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Put the British holidays in the chronological order, starting with the beginning of the year.1) April Fool's Day2) Mothering Sunday3)

5-9 класс

New Year's Day4) St. Valentine's Day 5) Queen's birthday

Liza896 21 дек. 2016 г., 19:12:01 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 дек. 2016 г., 21:10:33 (7 лет назад)

New year's Day, St. Valentine's Day, Mothering Sunday (30 марта для 2014 года), April Fool's Day, Queen's birthday

+ 0 -
21 дек. 2016 г., 23:20:28 (7 лет назад)



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Помогите перевести!!!!!!!!!!!! По предложениям!

Captain Hook and his men, Starkey and Smee, looked around, but they didn’t see the entrances to the Lost Boys’ house.

“Look everywhere!” said Hook. “I want those boys, and I want Peter Pan. He will be sorry that he cut off my hand!”

“But your hook is better than a hand, sir,” said Smee. “You said you can comb your hair and do lots of jobs with it! Why are you angry with Peter?”

“Peter threw my hand to the crocodile!” said Hook. “The crocodile liked the taste so much that now he wants to eat the rest of me!”

“Ah!” said Starkey. “So that is why the crocodile follows you everywhere.”

“Yes,” said Hook. “But luckily for me, the crocodile swallowed a clock. Now I can hear it every time it comes near me.”

“One day the clock will stop,” said Smee. “Then the crocodile will get you.”

“That is what I’m afraid of,” said Hook. He sat down on a large mushroom to rest, but then he jumped up again.

“That mushroom is hot!” he said. The pirates looked at the mushroom and saw that smoke was coming out of it.

“It’s a chimney!” cried Hook. “This is where the Lost Boys live!”
The pirates listened, and they heard the voices of the Lost Boys. The boys felt safe in their house, and they were chatting happily.

“Did you hear them say Peter Pan’s not at home?” Smee whispered.

“I did,” said Hook with an evil grin. “I have a plan! We will go back to the ship and make a big cake with green sugar on the top. We will leave the cake on the shore of the Mermaids’ Lagoon, and it will become damp. The boys often swim in the lagoon. When they see the cake, they will eat it. The Lost Boys have no mothers, and they don’t know how dangerous it is to eat damp cake! Ha-ha-ha! They will all die!”

“It’s a brilliant plan!” cried Smee, and the pirates danced and sang. But suddenly, they heard a terrible sound.

Tick, tick, tick, tick!

Hook froze with one foot in the air.

“The crocodile!” he cried, and ran away as fast as he could, back to the pirate ship. Starkey and Smee followed, and for a while, they forgot all about the Lost Boys and the underground house.

When do you have French
Поставьте правильно слова:

1) We worked/works in Madrid last month.
2) Did he lived/live with his parents in 2010?
3) She goes/went tothe cinema last weekend.
4) We didn't met/meet them at the station.
5) Did they came/come on Sunday?
6) I didn't moved/move to Astana with him.
7) They did have/had a good time.


Two brothers Stuart and Roy always plan the coming week.
what are their plans? use the notes in the calendar and the words from the box.

Sunday Roy and I play football in the evening

Monday I go to the birthday party

Tuesday Roy and I go to the cinema

Thursday Roy take part in the running competition

Friday I swim in the swimmihg pooI

Saturday Roy and l visir our Grandma and Grendpa

0) - Stuart, why don't we go to the cinema on Frigay?
- l am sorry, l can't. l am going to the swimming pool on Friday.
1 - What are we doing on Tuesday?
2 - Let's play football on Saturday.
3 - Why don't you join us on the beach on Sunday morning?
4 - Stuart, do you think Roy would like to visit a dog show on Thursday?
5 - Stuart, let's have a picnic on Monday evening.

Слова для справок:

l am sorry, l can't. Of course, l will.
l am afraid he can't. We are sorry, we can't.
That's a good idea! We are free on...

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Put the sentences in chronological order according to the text.

1) The father showed the boy holes in the fence.
2) His father told him to take off the nails.
3) There once was a boy with a bad temper.
4) His father gave him some nails to hammer them in the fence.
5) The boy put all the nails into the fence.

