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5-9 класс

Manyasha123123123 16 марта 2015 г., 14:56:08 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 марта 2015 г., 16:57:07 (9 лет назад)

Мать хотела, чтобы я сделал что-то сам, и после оценки вып

+ 0 -
16 марта 2015 г., 19:05:15 (9 лет назад)

мама хотела, чтобы я сделал что-то о себе и после оценки моей


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Make up questions in past simple

1.celebrate\ last \you\ how\ your \birthday
2.what\ weekend\ during\ do\ the\ you
3/ subjects/ year\ have\ what\ you\ last
4.yesterday\ many\ lessons\ have\ how\ you
5.get\ early\ last\ you\ why\ Thursday\ up

Сочинение на тему : My home my castle.

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Переведите пожалуйста( корректно)So finish degree lots of money to banks for various debts you your wing you've built up during your time at university.

You already have chains around your ankles. You're firmly locked into society. You're on the conveyor belt and it's very hard to get yourself off You find a job, a girlfriend whom you might eventually marry, you buy a house together and start paying off your mortgage. You decide to have children and put them on the conveyor belt the same way you yourself were put on. You earn more money and retire, grow old, and finally put yourself into an expensive residential care home. Well done. You did it. You did exactly what this society asked of you. went to college until I ighteen. I passed A-levels, then my ent w surfing around the world what they call year". I really don't like the on a gap word "gap". When I looked in the dictionary for the word "gap", I found "Gap: A break in continuity, interruption.' allowed The society doesn't recognize this year as being important. You are to do it in fact you are told that future employers love it because it means you have done something interesting, shown your independence, and have something original to talk about in your job interviews. But once the year is gap over, you must start serious work earning money and making plans for the future. We love plans in the UK, because plans are security, and we adore security. The funny thing is, I don't believe security can come from a big house and a fast car or a degree. All these things create an illusion that you are secure. Security, in my opinion, comes from within oneself I'm on my fourth "gap year and I'm happy, truly happy. Every now summer I work as a beach lifeguard in Cornwall, the county which is a long peninsula in the southwest of England and where thousands of people go for their summer holidays. I don't earn a fortune but my life is rich. I wake up every morning and see the ocean. I surf every day if there are waves. can Surfing is the one thing in my life that truly makes me happy. If I couldn't surf, then, I think, I'd dry up and rot. Surfing means everything to me and nothing will ever remove me from the ocean. I save what little I earn in the summer which enables me to spend each winter in the sun with my surfboard Australia, Sri Lanka, Thailand.. maybe South Africa or South America next year so that's what am going to do I've realized that surfing makes me happy, so that's what I am going to do. I'll base my life around it in every possible way. I'll do any job and live anywhere, as long as I have the ocean on my doorstep. Many of my friends went to college and university and now live in the city and do the usual nine-to-five things along with everyone else. I spent a short time living in the city last year and I couldn't believe what I saw. People seemed so lifeless on the Underground in the morning. Nobody seemed happy or friendly. It was the land of the living dead. I truly believe that lots of people know what makes them happy but they choose to ignore it because it gets in the way of what they are really supposed to do: namely, work and earn lots of money. Life should be an adventure and if you're on that conveyor belt, it will not happen. Whatever happened to adventure? I don't want to get to the end of my life and think: "What if?" I often asked what my plans are. I also get asked where I see myself get going and what I want to do with my life. "When," they ask, "are you going to get a proper job?" They forget that I be the person who saves their child's may life on a beach one summer. Isn't that "proper" enough? I want to do exactly what I'm doing right now. Sure I'd like a little house and maybe bring a baby into the world, but I refuse to believe that the only way of doing that is by following the system. I don't want to see the world in the movies and read about it in books. I want to see it myself, smell it, hear it and feel it. I refuse to follow other people's footsteps

переведите пожалуйста!срочно нужно! On Monday morning Torrey went down to the __________ after phoning for an appointment. A pleasant-faced girl took her t

o Mr Brock's office. Thanks, Miss Clavel/ Good morning, Miss Thorne. He rose and shook hands with her. He's nice, thought Torrey. She took the chair he offerd, and he sat down in the chair before a desk littered with papers,books,a chart,and letters. I understand you have a college degree and a year of ________ school, but not a _____degree, is that it? Torry agreed. Then we can only offerd you half-time employment for the present. It has been suggested that you might like to complete the credits for your degree. I'd like to try. No reason why you can't. Want to try the half-time job for a week or two and see how it goes ? I heven't had much practical experience, Mr Brock. Will there be someone to show me the ropes ? Clarissa Clvel, the girl who brought you in. She's a top specialist . She'll help you if you need it. All _______ work is a mass of detail, as you must realize, after a year in ___ school. But while books and records are important , people are more so. And children, he added, are more important than anybody/ Which do you prefer, morning or afternoon? Torrey hadn't thought about that. How about afternoons to start with? Mr Brock suggested. Then you can see what is offered at ________ School. If your classes come in the morning, we can continue the arrangement, or we can change if necessary. Then you can see what is offered at_______School. If your classes come in the morning , we can continue the arrangement, or we can change if necessary. There are always more children here in the afternoon.The morning flew by with too many things to learn all at once. Torrey’s head wasspinning‘ with the complex details.She enjoyed working with Clarissa, admiring her quick mind, her knowledge, hereasy and good-natured way of dealing with the children who came in. Torrey liked thechildren. They let her help them find the books they wanted. She liked it.“Think I’ll ever get it straight?” she asked Clarissa.“Sure. You’re doing all right. It takes some people weeks to get the hang of all thosecards and numbers. And you’re fine with the children.”“I made a lot of mistakes.”“Everybody does when they first come in. Nobody on the outside has any idea howmuch there is to learn about a___________.Torrey went home feeling encouraged. She had a job she was sure she would like andshe was earning money.The next afternoon Torrey spent learning about a _________ . There seemed tobe no end to the things she had to learn, details of filing and sorting and shelving.She had learned the principles at _________ school, but each ________ hadcertain rules and arrangements of its own. These had been found to work and hadbeen carried along through the years because it would involve too much time andtrouble to change them.

I will never forget my first visit to the theatre. My mother took me to the Bolshoi theatre to see "The Sleeping Beauty". We took the underground

there, as the Bolshoi Theatre is in the centre of Moscow. It took us a quarter of an hour to get there. When we arrived at the theatre we could see many people in the hall. Some of them had programmes in their hands . My mother bought one for us. Then she lad the way to our seats. They where not expensive but we could see the stage very well. Then the lights went down and the curtain rose. We could see a beautiful palace on the stage and we could here beautiful music. The scenery was fantastic. I liked the ballet very much. The leading dancer was so good, that when the performance was over there was a storm of applause. My mother enjoyed the performance greatly and she promised to take me to the opera at a later date

Составить вопросы к тексту I will never forget my first visit to the theatre. My mother took me to the Bolshoi theatre to see "The Sleeping Beau

ty". We took the underground there, as the Bolshoi Theatre is in the centre of Moscow. It took us a quarter of an hour to get there. When we arrived at the theatre we could see many people in the hall. Some of them had programmes in their hands . My mother bought one for us. Then she lad the way to our seats. They where not expensive but we could see the stage very well. Then the lights went down and the curtain rose. We could see a beautiful palace on the stage and we could here beautiful music. The scenery was fantastic. I liked the ballet very much. The leading dancer was so good, that when the performance was over there was a storm of applause. My mother enjoyed the performance greatly and she promised to take me to the opera at a later date

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