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10-11 класс

Нужно составить вопросы с ответами по данной информации: Type of the state: federal republic; Administrative divisions: 50 states and 1 district; National holiday: Independence Day, 4 July (1776) Head of the state: President Political Parties: 2 major national parties – Republican (its symbol is an elephant) and Democratic (its symbol is a donkey) Flag: Stars and Stripes; Stars are for the 50 states of the United States; Stripes are for 13 colonies (the first 13 states) which declared independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776 Largest city: New York (over 18 million people) Smallest state: Rhode Island (3.100 sq km) Longest river: the Mississippi (3.959 km) Highest point: Mount McKinley, Alaska (6.198 m) Climate: mostly temperate, but varies from tropical (Hawaii) to arctic (Alaska); Constitution: 17 September 1787, effective 4 June 1789 in Philadelphia

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водо-временная форма и залог глагола сказуемого

определите в каждом из них видо-временную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого (см. образец). Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Deficits are offset by public borrowing. 2. The agency agreement will be signed within this week. 3. The offer was not accepted because the prices were too high. 4. The remaining goods have already been shipped. 5. The greatest economic work of Adam Smith is always much spoken about. 6. The construction of the road was being completed when the commission arrived. 7. My salary is paid directly into my bank account. 8. When returning the goods, she was asked to produce a credit note. 9. International fairs and exhibitions are held in our country and abroad. 10. Had the necessary instructions been given to Mr. Brown before he left for the airport?

10-11 класс английский язык ответов нет

1. Put the verbs into the correct form, the Present Indefinite Passive or Present Continuous Passive. the Present Indefinite Passive the Present Continuous Passive 1) Lorries (not to make) at this plant. 2) These books and magazines (to sell) everywhere. 3) This room usually (to clean) by my brother. 4) The computer (to use) at that moment. Wait a minute, please. 5) There’s somebody walking behind us. We (to follow) by somebody. 6) The room (to warm) by an electric fire when it is cold. 7) The office (A - not to use) at the moment because it (B - to redecorate). 8) English (to speak) all over the world. 9) Every year my old uncle (to give) a cheque and a present by his manager. 10) Don’t worry. The luggage (to take) to the train by the porter at the moment. 2. Put the verbs into the correct form, the Past Indefinite Passive or Past Continuous Passive. the Past Indefinite Passive the Past Continuous Passive 1) The books written by Mark Twain (to read) by children with great interest. 2) I couldn’t go out because my clothes (to wash). 3) Henry told us that a new library (to build) near our school. 4) He (to show) the way to the station. 5) The pupils of our class took care of the young trees which (to plant) last autumn. 6) Two people (to arrest) by the police last night. 7) I didn’t realize that our conversation (to record) by somebody. 8) The moment Anastasia came home, we (to show) wonderful collections of stamps and coins. 9) They wanted to go to the cinema, but all the seats (to sell) out. 10) My room (to clean) at the moment I arrived.

