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Постройте предложения относительно примеру. Какое это правило не помню :3 Example: It is simple to solve this

10-11 класс

problem. --- This problem is simple to solve.

It is difficult to speak to such people. --- Such people are difficult to speak to.


1. It is expensive to buy a mink coat.

2. It is impossible to get a good dinner in our canteen.

3. It was difficult to start an engine in such cold weather.

4. It is dangerous to stand on this ladder.

5. It is rather difficult to deal with stubborn people.

6. It is dangerous to drive a car in big cities.

7. It is interesting to meet new people.

8. It is simple to communicate with people due to Internet.

9. It was unpleasant to watch their quarrel.

10. It is always funny to lister to him.

Katyaololo01 24 окт. 2014 г., 15:44:06 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 окт. 2014 г., 18:35:45 (9 лет назад)

1. This mink coat is expensive to buy.

2. Getting a good dinner in our canteen is impossible.

3. Starting an engine in such cold weather was difficult.

4. Standing on this ladder is dangerous.

5. Dealing with stubborn peope is rather difficult.

6. Driving a car in big cities is dangerous.

7. Meeting new people is interesting.

8. Communicating with people due to Internet is simple.

9. Watching their quarrel was unpleasant.

10. Listening to him is always funny.

Надеюсь так, хотя не уверен.

+ 0 -
24 окт. 2014 г., 21:29:18 (9 лет назад)

1)A mink coat is expensive to buy.
2)A good dinner is impossible to get in our canteen.
3)An engine was difficult to start in such cold weather.
4)This ladder is dangerous to stand on.
5)Stubborn people are rather difficult to deal with.
6)Big cities are dangerous to drive a car in.
7)New people are interesting to meet.
8)People are simple to communicate with due to Internet.
9)Their quarrel was unpleasant to watch.
10)He is always funny to listen to.


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Смсысл задания не весьма понятен и прошу помощи у вас. Заранее спасибо. Перепишите блок-схему,

приведенную ниже, и заполните пропуски, используя информацию, данную в тексте.

change the sentences using these expressions with the right prepositions and the gerund: she wanted a place at Oxford and she managed to get it. Tom

does not smoke anymore. Try not to look at the textbook. Kate decided to leave later than she had planned. This bicycle breaks all the time. Ann really wanted to see her friend again. Our mum likes to tell everybody that she got the first prize in the local beauty contest. I like to ski. I would recommend anyone to watch this film примеры:to avoid,to be worth,to give up.to be fond of, to keep, to look forword,to be proud, to put off,to succeed...

Шерлоку поручили узнать, кто съел в доме все печенье. Подскажите Шерлоку приметы того, кто это сделал. Впишите подходящие по смыслу слова.

He ______a dragon.
He is______blue____________.
He is not_______________.
He is a_______________monster.
He likes_________________.
слова которые нужно вставить :is not, evil, king, cookies, is, a monster

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предложения со Сложным дополнением (Complex Object) в этом тексте


All people have problems. Some of them have many problems, the others have one or two problems only.

Young people have as many problems as the grown-ups. It is possible to solve some problems but sometimes we can not solve this or that problem. The first problem is to choose a good friend. I know the proverb "A friend in need is a friend indeed." I agree with it, that's why I try to make friends with cheerful and true persons.

I want to have a friend who understands me. It will be simple and interesting to speak to him or her. I think that young people have problems with their parents. What are they? Sometimes we have different tastes. I like the proverb "There is no accounting for tastes." For example, I go to the shops with my mother. She likes this dress but I like that one. My mother wants me to buy this dress. But I am sure, that dress is much to my taste.

My parents want me to be a teacher as they are skilled teachers but I have a taste for music, and my dream is to be a composer.

Where can we go? What can we do if we have free time? My friend Nastya lives in the village. Her village is far from Moscow. It takes her three hours to go to Moscow. She says that there is nowhere to go and there is nothing to do in her village. There are no clubs, museums, cinemas, parks there. If she wants to go to Moscow it'll take her a lot of money. She can't afford it.

It is a problem to get a good education.

