for 12 years and I am moving to another one next week. b) I (live) in a small cottage for 12 years before my family moved to town. 3. a) Jack (play) tennis three times this week. He said he (not, play) tennis a week before. 4. Alan (see) a lot of Alexandra recently.

Supernik152 28 мая 2014 г., 7:02:48 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 мая 2014 г., 8:23:27 (10 лет назад)

1. a) I phoned Mr Williams to find out if Pat had gone away. He was not sure. b) Wait, I'll go and see if she has gone out. 2. a) Look at this house. I have lived here for 12 years and I am moving to another one next week. b) I had lived in a small cottage for 12 years before my family moved to town. 3. a) Jack has played tennis three times this week. He said he had not played tennis a week before. 4. Alan has seen a lot of Alexandra recently


Другие вопросы из категории

1. The cat was …. with the sausage but it didn’t like it.

A) feed
B) fed
C) feeds
D) feeding

2. Children are …. everything best their parents can do for them.
A) given
B) gave
C) giving
D) to give

3. The students were made … their papers to the teacher in 20 min.
A) to hand in
B) handed in
C) hand in
D) handing in

4. Ann is let … after her disease.
A) to get up
B) get up
C) got up
D) getting up

5. Robin was allowed … this book from the book case.
A) take
B) to take
C) took
D) taking

6. A teacher made her pupils … wash their hands before going to the canteen.
A) to wash
B) washing
C) washed
D) wash

7. A girl caught a butterfly but let it … away.
A) to fly
B) flew
C) fly `
D) flew

8. The road was very bad and a horse was … by the coach from time to time.
A) stop
B) to stop
C) stopped
D) stopping

9. Before the new school year the classroom was thoroughly … up.
A) cleaning
B) clean
C) to clean
D) cleaned

10. The game … yesterday was very exciting!
A) play
B) to play
C) played
D) playing

11. Did you read the article … in our school newspaper yesterday?
A) published
B) publishing
C) publish
D) to publish

12. Two new houses … for workers of this plant in our town.
A) are build
B) built
C) build
D) will be built

13. The town … badly by the earthquake.
A) destroyed .
B) was destroyed
C) to destroy
D) was destroying

14. Have you heard the news … in the internet?
A) posting
B) post
C) posted
D) had posted

15. Who will be in charge of the window … in the corridor?
A) breaking
B) broken
C) broke
D) has broken

Читайте также

Present Perfect or Past Simple.60. All the shirts you (send) your father (fit) him perfectly so far.61 Although I (study) French for years I have

difficulties inPresent Perfect or Past Simple.
60. All the shirts you (send) your father (fit) him perfectly so far.61 Although I (study) French for years I have difficulties in speaking the language.62. John whose grades are the highest in the school (receive) a scholarship.63. Yesterday we (have) supper with the neighbours of ours.64. Some years ago I (come) across this photo in an old magazine.65. We (not/give) him a thing to eat since he (arrive).66. Jerry (fail) his exams. He'll have to take them again.67. It's ages since I last (see) a decent comedy film on television.68. We understood that it (be) just a slip of the tongue.69. The police (find) the bomb yet?70. When I (go) to book a ticket to Athens, I (find) that the flight (be) full.71. I'm not disappointed with today's result. After all we (win) ten matches already this season.72. I never (do) anything like it before. We'll have to start from scratch.73. My computer (break down) again. It's time for me to buy a new word processor.74. I can't afford a holiday abroad until I (pay back) all my debts.75. They always (bring) flowers when they came to visit me.76. The butcher (cut) some steak, (wrap) it up and (hand) it to me.77. Since the baby (be) born, they (have) a lot of sleepless nights.78. I'm sorry for her. She (has) bad luck all her life.79. Jack (climb) quite a number of mountains but he never (be) to Everest.80. You (see) my gloves, by any chance?81. He (give up) smoking yet? When he (do) it?82. What's up? You (hurt) your ankle? How you (do) it?

НУЖНО СРОЧНО!Переделайте предложения в Present Perfect.

Ex.1.Rewrite the sentences using the Present Perfect or Past Indefinite.
Examples:I am writing a letter to my cousin.(already;yesterday)
I have already written a letter to my cousin.
I wrote a letter to my cousin yesterday.
1)the waitress is bringing our tea(a few minutes ago;not yet)
2)the bell is ringing (just;some minutes ago)
3)He is going to London in a few days(already;last week)
4)The boys are playing football in the yard now(yesterday;many times)
5)Mother is reading a new novel by Aitmatov(this month;last year)
6)Students are cleaning their classrooms(already;last Saturday)
7)The teacher is explaining a new rule(just;at the pervious lesson)
8)Ann is doing her home work(just;on Friday)
9)They are discussing this problem again(many times; a few days ago)
10)Granny is making a birthday cake(just;yesterday)
11)The birds are flying to the South.(already;at the end of August)
12)the train is coming(just;an hour ago)
13)Who is your friend speaking to?(yesterday;just)
14)We are writing the words of Lesson 7(already;at the last lesson)

Ребят помогите пожалуйста..это моя переводная.. 1. Write in Engish in Present Perfect. Я уже сделал домашнее


Девочка только что вымыла класс (комнату)

2.Write in Engish in Past Simple and in Present Perfect.

Он уже написал картину

Он написал эту картину много лет тому назад

3.Write in Engish in Present Perfect Progressive.

Анна пишет письмо с утра

Как давно ты читаешь эту книгу?

