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Turn from Passive into Active. She was employed by an international company.

5-9 класс

The essay was written by Sandra
Roger was seen to leave.

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate conditional clause

You wouldn’t have been punished, _________
If you drink all that juice, ______
If you drive so fast, ____

татарочка1 30 апр. 2014 г., 17:50:56 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 апр. 2014 г., 19:23:45 (10 лет назад)

An international company


Другие вопросы из категории

put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or Past Simple. John (wake up) with a strange feeling that morning because he (see) something

strange in his dream. He (not really/believe) in dreams but he couldn't stop thinking about the one he (just/have). He (dream) that he was in a foreign country and he was having a meeting with some people he (not/know).

пожалуста помогите решить

нужно поставить слова say или tell ............... the truth,lies ................ hello,good-bye ................thank you ............. someoneabout

something ....................yes, no ..........a story ,a joke .......... you are sorry

present perfect or past simple.
Постройте общие вопросы и дайте краткие утвердительные ответы.

Образец: Tom is a driver.

Is Tom a driver? – Yes, he is.

The teacher was busy yesterday.
The child is ill today.
It will be hot tomorrow.
Our friends are in France.
The cake will be nice.
Упр. 3.2. Постройте общие вопросы и дайте краткие отрицательные ответы.

Образец: Ann is a teacher.

Is Ann a teacher? – No, she is not. / No, she isn't.

The boy is five.
The girls are lazy.
My friends were right.
The song was sad.
The party will be nice.
The films will be bad.

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ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!! Переведите пожалуйста текст!!! How many jobs can you think of? Twenty? Thirty? No doubt the list includes doctor, lawyer,

teacher, plumber and so on. The most dedicated career adviser could perhaps name a hundred. But there are over 500,000 jobs in existence to choose from! So if you want to do well, how can you decide the best way to make a living? Paul Hamilton takes a light-hearted look at some very ODD JOBS! King Alfonso XIII of Spain was going deaf so he employed an “Anthem Man”. His only job was to give a signal to the king when the national anthem was being played so that he would know when to stand up and when to sit down! If you cannot find a tuneless monarch to be your employer, the railways offer jobs of all sorts. In Japan, “Passanger Pushers” are employed full time by the railway companies in Tokyo. During the rush hour, when hundreds of people are trying to get on the metro, they do their best to squeeze everyone into the trains so that the doors will close properly. Another technological advance that led to the job creation on the railways was the invention of chewing gum in 1928. When they finished their gum, many passengers just dropped it on the floor of the stattion and management at New York’s Grand Central Station had to do something about it. In the end, they employed a professional gum remover who had a lot of work to do – he collected, on average, over three kilos of the sticky menace per day. I suppose you could say he got attached to his job! Escalators have provided inspiration for other rewarding careers. When the first moving staircase was installed at Harrods Department Store in London in 1898, it made many people scared. Shop assistants were put at the top of the escalator with instructions to give brandy and smelling salts to customers! And in 1911, whe Earls Court underground sattion installed its first escalators, many people were worried about their safety. London Transport had a great idea; they employed a man with a wooden leg. His job was to walk up and down the escalators all day to show passengers how safe they were. In 1982, dozens of neighbours in a village in Berkshire made complaints about the smell from nearby sewage works. So twelve people were employed to sniff the air outside their homes to estimate the smell. The Amsterdam police have similarly specialised task force called the ‘grachtenvissers’. Their sole dutyis to help motorists whose cars have got stuck in canals! This trend toward specialisation has grown dramatically in the last few years but it is not an entirely recent phenomenon. In medieval Japanese armies, special soldiers did the gruesome jobs of counting up the numberof decapitated heads after each battles! In America, Miss Edith King was given an unusual job in the army. She was employed by the US War Department in 1905 with the task of finding soldiers who had run away from the army. She collected $50 for each deserter. Her only weapon was flirtation. If the runaway soldiers thought they were going to have a good time, they were making a big mistake – she led over five hundred into court. She must have a real charm!Being unemployed often makes people think of unique ways to make money. Take Jim Parker from Sacramento. Last year he got the sack from his job in a high-tech company and has found it impossible to get full-time work. In desperation, he became self-employed and is now trying hard to sell advertising space. If the price is right, he intends to tattoo an advert – on his forehead! He has already turned down an offer of $75,000.

требуется грамотный перевод: When I called on Sherlock Holmes on the second morning after Christmas, he was lying on the sofa next to some newspa

