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10-11 класс

Skorolenka 22 авг. 2013 г., 13:02:08 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 авг. 2013 г., 14:26:09 (10 лет назад)

1.is  watchning ( Пэм всегда смотрит телевизор вечером )
2.  go ( Гарри и Диэн никогда не ходят в школу вместе )
3.  is resding ( Франк сейчас находится в своей комнате.Он читает комиксы)
4. do they usually play ( Они обычно играют в баскетбол в парке ? )
5. does he sleep ( здесь я не уверена)  ( Где Алан ? Он спит? )


Другие вопросы из категории

Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use am/am


I/keen on Biology.
Rome/in Spain.

Подберите синонимы к следующим словам.

land use planning, start,
purpose, similar, need.

как переводится слово vest
8 Each sentence has two gaps. Beneath the sentence are three sets of words. Choose the set of words that best fits the meaning of the sentence. Model:

Students with ... chances of getting a place are ... for an interview, a) realistic/invited b) good/come c) academic/to come Correct answer is a). 1. You have to be ... to be able to ... Oxford. a) bright/finish b) academically minded/get into c) yourself/apply to 2. Chris tried to ... after the but his application wasn't accepted, a) enter/interview b) apply/deadline c) application/end 3. Top UK universities ... very high ... from their future students, a) admit/marks b) apply/exams c) require/grades 4. The person who gives you a job is called an ... . He or she will want to see your ... before giving you a job. a) employer/references b) interviewer/exams c) applicant/grades 5. Some universities are so popular that they can only ... about 20 per cent of their .... a) admit/applicants b) enter/students c) invite/interested 6. My friend ... passing this test with very good grades. His ... were really impressed. a) failed/teachers b) started/parents c) succeeded in/examiners

Читайте также

Добрый вечер!

Помогите сделать домашнее задание 3 класс((
Перевести на англ.язык.
Это ее карандаш
Это наша школа
Это твоя школьная сумка
Это его карандаш
Это ее ластик
Это их дедушка
Это мяч
Это мой пенал для карандашей.

Помогите сделать домашнее задание. Срочно! Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык данные ниже предложения. Сравните употребление Past

Indefinite и Present Perfect.

1. Have you ever been to Australia? — Yes, I have. - When were you there? — I was there a year ago. 2. Have you seen the new comedy? — Yes, I have. — Did you like it? — No, I didn't. 3. When did you buy this dictionary (словарь)? — I have just bought it. 4. How long have you known our Master? — I have known him for 10 years. We first met when he was the Third Mate. 5. Has your captain signed the cargo documents yet? — Yes, he has. He signed them an hour ago.

помогите сделать номер задание очень маленькое.Решите по скорей.

Ask questions in response to these :
пример : Susan is listening to musik.-What is Susan listening to ?
1) Timothy is going to school by bus.---How...................................?
2) My parents are discussing the TV programme.---What.....................?
3) Our teacher is telling us a funny story.Who......................?
4) Tom and Jerry are flying to Britain.Where..................?
помогите пожалуйста как можно быстрей.

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