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Вот задание:comlete the postcard with the verbs in the correct tenses and find out if Amanda is enjoying her stay in London.

5-9 класс

Данные слова:have,be,welcome,be,not see,manage,go.

Dear Tina
wi ....a wonderful time.The weather ...fine and people...us warmly.We ...to so many places here.However ,we ...half of the city yet.We ...to see the Houses of Parliament.
We ...to the Tower of London tomorrow.

Ksyushatihonova 16 марта 2015 г., 11:06:08 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 марта 2015 г., 13:19:18 (9 лет назад)

Dear Tina
We are having a wonderful time. The weather is fine and people


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Сочинение на тему "моя школа": "write a letter (150 words) about your school. How would you answer Tracy's question" или "enlarge your letter (up to 200 wo

rds) to talk about your school".

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Задание: complete the sentences with have, havent, has or hasnt. 1. The tourist ..... bought any souvenirs in the shop yet . 2. What

..... you done? - Ann ..... already translated the exercise and I ..... learnt the new words by heart.

3. ...... the students written the test? - Not yet.

Задание: complete the sentences with the verbs in the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.

1. ....... you (be) to London? - Yes, I ... (be) there last summer.

2. She .... (never / fly ) a kite

. 3. The tourist ..... ( just / cross ) the square.

помогите пожалуйста)) 1 задания) Complete the sentences with this , these , it , or they) a) "Are_____keys Tom's?" "No,_____aren't" b) How much

are____trousers? c)"____book is interesting". "No,____isn't. _____'s d)I don't like____cheese. e)"Do you like____jacket?". "Yes,_____'s fashionable" а вот второе)) Complete the sentences with that , those , it , or they a) Look at _____boys._____ are twins. b)"How much is ____ stamp?" "_____'s very expensive" c)"Are_____ girls your sisters?" "Yes,____are". d)"Is _____ house Kate's?" "Yes, ____ is" e)Look at _____fantastic car.

Помогите ребят, срочно надо! Пропущенные слова расставить

Write down sentences with verbs in correct tense form (P.S. or P,C,)

1. I (see) __________ a very good programme on TV last night.

2. While I (do) ___________ the shopping this morning I lost my money.

3. The girl (shake) __________________ with laughter when her elder brother came in the room.

4. While i was coming to work this morning, I (mees) _______________ an old friend.

5. We (listen) _________________ to the on the radio when the phone rang.

Помогите сделать инглишь вот задание: Сomplete the sentences with the verbs below in the correct from. Вот слова которые надо вставить: be, take, switch,

work, get, fly. Теперь предложения куда надо вставить слова: 1) Maria ......... of her MP3 player when she's at school. 2) Martha and Katie live far from their school, but they ........ on time for class every day. 3) You don't have to .............. part in the school performance if you don't want. 4) Ivan is an excellent student and always.....

Очень срочно люди....... Complete the text with verbs in the Past Simple. Last weekend Tina And her parents ---------- the noisy city. They --------

very busy. This is what they ---------. On Saturday they -------- their flat. Mother ---------- some delicious cakes. Father ------- tickets for a theatre play. Tina ------ her homework. On Sanday they --- to the theatre. After the play they---------- in the Children's Park. They ------- at a cafe for ice-cream.

2)Say what Tina and Victor didn't do. Example: Last Sunday Victor visited his grandparents. Tina didn't visit her grandparents. 1. Tina saw a new play at the theatre. Victor --------- a play at the theatre. 2 Victor played footbal with his friends. Tina ----- footbal. 3 Tina made cakes. Victor ----- cakes. 4 Tina went to the Children's Park. Victor ------- to the C. P. 5 Tina took pictures. Victor --- pictures. (Спс за ранее)))

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