It is necessary to pay for a good education. I think it is difficult to learn English, for example, without additional classes.

I can't enter the Institute without good knowledge. To get it it is necessary to pay for it and have heavy expenses.

Many good teachers leave schools because they haven't got enough money. Persons without special experience can't teach the pupils well.

I am sure that all teenagers want to have a lot of money to dress well, to go to the theatres, to visit foreign countries, to eat what they want, to buy books… How can they solve all these problems?

They have to earn money. I think it is possible to do it. Some boys wash cars, the others sell newspapers, some of my friends help old persons. Many of my friends have load of cares.

We have some problems but we are sure that we solve them in a proper way.

I think that the young people in other countries have many problems too. I have a pen-friend in Italy. He usually writes that his parents make him to do a lot of house-work. It is strange for us, but my friend Jack from London has his biggest problem — his freckles.

Переведите пожалуйста, только не в гугле :) Today it is fashionable to speak about teenage problems. A few years ago alcohol, fights, killings and other

kinds of violence were more problems for adults than for young people. But now, as official reporta admit, violence, AIDS, drugs and alcohol are more and more associated with youngerst. For many children from poor families violence, drinking problems and all that is associated with poverty becomes more real than reality. The Government surveys show that every fifth teenager who was arrested for criminal actions, was younger that 14 and couldn't be sent to prison. Almost half of teenagers have an experience with drugs, alcohol and sex under age of 16. A lot of teenagers who have drug or alcohol addiction almost never believe that they are dependent. These things are often combined with family and school problems. What has gone wrong? Some specialists explane that the changes of our society, the system of our life force young people to choose their own lifestyle. On the one hand, our society agrees that 15-17-yearold people are old enough to be responsible for what they do and give them quite a lot of freedom and rights. On the other hand, most adults think that teenagers aretoo young to be taken seriously. This misunderstaning produced many problems. Actually, a lot of teenagers say that their parents let them do anything they want and are quite indifferent to their problems. Many teenagers get upset or depressed when they can't dissolve their problems. As a result, it makes them believe that there is only one way out - to stop living and commit suicide. No doubt, the teens' problems will increase. And young people should fell that they are cared for.

I. Переведите предложения, подчеркните в них сказуемое.

1. Where is the library?
2. I did not understand anything.
3. The sun shines brightly.

II. Определите какую видовременную форму глагола следует употребить при переводе на английский язык следующих предложений:
1. Могу я видеть Николая? - Нет. Он обедает (1) a) Present Simple
- Давно он обедает (2)? - Да, он обедает (3) b) Present Continuous
уже полчаса. с) Present Perfect Continuous
Он всегда обедает (4) в это время.
2. Где Иванов? Почему он не пришел в институт? (1) a) Past Simple
- Я не видел (2) его на этой неделе. b) Present Perfect
Боюсь, что он заболел (3). – Возможно.
Вчера он тоже не приходил (4) в институт.
3. Что ты делала (1) вчера в это время? a) Past Simple
- Я писала (2) доклад в библиотеке. b) Past Continuous
Я писала (3) его уже час, когда c) Past Perfect
туда пришли (4) мои друзья. – d) Past Perfect Continuous
Когда ты вернулась (5) домой? - Поздно.
4. Ровно в шесть часов я буду ждать (1) a) Future Simple
тебя на автобусной остановке. Если b) Future Continuous
ты опоздаешь (2), тебе придется (3) c) Future Perfect
добираться одной. d)Future Perfect Continuous
e) Present Simple

III. Выпишите предложения, в которых сказуемое выражено формой: a) Indefinite Tense b) Continuous Tense, c) Perfect Tense. Переведите их на русский язык.
1. I did it all by myself.
2. Are you always busy on Sunday?
3. Have you heard the latest news?
4. They are waiting for us.
5. He was not listening to the speaker at that moment.

