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Grammar revision

5-9 класс

1.People in the USA_ _ _ _seven million pizzas every day
2.Penguins_ _ _ _wings but they_ _ _ _fly.
3_ _ _ _a place called El Barrio in New York.
4.Spiders_ _ _ _six legs
5."General Sherman"_ _ _ _83 metres tall
6.Chimpanzees_ _ _ _very intelligent animals.
7._ _ _ _290 million people in the USA
8.The red-kneed tarantula_ _ _ _red knees.It_ _ _ _in a hole in the ground

Пожалуйста помогите за место _ _ _ _ вставте нужные слова

Butenko2001 07 дек. 2013 г., 4:13:45 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 дек. 2013 г., 5:21:54 (10 лет назад)

1.People in the USA eat seven million pizzas every day
2.Penguins have got wings but they can't fly.
3 There's a place called El Barrio in New York.
4.Spiders haven't got six legs
5."General Sherman" is 83 metres tall
6. Chimpanzees are very intelligent animals.
7. There are 290 million people in the USA
8. The red-kneed tarantula has got red knees.It lives in a hole in the ground


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите пожалуйста перевести на английский язык.

Меня зовут Карина, мне 14 лет. Я живу в России в городе Казани. Учусь в школе номер 9, в 8"В" классе.
В нашей школе мы изучаем много разных предметов. Лично я увлекаюсь физикой, математикой и музыкой.
Я люблю эти предметы потому что они мне понятны.Музыкой я увлекаюсь т.к люблю петь. Физика мне интересна потому что я люблю решать задачи и это мне удается. Так же я помогаю своим одноклассникам по физике. Что касается меня примерно через пару лет я буду экономистом.
Я люблю свой класс, он такой дружный. По правде говоря большинство людей шумят на уроках, а я спокойная. В нашем классе хорошая атмосфера.вот и все.
Учебный год только начался, все самое интересное впереди.
Лично я: Persenally I
Увлекается чем-то: to be fond of
Что качается меня: As for me
Примерно через пару лет: in couple of year or so
Помогать кому-то с чем то: to help somebody with something
По правде говоря: to be honest
Спокойный: quiet
Большинство людей.... А я : Most people.... But I
Нужно перевести до 17.09.13

Преобразовать предложения в косвенную речь:

1) Jeff : I watch the news programmes every day.
2) Olivia: I spend about three hours a day watching TV on week days.
3)Sam: I am reading the newspaper <The Times> now.
4)Sara: My parents are working now.
5) Misha: I bought the new computer gume yester day.
6) Kate: I registered on the site <Face book> two years ago.
7)Nick: I have become the user of the site <Odnoklassiki> today.
8)Masha: My sister hays created ner own e-mail address this week.

Читайте также

Grammar revision. Пример:my best friend asked me-> to help him with his homework. 1.my parents told me-> 2.our teacher


3.our neighbour asked us->

4.before the school trip the headmaster told us->

5.my grandfather asked me->

Переписывать предложения не надо.просто цифру и продолжение:)

1.Is it necessary to learn grammar?

2. Should one practise grammar andvocabulary together or in isolation?
3. Which is better: to practise using new words or lern them by heart?
4. Are idioms esy to learn?
5.Why is it important to keep yourself up-to-date with idioms?
6. Why is it important to use the right intonation when you talk to people?
7. Why is it useful to tray to guess the meaning of words from the context?
8.What can one do to learn to understand spoken English?
9. What is the most difficult feature of learning a language?
10. What does "social English" mean?

Ответьте на вопросы

Напишите предложения в прошедшем и будущем времени.

1. Many subjects are studied by the students of our University.
2. Newspaper are sold early in the morning.

3. Children are taken care of.
4. The delegation is shown around Moscow.

5. Urgent message are sent by E-mail.
6. Exercises are checked up in class.

7. We are taught English at the University.
8. The problem is much spoken about.
9. Mother is wanted on phone.
10. Grammar rules are revised by us regularly.

2) Grammar. Tracy is really bossy sometimes. Her brother Steve says that living with Tracy is like having an extra parent.нужно составить предложения

Make up sentences

about what Tracy wants her brother Steve to do. Use the words given.
(grammar hint)

Complex object

Tracy makes me tidy my room every day

0) want / do / regularly / his chores about the house

Tracy wants Steve to do his chores about the house regularly.

1) make / tidy / his room

Tracy makes Steve tidy his room.

2) want / make a mess / in the house / not


3) ask / turn the music off


4) let / take / her things / not


5) make / do the dishes


6) need / do the shopping


7) would like / walk the dog


Надо правильно вставить слова.

Homework, made, mistake, revise, skill, translation, write, wrote.
1) When was the last time you _ an essay in English? What was it about?
2) How do you _ grammar before an English?
3) Which_(reading, writing, listening or speaking) do you enjoy practising the most?

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