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Rewrite the newspaper headlines as complete sentences.

5-9 класс

1. Queen Welcomed to Australia yesterday.
2. New Jersey to be hit by bad weather tomorrow.
3. Five people injured in car accident.
4. Experiments being carried out on moon rocks.
5. Pop concert called off yesterday because of rain.

Xxx98 19 июня 2013 г., 0:21:18 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 июня 2013 г., 1:37:43 (10 лет назад)

1. The Queen was welcomed to Australia yesterday.
2. The State of New Jersey is to be hit by bad weather tomorrow.
3. Five people have been injured in car accident.
4. Experiments are being carried out on moon rocks.
5. A pop concert was called off yesterday because of rain.


Другие вопросы из категории

A new pupil has come to your class. Ask him/her questions about his/her former school using the prompts.

1) When/the lessons/begin?
2) How/you/get to school?
3) You/often/come late&
4) What/be/your favourite subjects?
5) How many times a week/you/have English?
6) How/you/spend/your free time?
7) You/be/sorry to change school?

Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets/

1)we (become)........friends
2)he (not buy)..........a computerast
3)(learn).....she......French at school?
4)i(want).....to have a holiday last June
5)Where (go).......he last night?
6)she (leave)....tne baby in the shop
7)he (not marry)...her
8)when (do)....you....your homework
9)i (study)....Italian in Rome
10)the train (not move).....until 11.30

Читайте также

Rewrite the newspaper headlines as complete sentences.

1 Footballer offered million for transfer
2.No children admitted into bars
3.Children being brainwashed in TV
4.Planet being destroyed by pollution
5.Bomb discovered in old lady's garden
6.No cameras allowed in museum
7.Animals being used to test beauty products
8.Picasso paintings exhibited national gallery
9.Michael Jackson asked to sponsor charity event yesterday

20 за правильные все ответы) прошу помочь) Ex-1 1)Use the words below to complete the

sentences. There are three words you do not need to use.

-connect - link - frozen - transfer - join - memory - domload - deleted - connection - virus -split

Вставить слова в предложения:

1)Oh,no ! I've accidentally ..... all the photographs on my hard disk! 2)Let me make a copy of these files before you .... them to your computer.3) The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more.... 4)Is there a problem with the network? I can't ..... to the Internet. 5)I need to buy a new mobile phone. I've water on my old one, and it's stopped working. 6)Click on this ..... to go tothe international site of the online store. 7) I think your computer has a... You'd better run a full scan . 8) What's wrong with the screen? It's been .... for the last ten minutes.

Ex 2-Form nouns from verbs and translate.






Ex 3- Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions and then use them in their correct form to complete the sentences.

1)break down =2)break into =3)break up =4) break out= 5) break out of

A go into a building by force to steal sth B escape from a place C stop having a relationship with sb D start happening E stop working

1)The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had ..... the local prison. 2)Fighting .... between opposing football fans after last night's game. 3) The couple .... but got back together a month lated . 4)When her car .... she called a local garage to ask for help. 5) The poloce are looking for two men who were filmed as they were ...... an electrical shop lats night.


1)Don't call Jessica tomirriw morning ; she..... a tennis lesson. a) will be having b) is having c) will have

2)Send me a copy of the photographs.... I can show them to my friends. 1)in order b)so that C) in case

3)James stopped playing his video game... he heard his mum at the door. a) while b) by the time c) as soon as

4)I don't like my next-door neighbor; she's ... nosy woman! a)such a b)such c)a so

5)Can we watch the parade when we... to the Carnival? a) are going b)go c)Will go

6)It's not worth going to the footbal pitch now; the game.... by the time we get there. a)wil have started

b)Will start c)Wil be starting

rewrite the sentences with have to,don't have to and mustn't / 1)Taking photos is prohoboted in here.


2)We must wear uniform at uor school.


Put the words in the correct order and write sentences/

1)school wear She not those should at trainers

Write sentences in the sausative form as in the example she will ask a decorator to decorate the lounge12 you should ask someone to fix your ear brakes 13

when will your new shower be installed?14 bruce my ask a builder to repair his roof. 15 are you going to ask someone to service your motorbike?16 i've asked the secretary to rewrite the whole report 17 her children are being taught computer science.18 james asked the messenger to send the flowers round to his girlfriend's house 19 can't you ask someone to repair the washing machine?20 you should ask them to install a telephone

GRAMMAR Open the brackets to make the sentences complete. Present Perfect, Past Perfect or Future Perfect? My brother writes that he … just … back from Lon

don. a) has … came; b) has … come; c) had … come When Charlie … painting he decided to show his pictures to the father. a) Will finish; b) had finished; c) has finished 3. By half past seven they … supper yet. a) hasn’t have; b) will not had; c) will not have had 4. I promise that by the end of the day I … my homework. a) will have done; b) had done; c) has do 5. wait, I’ll go and see if she … out. a) will have gone; b) has gone; c) has go 6. … you ever … any tropical fruit? a) Have … taste; b) Will have … tasted; c) Have … tasted B. Put in articles where necessary. 1. They have built … new house at … end of our road. 2. … England lies to … north of France. 3. I’d like to become … engineer. 4. English is … global language nowadays. 5. … sun is shining so brightly but there are … clouds in … sky. 6. Would you like to go to … university with me? VOCABULARY Complete these sentences using “ around, out, over, inside out” I turned … and saw my sister near the shop. He turned … his pockets but didn’t find any money. Sam turned … to be a very good friend. Bill was turning … the pages of his magazine without reading. In few seconds the monster turned … the mouse and the cat ate him. Choose the right word to complete the sentences. Jane left (home/house) at. What a beautiful ( home/ house) stands on the hill over there! Andrew said that he would come back (home/ house) at the end of July. Aren’t your parents in Germany? – No, they are (at home/ in the house). (Home/ House) becomes (home/ house) when you speak of it as the place you live in. CULTURE Choose the right information: Swan Upping and Highland Games are … holidays. winter; b) autumn; c) summer; d) spring … has two birthdays in Britain. Prime Minister; b) Gay Fawkes; c) the Queen The Vikings came to Britain in ships and took away … . Gold, animals and sometimes people; b) gold and people; c) only people Carols have been written as hymns celebrating the birth of … . The Queen; b) Jesus Christ; c) new Church Christ The Queen Elizabeth II has … . Three sons and one daughter; b) four sons; c) two sons and one daughter

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