перевидите пожалуста the Best Holidays in parutino

An and Dan were on holidays in parutino with their friends.it was the sunniest day,sothey decided to go and play on the beach.They were very excited,so they ran all the way there.
At the beach,theyunpacked their things."Let`s play volleyball!
Dan said
They got out a ball and started to play.Alex hit the ball so high that it seemed to go behind the clouds.the children could haedly notice what was under their feet.as steve was playing,he suddenly jumped on something sharp and hurt his right foot.He had to sit downon the hot sand and to examine his foot.
What has happened with you?Ann asked and came closer to the boy.
The children stopped playing.
Why have I hurt my leg?steve wondered.I see nothing here .This place is famos for ancient Greek treasures,Dan explained.People often find old things here.Let`s dig the sand and look carefully. Children started to dig and in a few minutes they couldn`t believe their eyes.They found a small marble thing! Let`s take it to the local museu,Ann said.The man at the museum was very pleased.This is the most amazing thing we have found this season! It is more then two thousand years old.The next day,the local newspaper interviewed the children about their wonderful find.They felt very proud and Steve even forgot about his foot.These are the best holidays we have ever had,they said.

Put the word enough in the right place. 1. Do we have water to water the garden? 2. Johnny is big to understand such things. 3. The skyscraper is tall

to see the whole city from its top. 4. She had wisdom to say nothing. 5. Do we have books on the Civil War in America? 6. Ben hasn't got farmland to raise cows.

Put in prepositions where necessary. 1. Americans have only one Constitution, but they make amendments _ it. 2. Germany began the war without declaring it _ Russia. 3. The Bill _ Rights guarantees to people some important rights and freedoms. 4. Everyone liked the boy and trusted him. 5. Do you have any respect vou these people? 6. I'll support __ your struggle. 7. The Statue of Liberty is a great attraction ____ tourists.

Express the same English. 1. Мы знали, что наш приятель родился в 1991 году. 2. Учитель объяснил, что он уже видел новый учебник и даже купил его. 3. Кто-нибудь рассказал детям, что Лондон — древний город, основанный римлянами? 4. Брат сказал, что в тот день он проснулся в девять часов. 5. Дети спросили, бывал ли путешественник в Южной Америке. 6. Все понимали, что знать иностранный язык полезно.

Please help my^ Talk about the summer holidays in the country/at the seaside _______________


places what people can do

in the country spend a lot of time outdoors

feed the farm animals

ride horses

go into the forest

swim in the river

pick berries

make jam

walk in the fields

gather mushroom

grow different plants

grow vegetables and fruit

make a fire

play the guitar

visit famous places of interest

at the seaside

spend the summer holidays by the sea

see exotic animals

trees and flowers

do a lot of sundathing

swim in the sea all day long

smell the beautiful flowers

go singhtseeing

find seashells

Put the scrambled paragraphs in the right order. 1) Shannon concentrated and did her best. She worked hard, and her teammates

appreciated her for it. She always had a positive attitude and encouraged her teammates to work harder and do their best. But that day, Shannon twisted her ankle and fell down. She cried out in pain, which was unusual for Shannon. She rarely cried. Everyone rushed over to see if she was okay.2) So, the whole team climbed aboard the school bus and the coach took them all out for ice cream. As she licked her mint chocolate chip ice cream cone, Shannon said, "Today, I love basketball practice more than ever!"3) Coach always started practice the same way. They ran ten laps around the gym and then stretched out. They then practiced shots. (Shannon usually sank most of hers!) Then the coach introduced new drills. Then they practiced the plays they used in games.4) One of her teammates ran to get ice for her ankle. (Ice helps with the swelling.) The others helped her off the court and she sat down to rest. The coach asked Shannon if she was okay. She said, "I am fine. Ankles heal." The coach shook her head. "Shannon," she said, "As usual, I am impressed with your attitude and team spirit. In honor of Shannon, we should all go get ice cream!”5) Shannon loved basketball. She loved everything about basketball. Shannon always looked forward to basketball practice. She enjoyed the workout. She enjoyed the competition. She enjoyed the time with her teammates.

The parts of the following text are all mixed up.
Put them in the right order.

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