10-11 класс английский язык ответов нет
перевод на русский язык

Do different languages confer different personalities? The advantages of bilingualism include better performance at tasks which involve the brain’s ability to plan and prioritize, better defense against dementia in old age and the ability to speak a second language. One advantage wasn’t mentioned, though. Many multilinguals report different personalities, or even different worldviews, when they speak their different languages. It’s an exciting notion, the idea that one’s very self could be broadened by the mastery of two or more languages. In obvious ways (exposure to new friends, literature, etc.) the self really is broadened. Yet it’s different to claim to have a different personality when using a different language. So what’s going on here? Benjamin Lee Whorf, an American linguist, held that each language encodes a worldview that significantly influences its speakers. This idea has its sceptics but there are still good reasons to believe language shapes thought. This influence isn’t necessarily linked to the vocabulary or grammar of a second language. Most people aren’t symmetrically bilingual. Many have learned one language at home from parents, and another later in life, usually at school. So bilinguals usually have different strengths and weaknesses in their different languages – and they aren’t always best in their first language. For example, when tested in a foreign language, people are less likely to fall into a cognitive trap (answering a test question with an obvious-seeming but wrong answer) than when tested in their native language. In part this is because working in a second language slows down the thinking. No wonder people feel different when speaking them. And no wonder they feel looser, more spontaneous, perhaps more assertive or funnier or blunter, in the language they were reared in from childhood. What of bilinguals raised in two languages? Even they don’t usually have perfectly symmetrical competence. But even for a speaker whose two languages are very nearly the same in ability, there’s another big reason that person will feel different in the two languages. This is because there is an important distinction between bilingualism and biculturalism. Many bilinguals are not bicultural. But some are. And of those bicultural bilinguals, we should be little surprised that they feel different in their two languages. Experiments in psychology have shown the power of ‘priming’ – small unnoticed factors that can affect behavior in big ways. Asking people to tell a happy story will put them in a better mood. The choice between two languages is a huge prime. Speaking Spanish rather than English, for a bilingual and bicultural Puerto Rican in New York, might conjure feelings of family and home. Switching to English might prime the same person to think of school and work. We are still left with a third kind of argument. People seem to enjoy telling tales about their languages’ inherent properties. A group of French intellectuals once proposed that French be the sole legal language of the EU, because of its unmatchable rigour and precision. Some Germans believe that frequently putting the verb at the end of a sentence makes the language especially logical. But language myths aren’t always self-flattering: many speakers think their languages are unusually illogical or difficult – “Only in English do you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway; English must be the craziest language in the world!” What such pop-Whorfian stories share is a tendency to exoticize languages. We also see some unsurprising overlap with national stereotypes and self-stereotypes: French, rigorous; German, logical; English, playful. Neo-Whorfians continue to offer evidence and analysis that aims to prove that different languages push speakers to think differently. But strong Whorfian arguments don’t need to be valid for people to feel differently in their different languages.


Can , engineering , the studying of , be , for pupils , hard , structural (put these words in the right order)