4.Write in Engish in Present Perfect or in Present Perfect Proggresive.

Hi, Tom, I (see, not) you for weeks

What (you, do) all this time?

5.Write in Engish in Past Perfect.

После того как он вернулся из школы, он читал книгу

6.Report what Nick said

Nick said: "I usually spend my holidays in the south"

Nick said to John: "Where are you going?"

Nick said to Mike: "Have you packed your suitcase?"

7.Write in the passive voice.

Bread (to eat) every day

The letter (to receive) yesterday

Nick (to bend) to Moscow next week.

Cmplete the sentencens using one of these verbs in the correct form, present or past:

cause, damage, hold, invite, make, overtake, sho, surroind, translate, write
1. Cheese _________________from milkk.
2. The roof of the building_________________in a storm a few days ago.
3. You_________________to the wedding. Why didnt you go?
4. A cinema is a place where films _________________.
6. In the United States, elections for president __________________every four years.
7. Originally the book _________________________in Spanish, and a few years ago it ____________________into English.
8. Although we were driving quite fast, we _________________________by a lot of other cars.
9. You cant see the house from the road. It _____________________by trees.

Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive.
1. Water _________________(cover) most of the earth's surface.
2. How much of the earth's surface _________________________(cover) by water?
3. The park gates _____________________(lock) at 6.30 p.m every evening.
4. The letter _________________(post) a week ago and it _____________(arrive) yesterday.
5. The boat hit a rock and _________________(sink) quickly. Fortunately evetybody ________________(rescue).

Помогите, буду благодарна. хоть чем то) Внутренний мониторинг по английскому языку (8 класс) 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the

Present Continuous. Interviewer: Today, I'm in London and I'm interviewing (interview) Josh Ellis. Josh 1 ….. (come) from Wales. What2 ….. (you do), Josh? Josh: Well, I'm a student. This term we 3 ….. (study) modern music. I 4 ..… (play) the guitar and saxophone quite well and I 5 ….. (learn) to play the trumpet. Interviewer: 6 ..… (you belong) to a band? Josh: Yes. There are five of us. We usually 7 ..… (practise) at the weekend. At the moment we 8 ..… (make) a recording of our own songs and we 9 ….. (organise) a tour to Germany and France. Interviewer: So life is busy for you? Josh: Well, yes. In fact, life 10 ….. (get) quite stressful right now because of college exams next week! 2 Write sentences. (he/like/play tennis?) Does he like playing tennis? 1 (he/prefer/swim) ….. 2 (I/not Like/eat/meat) ….. 3 (Matt/enjoy/dance?) ….. 4 (I/can't stand/be/indoors all day) ….. 5 (They/quite like/live/abroad) ..… 3 Complete the sentences with these words. after, back, on with, up, up to 1. I'm not sure when they'll get back home. 2. The boys are very quiet. I wonder what they're getting ….. . 3. He never gets ..… early in the morning. 4. She doesn't get ….. her brothers very well. 5. She always takes the dog for a walk when she gets ….. from school. 6. I like looking ….. my young nephew. 4 Complete the sentences with these verbs. do, have, go, make My grandfather lives in a cottage in the country. Every morning he has breakfast at eight o'clock, 1 ..… his bed and then 2 ..… the housework. He always 3 ….. his main meal at one o'clock. In the afternoon, he 4 ..… his shopping in the village. He 5 ….. swimming once a week. 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. We had (have) our end-of-year party Last Saturday in the big hall at college. In the afternoon, Pete and I 1 ..… (get) the hall ready. But while we 2 ..… (put) up the decorations, Pete 3…... (fall off) the ladder. Fortunately, he 4 ….. (not be) hurt. That evening, when I 5 ….. (arrive) at the party, the band 6 ..… (play) and some of the students 7 ..… (dance). We 8 ..… (want) to have a barbecue outside, but it … (rain) so we 10 ….. (eat) inside. 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. Anna: I got (get) an email from my English penfriend, Julie, yesterday. Maria: That's nice. 1 ….. (you ever meet) her? Anna: No, but we 2 ….. (speak) on the phone. She 3 ..… (never visit) our country and I 4 ..… (never go) to England. Maria: My French penfriend 5 ..… (came) here last year and he 6 ….. (stay) with us for a month. I 7 ..… (not visit) him yet. His parents ….. (invite) me to stay with them next summer. Anna: That's great. 19 ….. (go) to France two years ago with my family and we 10 ….. (like) it very much. 7 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or no article. What time do you get up in the morning? 1. She can speak ….. Japanese. 2. I've forgotten my pen. Have you got ….. pen I can borrow, please? 3. I want to go to ..… new Leisure Centre next week. It's just opened. 4. We're not really interested in ….. sport. 5. He wants to be ..… film director. 6. Excuse me, waiter, can we have ….. bill, please? 7. Does he know a lot about ….. computers? 8. A: What are you doing at ..… weekend? В: I don't know. 9. A: Here's ..… phone number of his college. B: Thanks. I'll ring them now. 10. My niece wants ….. book about dogs for her birthday but I don't know which one to get her. 8 Complete the sentences with the correct words. There is one extra word. angry, energetic, excited, happy, sad, tired, worried She's worried, about her exams because she hasn't worked very hard this year. 1. Their parents get ….. when they come home late. 2. He's been jogging in the park and now he's really ….. . 3. She's ….. because her boyfriend hasn't phoned her. 4. I'm ..… because I've passed my driving test. 5. The children are going on holiday to America. They're very ….. because they've never been abroad.

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