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When are you going ..... to Dave?

5-9 класс

A. write. B. to write. C. writing

СпасибоВамБольшое 13 окт. 2013 г., 9:20:32 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 окт. 2013 г., 12:00:59 (10 лет назад)

to write, вариант В.

+ 0 -
13 окт. 2013 г., 13:29:12 (10 лет назад)

вариант b..to write


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A group of students came up with the idea of making a school club to help save the environment. Tanya Brunton, Alicia Morton, Gina Montgomery, Clive Forsyth, Jim O'Sullivan and Carl Johnson created the Nature Madness Club and won the award for the best student work.

At first their club only had 30 members, but word soon got around that Nature Madness was fun and less than a month later they had over 300 students. Now, they are thinking of asking for the help of students from other schools.

Nature Madness members took part in lots of after-school activities. They took classes to find out about pollution, recycling and conservation. The whole team helped to make the classes more interesting by using pictures and videos and so on. After that, the members organised different events and activities such as recycling or clean-up days, planting trees, and helping stray animals.

The mayor gave each student a gold medal for their good work. Their teacher, Barbara Mac Alpine, said at the ceremony, "I'm very proud of my students. They show that you don't have to wait until you're grown up to do important things."

слово coughing в Past Simple

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Перевод HOLIDAYS "Where are you going to spend your holidays?” Myshko asked his friends when they were on their way home from school.

*1 don't know,* Victor said, "my father and mother have not I decided yet. This evening we are going to speak about it" "But I know* Lora said, “we usually spend our holidays at the I seaside. We enjoy holidays at the Black Sea, we like to swim and I sunburn, and go on all kinds of interesting excursions.*

"We also go to the seaside in summer," Vira said, "but this I year my parents decided to spend our holidays in Kyiv."

"Oh, it’s wonderful! You'll see all the interesting places,

I exhibitions, museums, parks and theatres there," Myshko I said. "We were in Kyiv last summer, and we had a very good I time there."

"And where are you going to spend your holidays this I summer, Misha?" Vira asked.

«I.ll stay in town for a month and then ill go to my uncle. H e lives in a small village of Polissia."

“Why don t you ask me about my plans for the holidays ?" Serhiy asked.

Tell us. please!" all of them said ance.

“I have a cousin, who lives in Lviv. She is coming to stay with us this summer.”

"Then it’s very good. Let’s spend our time together.You and me and our cousin-Myshko said.

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going to cook tonight?

3) are your parents going to visit you tonight?

4) what are you going to do at seven o clock?

5) is your friend going to visit you tonight?

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What are you going to be ? как почитать этот текст

What are you going to be ?
ll be a teacher,
Thats the life me .
What are you going to be ?
What are you going to be ?
I shall be a fireman
Thats the life me .

Вставьте shall или will - I am hangry. Are you going to the shops? - Yes. ... get something to eat? а) - I am going to the


- ... go to Arman?

b) - I am going to the language centre to study Kazakh.

- ... come with you?

c) - Are you going to have a holiday?

- Yes, ... travel around the world with a friend.

d) - It's hot in the classroom, isn't it?

-Yes, ... open the window.

Объесните пожалуйста, когда нужно вставлять shall, will.

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