pers. On a chair, there was a very dirty old hat and a magnifying glass.
I suppose,” I said:”that there is a story about that hat which will help so another mysterious crime.”
“There is no crime,” said Sherlock Holmes laughing.”Just a strange little incident. Peterson, the door attendant, found the hat. At about 4 o’clock in the morning, he was coming back from a party when he saw a tall carrying a goose. Suddenly, two thugs appeared. One pushed the man and the other thug tried to take the goose. Peterson went to protect the man, but saying some in uniform he dropped the goose and ran away. All the attacker disappeared so Peterson was left with both the goose and old hat. There was a card with the goose saying ”For the Mrs Henry Baker” and the initials ”H.B” inside the hat but there are a lot Henry Baker in London. Peter did not know what to do with either the hat all the goose so he brought both to me on Christmas morning. I kept the hat and Peterson had the goose for his Christmas dinner.”
“So can you find any clues about the man from this old hat?”
“What can you see,Watson?”
“Well,it is an ordinary black hat.The lining is made of red silk and there is no elastic.There is some dust on it and several spots.Someone has tried to cover all of the spots with ink,But I can not see any clues.”
“Well,Watson,the hat tells us a lot about the hat’s owner.He used to be quite rich but something must have happened to him,probably with drink.His wife no longer loves him.He is middle-aged with grey hair-which he has had cut recently.He does not do much exercise and he has not got gas in his house. ”
“You must be joking Holmes.How do you know all that information?”
“Elementary,my dear Watson.”
After that,Holmes explained all the clues about the hat to Watson. Then Peterson came into the room carrying an enormous diamond which his wife had found inside the goose.Holmes realized that this was the famous diamond stolen from a countess when she was staying at a London hotel .Two hotel servants had been involved.One was the butler,James Horner,a plumber.Horner had been working in the countess’room when Ryder noticed that the diamond had been stolen.Since then,Horner had been in prison for several days.Sherlock Holmes decided to asvertise for the goose and hat in the newspapers,That evening a man appeared;it was Baker.Baker did not know anything about the goose.They went there and saw a man,who turned out to be Ryder,the hotel butler,asking about the goose.Holmes invited him back to his house and when Holmes mentioned the diamond Ryder confessed that he had stolen it.After Horner’s arrest,Ryder had gone to his sister’s house to hide the diamond.There had been some geese in the garden and Ryder had put the diamond into its mouth and then asked his sister for this goose for Christmas.Later,he had taken the goose away and killed it there was no diamond as he had chosen the wrong goose!Holmes had enough proof to put Ryder into prison,but he decided to let the man go.In the end,Horner was released from the prison and the diamond returned to the countess.

помогите пожалуйста!!! I. Fill in the gaps with the correct pronouns or possessive adjectives. 1. Mary said. I want to go out with my friends.' Mary

said (that) ...she... wanted to go out with ...her... friends. 2. Tom said. 'I have lost my keys.' Tom said (that) ....................... had lost ......................... keys. 3. Bob and Marie said. 'We are taking our dog for a walk.' Bob and Marie said (that) ............................. were taking ......................... dog for a walk. 4. Andrew said. 'My sister is coming to visit me next week.' Andrew said (that)....................... sister was going to visit ........................ the following week. 5. Mr Jones said, 'I need to buy a present for my wife.' Mr Jones said (that) ......................... needed to buy a present for .................. wife. 6. Father said. 'I want you to wash my car for me.' Father said (that) .................... wanted ................... to wash .................... car for ................. . II. Turn from direct into reported speech 1. "I can't find my bag,' she said. She said (that) she couldn't find her bag. 2. They are working in the garden." he said. 3. 'We got married six months ago.' she said to us. 4. 'I'll go shopping tomorrow." he said. 5. 'I bought a new car last week.' he said. 6. "We aren't doing anything next week." they said 7. 'I can't go out tonight.' she said to me. 8. 'I forgot to pay the bill,' he said. 9. 'We've brought you a present.' she said to me 10. 'I'll phone you tomorrow.' she said to Peter. (если что то вот сайт с этими заданиями http://www.urszulawaligora.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=67&Itemid=114 только №1 и №2 надо)пожалуйста я ничего не понимаю(((

помогите пж 1.Запишите предложения в Passive. 1. He stole my bag in the shop. My bag

............................................................................................ 2. People will use this road . This road ............................................................................................ 3.She cleans this room every day. This room ............................................................................................ 4. Somebody built this building in 1905. This building ............................................................................................ 5.Someone invited Ali to a party. Ali ............................................................................................ 6.Pushkin wrote that book in 1885. That book ............................................................................................ 2. Запишите предложения с BY или WITH. 1. The room was filled ............ smoke. 2. A large number of trees were blown down .................. the strong winds. 3.The garage was painted ................ a new kind of paint. 4. The old lady was attacked ................. an umbrella. 5. These photos were taken ................... my sister. 6. These photos were taken ................ an old camera. 3.Переведите на английский язык. 1. Эта книга быдет куплена моим братом. 2. Мои друзья были приглашены на вечеринку. 3. Газета читается моим отцом каждый вечер. 4. Мой палец был порезан ножом. 4.Запишите предложения из Passive в Active. 1. I was shown their letters. 2. That house was bought by an old man yesterday. 3. Computers are used by pupils. 4.The house is build by workers every day.

1. Translate from Russian into English.

а) На твоем месте я бы осталась дома и помогла маме.
б) Если бы вы прибыли вовремя на вокзал, вы бы не опоздали на поезд.
в) Что бы ты купил, если бы нашел много денег?
г) Если бы Хильда (Hilda) делала зарядку каждый день, её здоровье было бы гораздо лучше.
д) Если бы Марк (Mark) был умнее, он бы сдал экзамены хорошо в прошлом году.
е) Что бы ты сделал, если бы ты встал рано вчера утром?
ж) Что бы Эд ( Ed) сделал, если бы он был сейчас за городом?

2. Translate from Russian into English.
1) Если бы я жил в Петербурге, я бы ходил в Эрмитаж (the Hermitage) каждую неделю.
2) Что бы ты делал, если бы ты простудился?
3) Если бы Барбара (Barbara) поступила в университет, она бы училась там очень усердно. (to work hard)
4) Что бы ты делал, если бы знал английский язык?
5) Если бы у Елены (Helen) не болела голова вчера, она бы пошла в театр со своими друзьями.
6) Если бы ты не позвонил мне, я бы уехала без тебя за город.
7) Что бы ты делал в прошлую пятницу, если бы ты был свободен?

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