сделайте пожалуйста английский

Задание 1. Перед чтением текста определите, какие из следующих слов ассоциируются с преимуществом, а какие с недостатком. downside favor benefit drawback stumbling block profit problem obstacle upside plus handicap Задание 2. Прочтите текст и переведите четвертый абзац письменно. ENERGY SOURCES: WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS (1) The future for petroleum use now seems rather unclear, despite enjoying the main benefit of a very advanced infrastructure that already exists. The downsides from the environmental point of view are evident: harm to public health through carbon dioxide emissions in exhaust fumes, which are connected to respiratory problems, and to precious ecosystems from oil spills and leakage. But the most significant weakness is that oil is a finite resource. (2) The situation with natural gas is also mixed. While its main strength is that it is a relatively clean and easily transportable via pipelines fuel which needs little processing, natural gas requires compression or low temperatures if it has to be used for cars or other vehicles. Thus, it has not previously been a serious contender to provide private transportation. However this obstacle may have been overcome. (3) Yet there is another problem with natural gas. It may produce less carbon dioxide than other fossil fuels, but the major stumbling block to its usage is that the methane released lives in the atmosphere for a long time. In addition, as it is a non-renewable energy source like petroleum, in coming years natural gas will not be in use. But in the short term at least, the situation looks rosy. (4) Ethanol, despite the drawback of a dearth of commercial outlets, heralds a new dawn for the energy market. Let us look at hydrogen. It is probably the most attractive of all renewable fuels. Its greatest appeal is that it is readily available everywhere in the form of water (H2O). Solar energy is used to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen and then recombine it, with water being the waste by-product in the form of steam in vehicles. Perhaps its main drawback is making the hydrogen production units small enough to fit cars. So the future of hydrogen is bright indeed. (4) Этанол, несмотря на недостаток торговых точек, предвещает новый рассвет для энергетического рынка. Давайте посмотрим на водород. Это, пожалуй, самое привлекательное из всех возобновляемых видов топлива. Его наибольшая привлекательность в том, что он легко доступен везде в форме воды (H2O). Солнечная энергия используется для расщепления воды на водород и кислород, а затем рекомбинирует ее, при этом вода становится побочным продуктом в виде пара в транспортных средствах. Возможно, его главный недостаток - сделать агрегаты для производства водорода достаточно маленькими для автомобилей. Так что будущее водорода действительно светлое. Задание 3. Найдите слова в тексте, которые: 1. начинается на букву “b” и означает advantage, profit (параграф 1); 2. начинается на букву “p” и означает beforehand, in advance (параграф 2); 3. начинается на букву “p” и означает create, generate (параграф 3); 4. начинается на букву “d” и означает famine, lack (параграф 4); 5. начинается на букву “s” и означает burst, crash, divide (параграф 4). Задание 4. Заполните таблицу в соответствии с содержанием текста. Используйте не более двух слов в каждом ответе. Types of fuel Main advantage Main disadvantage Future Petroleum Very advanced infrastructure 1. ….................. Unclear Natural Gas Relatively clean Produces 2. ….......... 3. …........... Ethanol Not given Lack of 4. …............ Signals a 5. …........ Hydrogen 6. ….............. Hydrogen production units for cars not small enough 7. ….............. Задание 5. Выпишите из текста все неправильные глаголы в трех формах и переведите. Задание 6. Измените следующие предложения, используя конструкцию there + be. 1. The situation with natural gas is also mixed. 2. Thus, it has not previously been a serious contender to provide private transportation. Задание 7. Подчеркните сказуемое в следующих предложениях, укажите видовременную форму, залог. 1. The downsides from the environmental point of view are evident: harm to public health through carbon dioxide emissions in exhaust fumes, which are connected to respiratory problems, and to precious ecosystems from oil spills and leakage. 2. It may produce less carbon dioxide than other fossil fuels, but the major stumbling block to its usage is that the methane released lives in the atmosphere for a long time. 3. Solar energy is used to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen and then recombine it, with water being the waste by-product in the form of steam in vehicles. Задание 8. Преобразуйте предложения в пассивную форму и переведите. 1. It may produce less carbon dioxide than other fossil fuels. 2. Natural gas requires compression or low temperatures if it has to be used for cars or other vehicles. Задание 9. Cоставьте 10 вопросов различного типа к любым предложениям из текста. Задание 10. Изложите краткое содержание текста в 100 словах (артикли и предлоги считаются отдельными словами).

10-11 класс английский язык ответов нет

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Помогите составить вопросы на английском по тексту :

Aboriginal people lived in what's now Canada long before any European landed on its shore. Archaeologists believe that North American Aboriginals originated in Asia and came over the land bridge connecting Siberia and North America during the Ice Age. It is believed by scientists that Aboriginals first lived in Canada anywhere from 10,000 to 13,000 years ago. However, some Aboriginal tribes believe that life on Earth began with their creation in North America, and entirely reject the notion they immigrated here at all.


ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СДЕЛАТЬ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ЗАДАНИЕOpen the brackets.Put the verbs into the Future Indefinite.
1.I (not to go) to the Hermitage tomorrow.
2. Kate (to give) it to you this afternoon.
3.We (to have) orange juice.
4.He (not to phone) her tonight.
5. I (to help) you with it.
6. They (not to have) coffee.
7. It is hot here, I (to open) the window.
8. I (to get) a taxi.
9. It is cold here, I ( to close) the window.
10. I (not to tell ) anyone what happened.

Помогите пожалуйста ,правильно составить вопросы на английском.

1.Какое было время года?
2.Во что были одеты работники банка?
3. Центр города выглядел оживленным,не так ли?

4.Почему работники банка остановились?
5. Сколько длился спектакль ?

6.Что делают участники флешмоба?
7.Прохожие были удивленные ?

Нужно составить сочинение на английском языке 15-20 предложений на тему : В этом году на английском я изучила такие темы. Темы(Буквы английского

алфавита, транскрипция слов на английском, изучили Слова относящиеся к профессии менеджмент, составляли бизнес проекты на английском, Повторили правила написания времен (презент симпл презент перфект и пр.))

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