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What I do for charity

5-9 класс

l think that supporting sharities..............
That's why I am involed..........................
l donate.......................
l volunteer

Dfjcfhb45 05 июля 2013 г., 23:44:21 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 июля 2013 г., 1:48:08 (10 лет назад)

are very important
in it
my old toys for children's community
take part in different charities/ take part in cleanup (Субботник) 


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We want to make our hometown better organising different charity projects. We are always looking forward doing different charity projects. My friends

contribute donating money to different charities. We have many ideas raising money for charity. We help supporting the needy people. We spend the raising money cleaning the school playground . I help the local charity club planting trees and flowers. I cant do picking up litter. I am never bored doing different charity projects. I like to be involved getting money for the work. I want to invite all children to take part

Нужно где с большой буквы начинается сопоставить со второй частью которая подходит к первой и между тем что получится вставить предлоги если надо вот такие можно:by,in,for,on,to with,without.срочно надо

1. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets

1. This man (know) from his experience what it (mean). 2. Nothing (happen) by accident. 3. As man (grow) older, he (tend) to be more skeptical. 4. My mother often (tell) me that you not (leave) your problems behind you when you (go) to another place. Pain and heartache (travel) well. And indeed they (do). 5. Mrs. Osborne (own) this business and she (run) it herself. 6. He (be) a complete mystery to me. 7. What he (do) for a living? 8. In Rome every building (tell) its own story. 9. When the weather (heat) up and you (need) to cool down, a lake, a river, a pool − is what your body and soul (need). 10. My great-grandmother is very old, but she (hear, see and understand) everything quite well. 11. I (remember) that Margaret (own) a villa on the Adriatic. 12. "The Bible (say) that the heart of man is exceedingly wicked," the Pastor replied.

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