IV. Выпишите из текста глаголы, выраженные формой страдательного залога. Переведите текст на русский язык.
Animal Theatre
The world's only theatre in which animals act was opened in Moscow in 1980. It is a children’s theatre.
There are 300 actors in the troupe. Some of them have joined it by accident. It was Plut (Pogue), the cat, who walked into the theatre tram the street. However, he proved to be a capable actor and was given place on the programme. Lorika, a tiny lemur, was found in a box of bananas. It apparently fell asleep, was packed and sent on long voyage. Several bears were brought to the theatre after the Olympic shows in Moscow, in which they played the part of living emblems of the ХХП Olympic Games.
In the future the theatre intends to extend its repertoire. For instance, it is planned to stage fables in which the part of the Fox will be played by a fox, the part of the Wolf - by a wolf.
V. Определите время и залог сказуемого и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Dinner is ready. Come to table.
2. Dinner is being cooked. Wait a little.
3. They said the book had been published by the end of the month.
4. They have bought a new car.
5. What kind of books are discussed in class?
VI. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в соответствующую видо-временную и залоговую форму.
1. It (sound) interesting.
2. The book (write) in 1980.
3. Run downstairs. Your sister (wait) for you.
4. We (pass) all our credit-tests by the fifteenth of May.
5. They (follow).
6. If the weather (be) fine tomorrow, we are going to have a picnic.
7. I (not/see) Tom for ages.
8. This park (name) after Gagarin.
9. Mike (want) on the phone.

Подчеркните инфинитивные


1. He is said to have been met by a boy who led him to the place his
friends were expecting him at.

1. Он сказал, что встретил
мальчика, который привел его к месту где ожидали его друзья.

2. That night there was a severe storm; the wind seemed to be trying to
tear the house to pieces.

2. Той ночью был сильный шторм,
ветер казалось пытался разорвать дом на части.

3. At present the only thing for you to do is to work systematically.

3. В настоящее время
единственное, что вы можете сделать- это работать систематически.

4. The method proposed by the young engineer is known to be very

4. Метод, предложенный молодым
инженером, как известно, очень эффективен.

5. I took a taxi for her not to walk to the station.

5. Я взял такси для нее, чтобы не
идти до станции.

6. Unfortunately everyone knew him to have done it on purpose.

6. К сожалению, все знали, что он
сделал это нарочно.

7. Although Napoleon is known to have had armies outnumbering ours, he
failed to conquer our country.

7. Хотя Наполеон, как известно,
имел численное превосходство армии перед нашим, но он не завоевал нашу страну.

8. It is my purpose in this paper to describe all the parts of this
engine in detail for you to understand what a complicated mechanism it is.

8. Это моя цель в этой статье
описать все детали этого двигателя подробно, чтобы понять, механизм сложный.

9. A force may be considered to act at any point on its line of action.

9. Сила, как могут полагать,
действует в любом пункте на его линию действия.

Подкорректируйте пожалуйста перевод, если что-то не правильно. Вот сам текст: Здравствуй Дарен, я очень рад за тебя и с удовольствием помогу тебе

выбрать музыкальный инструмент, на котором ты будешь в дальнейшем играть. Я думаю что тебе пойдет играть на барабанных установках, это очень веселый инструмент и как я думаю на нем легко играть, но можешь так же попробовать гитару, на ней можно сочинять различные мелодии, которые могут понравится кому-то. Я предпочитаю рок, а так же поп музыку, рок помогает мне завестись и поднять себе настроение, а поп музыка помогает расслабиться. Нет, вообще не хожу на концерты, но очень бы хотелось. А на какие концерты ты ходишь? Что же ты выбрал, гитару или барабанную установку? Любишь ли ты Рок? Вот перевод: Hi Daren, I is very glad for you and with pleasure I will help you to choose a musical instrument which you play further. I think that to you will go to play drum kits, it is very cheerful tool and as I think on it easily to play, but you can as to try a guitar, on it it is possible to compose various melodies which can it will be pleasant to someone. I prefer fate and as the priest music, Rock helps me to be got and lighten himself mood, and the priest music helps to relax. No, I don't go at all on concerts, but very much it would be desirable. And on what concerts you go? What did you choose, a guitar or a drum kit? Whether you love Rock?

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