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Put the questions to the sentences. 1) She can do

10-11 класс

everything (What?)

Baluiev 09 дек. 2013 г., 19:57:17 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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09 дек. 2013 г., 20:42:04 (10 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите составить предложение из данных слов:

Earlier, we, rainy, us, than, weather, return, wanted, made.

помогите перевести: Есть два адреса в Лондоне,которые знает весь мир. Этот знаменитый дворец,впервые потсроенный в 1703,находится в самом

центре Лондона.

Именно сюда приезжают президенты,короли и политики,чтобы встретиться с королевой.

букингеский дворец напоминает маленький горрд с полицейским участком,двумя почтовыми отделениями,больницей,баром,двумя спортивными клубами,дискотекой,кинотеатром и плавательным бассейном.

Читайте также

1. Put disjunctive questions to the following statements: 1. Your family not large. 2. The children are in the


3.This man is a doctor

4. His parents are not is Moscow.

5. It is six o'clock now.

6. Betty is not in the nursery.

7. They are old friends.

8. This is a very interesting book.

2. Put general questions to the following statements:

1. These words are easy.

2. She is a good student.

3. They are in the garden.

4. Her daughter is a teacher.

5. The children are at school.

6. John is 19 years old.

7. Lesson 9 is difficult.

8. It is ten o'clock.

9. The flowers are beautiful.

10. You are future teachers.

1 Put the questions to the italicized words and phrases. Usually employers are looking for a person to do a

specific job. That is why it is highly recommended before you send a resume, that you research the available position and the firms to which you are sending your resume. The second most important step is to prepare for an interview. Some interviewers ask a set of questions which seem to be unrelated to the actual job but which show your personal characteristics.


1 His ... is very important for us (opinion, popular, think, two)

2 ... books were read last year. (Those, It, This, One)

3 Mike is unemployed. (Mike doesn't work, Mike works a lot, Mike does overtime, Mike works unsocial hours)

4 Is Tom going to play on the bridge? (No, she isn't; Yes, he is; Yes, it is; Yes she will)

5 We ... institute every Friday. (attend, has attended, was attended, is attending)

6 My brother and I ... born in Almaty. (were, is, been, was)

7 He (to send) fot the doctor. (was sent, was send, are send, have been sent)

8 ... is a shortened form of a word or phrase. (conclusions, abstract, abbreviation, acknowledgments, references)

9 Find a synonym: I work unsocial hours. (do overtime, run a departament, sort out people, have a lot of responsibility)

10 Match two sentences so that the underlined expressions have similar meanings: When you read a piece of text in the exam, you should read it quickly first to get the general idea. A) You should include full details of your past experience B) Once you have the gist, it should be easier to understand it C) Most manufacturers are aware that these characteristics are what help sell their product D) For example, it one of the peculiarities of the British system that judges and lawyers wear wigs in court

Put the questions to the words in italic.

1. The last EXERCISE is the most difficult.
2. My friend`s family has got a flat ON THE SIXTH FLOOR.
3. It isn`t cold in England IN WINTER.
4. I like to listen to THE RADIO.
5. We are going on an excursion BY BUS.
6. JANET likes spaghetti very much.
7. We start working ON MONDAY.
8. Jane meets her friends AT PARTIES.
9. She doesn't want to dance with YOU.

Which question word is suitable. Fill in the blanks below.
1. ......are you doing now?
2. ......does your father go on Mondays?
3. ......didn't you come to school yesterday?
4. ......do you think of Mike?
5. ......many people live here?
6. ......are they from?
7. ......are you thinking about?
8. ......is the nearest telephone?
9. ......don't you like this sweater?
10. ....do they get to school?
11. ....time do you get back?
12. ....often does he go running?

1. Музей находится слева от вас.
2. Мы заблудились. Подскажите, как добраться до Садового переулка? - конечно. Идите по направлению к станции метро. Когда увидите вход, спуститесь по лестнице, пройдите через переход. Напротив выхода находится площадь, а переулоксразу за ней.
3. Иди вдоль улицы!
4. Больница- это совремнное здание. Она находится между банком и библиотекой.
5. Автобусная остановка-вон там, за углом. это далеко отсюда.

Complete the gaps with these phrases. Put the verbs in the correct form. • become defensive • have no control • go wrong • feel pressurised • make a

conscious decision • run smoothly • clear the air I’m the head teacher of Foulds School which is a cheerful little primary school on the outskirts of London. Things usually 1 at Foulds, but last year a new teacher, Mrs Griffin, arrived to teach Class 2 and everything 2 . Mrs Griffin was very young and inexperienced and seemed 3 over the class. After two weeks and several calls from dissatisfied parents, I decided to talk her about the situation. Unfortunately, she 4 , saying she wasn’t used to teaching such difficult pupils. She also admitted that she 5 because she wasn’t used to teaching full-time. I had a long chat with her and that 6 a little. I decided to reduce her hours and made some suggestions about how she might get the students to do as she asked. I 7 to check up on her class the following week. To my delight, all the students were working happily. It just goes to show what talking can do!

Ex. 6. Put the questions to the underlined words. 1. Dell is one of the richest people in the world ranked 44 with a net.2. Michael S. Dell has

taken full advantage of his rivals’ refusal to see him as an innovator. 3. Dell trained his eye on finding the most efficient way to get tech products into the hands of customers. 4. He defined the terms of competition. 5. In February he approaches his fortieth birthday.

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