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помогите сделать английский 9 класс.

5-9 класс

Luizadudarova 17 авг. 2014 г., 11:29:37 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 авг. 2014 г., 13:33:11 (9 лет назад)

1)I have to wrritten
3) have influenced
4)Have been red
7)Do you read
10)don't try


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Помогите плиз номер1
погите перевести англиский текс на русский. Last century there was a vere interesting museum in London.It was called the Museum of the Moving

Image.Everyone enjoyed their visit to MOMI.In MOMI the history and magic of cinema and TV was explained.There were hundreds of clips from films and TV programmes.Visitors took an active part.You could act in a Hollywood Western,select a film to watch,or even draw your own cartoon film.During your visit you could also meet characters from the past.Visitors could ask any questions about the time in history from which the characters came.It was both interesting and goor fun!

Make up sentences in the passive voice. Translate them.

1. More than fifteen official languages/speak/in India.
2. A lot of texts of popular songs/write/in English.
3.A lot of Russian students/give/stipends for studying in in Westween Universities every year

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Прошу, помогите сделать английский язык, мы проходим Causative form? и вот задание:

Use the words in brackets to make sentences, as in the example. Mind the tenses.
Вот есть пример:
-Tina is at the hairdresser's. (cut/hair)
-She's having her hair cut.
Помогите сделать такое-же и с этими предложениями:
1. Sheila will go to the dressmaker. (make/dress)
2. Danny went to the mechanic yesterday. (fix/car)
3. Evelyn went to the beauty salon yesterday. (do/nails)
4. Bob has taken his shoes to the shoemaker. (mend/shoes)
5. Jill called the painters. (paint/house)
6. Steve went to the drycleaner's. (clean/suits)
7. The Smiths have gone to the photographer's. (develop/film)

Прошу, помогите сделать английский язык, мы проходим Causative form? и вот задание:

Use the words in brackets to make sentences, as in the example. Mind the tenses.
Вот есть пример:
-Tina is at the hairdresser's. (cut/hair)
-She's having her hair cut.
Помогите сделать такое-же и с этими предложениями:
1. Sheila will go to the dressmaker. (make/dress)
2. Danny went to the mechanic yesterday. (fix/car)
3. Evelyn went to the beauty salon yesterday. (do/nails)
4. Bob has taken his shoes to the shoemaker. (mend/shoes)
5. Jill called the painters. (paint/house)
6. Steve went to the drycleaner's. (clean/suits)
7. The Smiths have gone to the photographer's. (develop/film)

Прошу, помогите сделать английский язык, мы проходим Causative form? и вот задание:

Use the words in brackets to make sentences, as in the example. Mind the tenses.
Вот есть пример:
-Tina is at the hairdresser's. (cut/hair)
-She's having her hair cut.
Помогите сделать такое-же и с этими предложениями:
1. Sheila will go to the dressmaker. (make/dress)
2. Danny went to the mechanic yesterday. (fix/car)
3. Evelyn went to the beauty salon yesterday. (do/nails)
4. Bob has taken his shoes to the shoemaker. (mend/shoes)
5. Jill called the painters. (paint/house)
6. Steve went to the drycleaner's. (clean/suits)
7. The Smiths have gone to the photographer's. (develop/film)

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