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5-9 класс

Marina178712 11 нояб. 2013 г., 21:53:43 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 нояб. 2013 г., 0:46:33 (10 лет назад)

1) Where is the Central Park situated?

2) What places of interest can you visit there?

3) When only rich people used the park?

4) Why poor people could not visit the park at first?

5) When the park became dirty and dangerous?

6) What happened in 1980?

7) How much money Concervary spent on the park&

8) How many playgrounds are in the park?

9) How much money does the looking after the park cost?

10) Do peole like the looking after the park?


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Hi, Misha,
It's Den. I hope you are OK. Can you give me some advice?
When I spoke English to native speakers (носители языка), they couldn't
understand me. What am I doing wrong?
Looking forward to your answer, Den

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CONTINUOUS) ТЕКСТ: Peter goes shopping every day. He buys fruit and vegetables. He likes oranges and tomatoes. At lunch-time he goes home to have lunch. He has a pet dog. It's brown. Its name is Rover. In the evening Peter likes to watch videos. He goes to bed at 11. He is now reading a newspaper and listening to the radio. Peter's favourite sport is tennis. His hobby is music. ВОПРОСЫ ДОЛЖНЫ НАЧИНАТЬСЯ НА ЭТИ СЛОВА: 1) Who 2) What... 3) Does... 4) When... 5) What... 6) What colour... 7) What... 8) When... 9) Who... 10) What...

Прочитать текст, определить художественный жанр текста и ответить на вопросы по тексту: "treasure island" is a book about sea

adventures, pirates and treasure. The main character is a boy,Jim Hawkins. He finds a treasure map and sails away on the ship "Hispaniola" for Treasure island. tthe boy is clever and brave.Jim tries to find Captain Flint's gold. He finds the pirates' plans and tells Captain Smollett.

I like this book very much! It is really interesting to read this book. I recommend this book to people who like real adventures and stories about pirates.

A.) определить жанр описываемой книги:

Adventure Historical book Wildlife Detective Space

Ответь на следующие вопросы:

Б.)1. What is the name of the main character?

2. What did he find?

3. Is the boy brave or not?

4. What did he try to find?

5. Whom did the boy tell about the pirates' plans?

Помогите пожалуйста очень прошу ! По тексту который на фото определить какая грамматика употребляется , какие слова были трудные на ваш взгляд , правдивая

или не правдивая эта история и почему ? На все эти вопросы по тексту который на фото надо ответить на английском языке . Пожалуйста помогите добрые люди !

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April 22 is earth day. People all over the world think about our planet. They think about air, water, plants and animals on the Earth. They say our planet is in danger. Many people do not know how to protect animal and plant worlds, how to keep the waters clean and the air fresh. But they are ready to do it. They try and help nature.

Water is very important for life on the Earth. It is in oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. There is much water on our planet and at the same time there is little water on it. It is so because very little water on the Earth is good for drinking. In many rivers and lakes water is very dirty. Sometimes people cannot swim even in the sea because the sea and the seaside are not clean. In many places water is not drinkable. It is dangerous to use it when you cook. Even fish die in such water.

For example Lake Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake on the Earth. It is 1741 metres deep. The lake is very beautiful but now it is in great danger, because of the factories which are near it. At some places the water in the lake is so dirty that it can kill animals and plants in Baikal and near it.

The way people live has changed the climate on our planet. Nowadays the temperature is rising. You do not have real Russian winter in Moscow any more. In the north of Europe the climate has become milder and warmer too.

If the temperature grows by 3-4 degrees it will be impossible to live on the planet.

Some people’s activities do a lot of harm to the forests. People cut down trees to build farms, homes and roads. Many animals and plants lose their homes. This is bad for the Earth’s air too. Modern plants and factories send a lot of smoke into air. This is also very bad, because nowadays it’s difficult to breathe in big cities.

So, the problem now is to protect life on the Earth, to save our planet for people.

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