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Вставте слова по смыслу: have(2) like send singВ предложения They............a party tomorrow I...........

1-4 класс


We.............a song

She.......... her friends.

Oleg....................a postcard to us.

Dariakrasovska 21 дек. 2013 г., 23:54:48 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 дек. 2013 г., 2:02:56 (10 лет назад)

They will have a party tomorrow
i like shopping
We are singing a song
She has her friends
Oleg sent a postcard to us


Читайте также

1.Выбери слово, более подходящее по смыслу.

1) To interview someone...
a) to give an interview b) to read an interview c) to ask somebody questions
2) parents...
a) mum and dad b) sister and brother c) grandma and grandpa
3) sociable
a) serious b) talkative c) independent
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1)Linda Silvester will be responsible for an English-Russian students ... next year.
a) chracteristik b) exchange c) description
2) The Silvesters are a typical English family. They are... and close.
a) talkative b) caring c) main
3)My mother and father are kind and caring. I love my...
a) characteristics b) parents c)classmates
4)The famous sportsman often... interviews to different magazines.
a)does b) makes c) gives
5) Could we... a date and time now?
a)arrange b) make c) do

Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.

1. to begin a) to study b) to travel c) to use d) to start
2. to learn a) to study b) to travel c) to spend d) to speak
3. foreign a) not Russian b) funny c) good d) slow
2/ Выбери и вставь слов, подходящее по смыслу.
1) We run, jump and play basketball at … lessons.
IT PE History Science
2) There are 10 subjects in my … .
party uniform timetable nickname
3) I can …. English well.
speak say tell spend
4) I am in the 5th …
uniform bright age form
5) I study English as a foreign …..
form age language drama
6) How did you … your summer holidays?
travel use study spend
3/ Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1. I ….. Science at school next year.
study studies will study studied
2. I usually …. uniform at school
don’t wear doesn’t wear won’t wear didn’t wear
3. May I …. out?
go goes will go went
4. My brother ……. 5 years last year.
be is was were
5. On the 1st of September I ….. flowers to my teacher.
give gives gave will give
4/ Измени как в образце.
Example: the rubber of Nick - Nick’s rubber
A) the nickname of my friend –
B) the timetable of Polina –
C) the pencils of my sister –
D) the pictures of her sons –
5/ Заполни пропуски словами say, speak и tell.
1)) I can ……………….. Russian and English.
2)) We ………………. :”Good morning!”
3)) …………………. me about your summer holidays, please.
4)) Don’t ……………… so loudly!

Помогите! Пожалуйста! Отдам:30 баллов!

Нужно вставить слова по смыслу: to, in, from, about, on, into. и по правилу с переводом:
1. They travelled ... the compotable bus round the city.
2. My friends like to learn more ... different planes of interest.
3. In our summer school we translated many texts ... Russian.
4. It was great to get a letter ... you
5. Yesterday Kerry and his classmates invited us .. Moscow
6. My family decided to spend our summer holidays ... Africa

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