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Выбери правильный вариант: If my sister watches TV till late at night, I’ll do it ..... .

10-11 класс


Асарисинаса 10 янв. 2014 г., 8:00:56 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 янв. 2014 г., 10:14:24 (10 лет назад)

If my sister watches TV till late at night, I'll do it too.

- Если моя сестра смотрит телевизор до поздней ночи, я буду тоже.


+ 0 -
10 янв. 2014 г., 11:44:41 (10 лет назад)

If my sister watches TV till late at night, I’ll do it too


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Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

b)will be
The weather is rice today, but it ... bad yesterday
Everybodi in our family ... Mummy about the house. Dat ... the dog, I... the flowers, and my brothers ... the rooms.
a)help, walks, water, clean
b)help, walks, water, cleans
c)helps, walks, water, clean
d)help, walk, waters, cleans
Отметьте , какие из перечисленных английских предложений верны/неверны (true/false):
1. English is the most popular foreign language in aur country.
2. After Friday comes Monday.
Соотнесите английские выражения с русскими:
1 stuffed with ewents а) загадочный сюжет
2 life of famous people в)драки различного вида
3 adventures in the space с)жизнь знаменитых людей
4 be kind and patient d)быть добрым и терпеливым
5 keep you in suspense e)наполненный событиями
6 fights of different types f)приключения в космосе
7 full of special effects g)наполнен спецэффектами
8 a mysterious plot h)держать в напряжение
Соотнесите английские предлоги с русскими:
1 in the middle of а) между
2 under б) в середине
3 in the corner с) ниже под
4 between д) спереди
5 next to е) в углу
6 in front of ф) рядом с
Отметьте существительные а единственном числе:
a) foot
b) children
c) roofs
d) news
e) boxes
f) trousens
g) postmen
h) businesswoman
i) money
j) mouse
Поставьте следующие слова в правильном порядке так , чтобы получилось предложение:
a) peace
b) there
c) like
d) is po
e) home
Расставьте слова и выражения в нужные колонки.
My working day My flat
1 TV set
2 free-time
3 different subjects
4 chest of drawers
5 to pass exams
6 to have some rest
7 cosy kitehen
8 heautifue wallpaper
9 a first - year student
10 armchair
11 many - stored building
12 to he busy
13 modern conveniemes
14 to take a coal showerr

5) Найдите правильный вариант вопроса к выделенному члену предложения.

1. Pam's sister a secretaty.
Who is Pam's sister?
What is Pam's sister?

2. Your friend speaks English well.
How does your friend speak English?
What does your friend speak English?

3. We will arrive un Tokio at 3 o'clock in the morning tomorrow.
Will we arrive in Tokio?
When will we arrive in Tokio?

5.1) Выберите правильный вариант.
1. You like black coffee ......?
a) aren't you? b) don't you? c) do you?
2) John isn't ill .......?
a) is he? b) does he ? is Johv?
3) There isn't a cloud is the sky ........?
a) does there? b) is there? c) is it?

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1) Poor Kate! She __ her leg.
a) broke b) had broken
c) has broken d) is breaking
2) Ann Rowley was only twenty-three when she ___ as a Memberof Parliament.
a) elected b) was elected
c) had elected c) had been elected
3) At the station they (meet) by a man.
a) will meet b) will met
c) will be met c) will be meeting
4) «I think the film was a huge success» — said Peter. Peter said that … .
a) he thinks the film was a huge success.
b) he thought the film was a huge success.
c) he thought the film had been a huge success.
d) I thought the film had been a huge success.
5) Mrs. Blake asked me when … .
a) I had heard him play.
b) she has heard him play.
c) I have heard his play.
d) she hears my playing.
6) «I`ll come to the meeting», — Tom said to me. Tom promised me that … come to the meeting.
a) if he would b) he would
c) he will d) I would
7) «Please close the window, my son», — asked mother.
a) does close b) to close c) closed d) will close
8) John wishes he ___ all the chocolates.
a) hadn’t eaten b) had eaten
c) didn’t eat d) wouldn’t eat
9) We wish we ___ a dog.
a) have b) had had c) had d) would have
10) I wish I ___ more comfortable shoes.
a) bought b) didn’t buy
c) have bought d) had bought
11) I wish you ____ something instead of just sitting and doing nothing.
a) would do b) did
c) had done d) would have done
12) It is raining. Jill wants to go out, but not in the rain. She says: I wish it ___ raining.
a) stopped b) had stopped
c) would stop d) could stop
13) He … when he told that he had never heard it before.
a) was laughed b) was laughed at
c) was being laughed at d) laughed
14) This test … by a great number of students, so you can do it as well.
a) has passed b) has been passed
c) have passed d) passes
15) The official report … by the end of this week.
a) will be written b) is being written
c) will have been written d) is written

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Will you write to me if I (give / will give) you my address?
2. If the weather (is / will be) fine we shall go to the country.
3. If I (saw / had seen) him I would have told him about it.
4. I (will give, would give, would have given) him money, if I were you.
5. All would have been surprised if they (got / had got) married.

выберите правильный вариант

1. I ( am, is, are) at the zoo.

2. We ( is, are, am) from Russia.

3. My sister ( have got, has got ) a doll.

4. My brother and I ( have got, has got ) a nice dog.

5. The dog ( like, likes, liking ) to play with my toys.

6. My father ( works, working, work ) at the bakery.

7. Look! Larry ( skate, skates, skating, is skating).

8. We ( write, are writing, writes ) a test now.

9. There ( is, are ) two children in the classroom.

10. There ( is, are) a banana on the table.

11. I`ve got ( a, an, - ) orange.

12. There is ( some, any ) milk in the bottle.

13. We haven`t got ( some, any ) cheese in the fridge.

14. How ( much, many)bread do you need?

15. There aren`t ( much, many) apples in the bag.

16. My little brother has got two (tooth, tooths , teeth)

17. Kate has got five (doll, mice, child)

18. My birthday is ( in, on ) October.

19. ( Luly, Luly`s) toys are in the box.

20. How old ( are you, you are)?

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