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помогите составить рассказ об однокласснике в презент континиус

5-9 класс

MerlinCooper 17 янв. 2014 г., 10:45:51 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 янв. 2014 г., 13:26:35 (10 лет назад)

my однокласник likes to read books but only about traveling Он (смотря кто отличник или двоешник и т.д.) He loves math lesson,физры. And he ran through the corridors that teacher came home to him! 


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Kak mozno najti kak ja provol svoi kanikuli?
Пожалуйста, напишите письмо по английскому. В первом абзаце нужно написать, что я и мои родственники хотим на Новый год (всё равно, что). Во втором, верю

ли я в Новогодние чудеса. Размер должен быть не больше 1 тетрадной страницы. Заранее спасибо!

Помогите ответить на вопросы: As for me I am absolutely sure that every educated and cultural person should know at least one or two foreign languages.

I There are many reasons for people to learn foreign languages. One of the main reasons is the need to communicate orally or in writing $vith other people who use this language. You may communicate with them over the Internet or mail if tney are far away. A foreign language is absolutely necessary for those who work in any branch of science. If you want to know much about the world's famous scientific research information, you need command of a foreign language. A more general aim to learn foreign languages is to make our intellectual and cultural horizons wider through reading foreign authors in the original and through contacts with people of another culture. There are wide opportunities for people nowadays to go abroad to study. In Britain, for example, there are some summer schools for foreigners that give a good chance to improve the knowledge of English. Exchange visits, business and tourist trips give wide opportunities to talk to native speakers. There is a good chance to apply your knowledge of a foreign language in the practical work of many enterprises and offices in our country and abroad. 1) What is the main reason for learning English? 2) Who else needs foreing languages? 3) What is a general aim to learn English? 4) What opportunities are there to study English? 5) How can you apply your knowledge of a foreign language?

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Помогите составить текст об интернете.

что вы думаете об интернете? Начало некоторых предложений должно выглядеть так.
I am a big fan of..
It is really...
You can...and..
It is also good for..
The only problem with...is...
In brief,...

помогите составить предложения)1) a in

помогите составить предложения)
1) a in so will do teaching perhaps course i
2) to very you do go late bed sometimes
3) history interested so why books become in you did
4) understand her she did you ask to what wanted
5) to book who belong this does
заранее спасибо)

Помогите составить рассказ из 8 предложений (6 класс)

Тема: Рассказ о своей стране. В какую страну я хотела бы поехать.

(Мы из России. Волгоград)
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