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СРОЧНО сочинение на тему пдд на английском СРОЧНО

1-4 класс

Ipe92 26 марта 2014 г., 9:52:26 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 марта 2014 г., 10:53:47 (10 лет назад)

Road safety is an essential part of knowing how to drive. A driver should always make sure they are wearing their seatbelt and should always adjust their mirrors so that they can see everything around them. A safe and courteous driver will use turn signals when they are turning so that the people behind them will have the proper time to stop and to alert other drivers that it is safe fro them to proceed. Headlights are another part of road safety. Headlights should be used when the weather is bad, because dense fog, heavy snow, or heavy rain can prevent others from seeing your car. Headlights should also be used at night so that you may see the road and any obstructions in your way. Headlights at night are also invaluable because other cars can tell where you are...
Another big part of road safety is obeying the speed limit and other laws of the road. Speeding can cause accidents if the person in front of you stops suddenly, or if you hit gravel or excessive water in the road. Other laws that will keep you safe are not passing in a no passing zone and stopping completely at all stop signs and traffic lights...
Distracted driving not only endangers you, but your passengers, other drivers and pedestrians. Keeping your mind focused will help protect your safety and the safety of others. So wait until later to make that phone call, text or change the radio station, put away the umbrellas, leave the headphones at home, stop smoking, eating and drinking while driving, lower the music or just turn it off...
Remember, safe driving may not allows be cool, but it will safe your life and the life of others!...

Удачи!... ;)


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