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Помогите ещё раз?

1-4 класс

Номер 2 поможете?

130317 08 окт. 2013 г., 2:10:46 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 окт. 2013 г., 4:59:47 (10 лет назад)

2. nose
3. sore throat
4. text
5. happy
6. Let`s visit
7. visit
8. something tasty
9. a fever
10. bring
11. bored
12. phone


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите составить рассказ о весне,используя слова:may,last, spring month,leaves,snowdrops,tulips,lilac,insects(wake

up)ants,bee,fly,dragonfly,grasshopper,come back,sing songs,make nests,lay eggs.

1) Where did she go to university? 2) When did she get married?

3) When did she become Ptime Minister? 4) How many children did she have?
5) When did he started playing the guitar? 6) When did he go in 1966?
7) Yow many albums did he make? 8) when did he die? 9) How many brithes and sistersb did he have? 10) Where did he live? 11) When did he died? 12) How many books did he wtite?

Проверьте пожалуйста есть ли ошибки. Заранее вам благодарна.

Читайте также

кузнечики трещали в порыжелой траве, перепела

кричали, ястребы плавно носились над полями. Деревья сливаются в чернеющие массы на синем небе, робко выступают первые звёздочки.Ещё раз прозвенел над вами голос пеночки, печально прокричала иволга, соловей щёлкнул в первый раз.

Посмотри на картинку ещё раз.сравните ваш класс с классом на картинке.

Пример: есть Золотая рыбка в Джима классе. Но нет Золотой рыбки в нашем классе. Есть доска в классе Джима. И есть доска в нашем классе тоже.

Подскажите,пожалуйста,какой из переводов текста наиболее правильный?

Я ездил в лагерь,и был там 7 дней.Мы гуляли 2 раза в день,у нас был тихий час.Каждый вечер мы ходили танцевать.Для всех были разные кружки по желанию.
Мне там очень понравилось.Этот лагерь называется "Костёр".
Я с большим удовольствием съезжу туда ещё раз летом.

1. I went to camp, and there were there 7 days. We walked 2 times a day, we had a quiet time. Every evening we went to dance. For all there were different circles at will.
There very much it was pleasant to me. This camp is called "Fire".
I with the big pleasure will go there once again in the summer.

2. I went to camp, and there was a 7 dney.My walked 2 times a day, we had a quiet evening we went chas.Kazhdy tantsevat.Dlya all had different circles as desired.
To me there is very ponravilos.Etot camp called "Fire".
I'll go with a little more than happy to go there again in the summer.

1. Прослушай текст и выбери правильный ответ: верно (1 — True); неверно (2 — False); в тексте не сказано (3 — Not stated).Т е к с т д л я а у д и р о в а

н и я Mary and her family lived on a farm. They had a lot of animals there: sheep, cows, chickens and horses. Every morning before school, Mary went to see her white horse, Snow. She gave her some bread to eat for breakfast, then she said goodbye and went to school. But last Tuesday, she didn't close Snow's door carefully when she went to see her. During her Maths lesson, Mary looked out of the window. There was Snow! 'Look!' said the teacher. 'There is a horse in the playground!' The children laughed. After the class, Mary rode home on Snow.А1. Mary and her family lived on a farm.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA2. There were a lot of animals on their farm.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA3. Mary's horse was black.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA4. Mary gave her white bread for breakfast.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA5. The horse's name was Cloud.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated2. Прослушай текст ещё раз и выбери правильный ответА6. What was Mary's favourite animal?1) A sheep. 2) A horse. 3) A cow.A7. What colour was her favourite animal? 1) White. 2) Brown. 3) Grey.A8. What was its name?1) Sunny. 2) Cloud. 3) Snow.A9. Why did it run away one day? Because...1) Mary opened 2) Mary didn't 3) there was fire.the door. close the door.A10. How did Mary get home?1) By car. 2) By bus. 3) On horse.

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