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How many chairs are there? a It is one b There's only one

10-11 класс

Tataa 29 апр. 2014 г., 0:59:13 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 апр. 2014 г., 2:59:55 (10 лет назад)

 ответ b


Раз в вопросе говорится are there?

То и ответ должен начинаться либо на there are (мн.ч) или there is ( ед.ч.)





+ 0 -
29 апр. 2014 г., 5:47:30 (10 лет назад)

How many chairs are there?

 a It is one

b There's only one


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Переделайте предложения по образцу. Образец: There are three rooms in his flat.-How many rooms are there in his flat? 1) There are five fl

owers on the table.-

How many .........

2) There are a lot of postcards in his hands.-

Why ..............

3) There is a new computer in our room.-

What ...........

4) There are ten cartridges on the shelf.-

How many ........

5) There are a lot of men in the room.-

Where ......

Insert the appropriate articles where necessary. 1. ...door is locked. 2. Have you ... telephone? 3. ... telephone is out of order. 4. It is

dark on... landing. 5. Do you like ... dogs? 6. Don't tease... dog. 7. Never try to stroke ( гладить ) ...dog if you don't know it. 8. ...fountain-pen won't write. 9. Have you got... fountain-pens on sale. 10. Where can I have... coat made to order ( назаказ ). 11. In this store they always have a wide choice in ... coats and... suits. 13. ... suits are ready-made. 14. Where is... key? 15. How many flats are there in... house? 16. How much are... dinner-sets ( сервиз )? How many articles ( приборов ) are there in... set? 17. How much are... dinner-sets today?

1. Mathematics is very difficult.2. Our football team is the winner.3. There are many monkeys on the tree.4. The dishes are on the table.5. My teeth are

yellow.6. How many women are there in your company?7. Not many cities are clean and safe.8. There are many problems in these exercises.10. There are six libraries in our school. Переведите пожалуйста качественно))))))

ПОМОГИТЕ пожалуйста! надо написать ответы на английском на вопросы из текста 1. Is the skeleton is composed of b


2 How many bones are there in the skeleton of an adult person?

3 what parts does the skull consist of?

4 what parts does spine consist of?

5 what parts does the chest consist of?

6 what bones do uppex and low extremities consist of ?

7 Do all bones consist of organic and inorganic substances?


The skeleton is composed of bones. In the adult the skeleton has over 200 bones.

The bones of the skull consist of cranial and facial parts. There are 26 bones in the skull.

The bones of the trunk are the spinal column or the spine and the chest (ribs and breastbone). The spine consists of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrae and the coccyx.

The vertebra is the small bone, which is formed by the body and the arch. All the vertebrae compose the spinal column or the spine. There are 32 or 34 vertebrae in the spine of the adult. There are seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar, five sacral vertebrae and from one to five vertebrae which form the coccyx in the spinal column. The cervical part of the spine is formed by seven cervical vertebrae. Twelve thoracic vertebrae have large bodies. The lumbar vertebrae are the largest vertebrae in the spinal column. they have oval bodies.

The chest (thorax) is composed of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the breastbone and 12 pairs of ribs. The breastbone is the long bone in the middle of the chest. It is composed of three main parts. The basic part of the chest is formed by the ribs. On each side of the chest seven ribs are connected with the breastbone by cartilages. The cartilages of three other ribs are connected with each other and with the seventh rib. But the cartilages of these ribs are not connected with the breastbone. The eleventh and the twelfth ribs are not connected with the breastbone either. They are not connected with other ribs, they are free. Each rib is composed of a head, neck and body.

The lower extremity consists of the thigh, leg and foot. It is connected with the trunk by the pelvis. The upper extremity is formed by the arm, forearm and hand. It is connected with the trunk by the shoulder girdle.

The bones of the skeleton are connected together by the joints or by the cartilages and ligaments. The bones consist of organic and inorganic substance.

54. Составьте словосочетания с существительными в притяжательном падеже.

Например: My friend; car - My friend's car.
l. This girl; pen.
2. His sister; friend.
3. My brother; dress.
4. Your father; house.
5.Her son; wife.
6. The boy; ball.

59. Закончите предложения. Употребите: I, me, we, us, you, he, him, she, her, they, them:
1. I don’t know those girls, do you know them?
2. I don’t know that man, do you know him?
3. I don’t know these people, do you know them?
4. I don’t know Fred’s wife, do you know her?
5. Jane and I were at college with you, do you remember us?
6. I’m talking to you, please listen to me!
7. The photos are nice, do you want to look at them?
8. I don’t like dogs, I’m afraid of them
9. Do you know that man? – Yes, I work with him
10.Who is that woman? Why are you looking at her?

67. Употребите "there is" или "it is".
1) … always much snow in this country in winter.
2)… snowing hard.
3) … too much sugar in the tea.
4) Don't buy this jacket, … very dark.
5) Let's go out! … getting dark.
6) … a dark street, and in that dark street … a dark gloomy house.
7)… nothing you can do about it.
8)… already late and … nobody in the office to solve your problem.
9)… sunny but … a strong wind.
10)… very kind of you.

68. Вставьте there is/there are
1)… many new pictures on the wall.
2)… a plate on the table.
3)… many students at your institute?
4)… five theatres in your town.
5)… a park in front of our house.
6)… many desks in the classroom.
7) … many students in the hall.
8) … somebody in the next room.
9) … many interesting articles in this magazine
10)… a cat in the window.
11) … a lot of people at the stadium.
12) … something on the shell.
13)… several empty seats in the room.
14) How many students … in your group?

69. Ответьте на вопросы, используя конструкцию there is/there are и данные в скобках подсказки.
1. How many desks are there in your classroom? (six)
2. Is there a blackboard in your classroom?
3. Where is the blackboard?
4. How many windows are there in your classroom?(three)
5. Are there any pictures in your classroom?(some)
6. Where are the pictures?(on the walls)

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