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Небольшой рассказ о любой звезде,на английском

5-9 класс

Aleksoff79 06 нояб. 2013 г., 10:59:41 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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06 нояб. 2013 г., 12:21:49 (10 лет назад)

And you saw the Milky Way long ago? In the city illuminated by a set of lamps, advertizing dusty and gas-polluted cars, in general there is no sense to raise eyes to the sky and to try to find stars. And they shine as thousands shone thousands years ago as shone the prophet Moisey when he on tables received a precept from God as shone Christ and Pushkin as shone our parents. The same constellations it is visible today and we. The head is turned if very long to look in the night sky. When we are happy or in love, eyes in admiration rise to stars, to unearthly light, to pure and silent blinking incomprehensibly beautiful and infinite. This beauty gets into depth of soul and all around as though disappears. Somewhere near the heart becomes silently and solemnly. Once the first stars were shown me by the father. To me was years 5, at night on the street I held it by a hand, and it, looking up, told: "Look at the sky, you see 7 brightest stars, on what they are similar?" I offered the most incomprehensible options, connecting the shining points among themselves and when the father told that these stars remind a ladle and are called the Big Dipper – all doubts, a ladle disappeared, well is exact! – And where a little she-bear if there is a big? – Count from one of the ends of a ladle the distance equal to five distances between points in the sky, you will see the brightest and big star is Polar, all stars "turn" round it, and it "costs", and in there from the Pole star the constellation of Small Medveditsa begins, look, – and the father showed me patiently until I definitely understood where that in the sky. Then there were other constellations, but I still look for the first in the night sky. The astronomy was a favourite lesson in the 10th class. And now this subject isn't present at all. The day before yesterday, in the sky over Baikal, I saw in all beauty almost forgotten Milky Way – shine of billions of small and large stars and asterisks scattered as dust on the dark sky as a path in novel and fine. Look at the sky, raise eyes to stars, rise to them by height, after all "If stars light, it means to somebody it is necessary..." (Vl. Mayakovsky), let it will be necessary and to us sometimes forgetting about unearthly.


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Kellie looked for Sebastian's mum at home, but she was not there. Kellie thought about it and went to the cafe. She saw a lot of people there. One of them was a police officer. Mrs Clifford and Mum were sitting and talking with the police officer."Kellie!" - Mum came over to the dog. "Where is Sebastian?" Kellie gave Mum the note and she read it aloud. "The robber is at 10, Sainsbury Street. Get the police!""What a brave boy, and what a smart dog you are!" said the polise officer. "Go straight to the police car. Hurry up!"Sebastianwas standing behind a tree waiting for Kellie. He knew Kellie and Mum would be back soon. But he couldn't see the robber anymore. Suddenly thedoor opened and the robber came out house. He was going to get into hiscar. Sebastian wished he still had Kellie with him. The robber looked around. He saw the boy hiding behing the tree! "Hay, kid! I saw you earlier. Come here!" Sebastian was in danger now. He was ready to take off. The robber was coming at him..."Stop where you are!" The policecar arrived just in time. The robber stopped. Then Sebastian heard his dog barking. Kellie and Mum were running toward him. Thay were so happy to see him. The police officers made the robber get into the polise car. "Sebastan! Next time you decide to go catch a robber, please tell me first!" said Mum

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