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What is the most successful company in Belarus. Explain your answer.

10-11 класс

Andrew788 08 июля 2014 г., 6:35:22 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 июля 2014 г., 9:19:04 (9 лет назад)

The most successful company in Belarus is Belaruskaliy. It is because the Belaruskaliy company is the most profitable(прибыльный) company in Belarus. The sum which is 7 367 614 rubles.

+ 0 -
08 июля 2014 г., 11:25:28 (9 лет назад)

Есть варианты компаний?

+ 0 -
08 июля 2014 г., 13:22:36 (9 лет назад)

про любую компанию


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2. Complete the sentences using the correct pronoun or adjective.

Could you lend me some money? (you / I)
Why didn’t she ask us to help her? (she / we / she)
Do you ever talk to yourself when you’re on your own? (you / you / you / you)
1. ... house is much bigger than ... . (they / we)
2. Is this book ... or ... ? (you / I)
3. How long have ... been waiting for ... ? (they / we)
4. Don’t blame ... ; ... wasn’t ... mistake. (you / it / you)
5. ... was very angry with ... when ... broke ... camera. (he / I / I / he)
6. ...’s a coincidence that ... birthday is on the same day as ... . (it / he / her)

Напишите по порядку и в какой форме в каждом предложении. Спасибо заранее!

recast the sentences below into indirect speech 1. Mary said :" We can walk in the park if you like" 2. Nancy said : " I'm sorry i didn't

come yesterday."

3. Peter remarked, " I dont know when the Coca Cola Company was founded"

4. My granny used to say " There are so many people who don't observe any rules"

5. He said " Our new neighbour always dresses so elegantly"

6. My boyfriend said to me , " I have missed you so much lately"

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Paragraph 1

1 Open your letter

2 Thank your friend for the letter

3 Express your readiness to help

Paragraph 2

1 Describe common pastimes in your country

2 Mention some pastimes which are not popular in Russia

3 Write about your favourite pastimes

Paragraph 3

1 Express hope that your letter will help (in his project on the most popular pastimes in other countries)

2 Offer more help if needed

3 Close your letter

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