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Представьте себя. Текст с 5.6 предложения

10-11 класс

Oksi2012 24 дек. 2013 г., 1:06:01 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 дек. 2013 г., 3:01:32 (10 лет назад)

My name is [Sarah]. I am [11] years old. I am from Russia and live in Moscow.I study in a [5] class and i love math and history.. I have a mother, father, brother and a cat. I like to play football and and skateboarding
то что в скобках поменяй)))))))))


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Sergei Korolev (1907-1966), a rocket engineer and designer,"Father of the space programme."

the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, and the Bauman Moscow Higner Technical School;the Moscow Pilot School, the Pilot Certificate.

Work and contribution:
- directed the design, contruction, testing and lauching f the Vostok, Voskhod, and Soyuz spacecraft;
- published a book "A rocket flight in stratosphera"(1934);
- prepared and took part in the launch of the first Earth satellite (sputnik) in the wopld(October 4,1957)
- prepared the first manned space flight in histore when Yuri Gagarin's spaceсraft orbited the Earth and came back successfully(April 12, 1961);
- prepared the "Voskhod-2" spaceсraft flight, when A. Leonov made the first space walk in history(1965)

Awards: the title "Hero of Labour"(1956,1961), the Lenin Prize (1957) and the Tsiolkovsky Gold Medal.

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Задание 1. Переведите текст письменно. Задание 2. Составьте 10 вопросов к тексту (5 вопросов к предложению в активном

залоге, 5 вопросов к предложению в пассивном залоге).

Задание 3. Составьте словарь терминов, которые встретились в вашем тексте.

Вариант 6.

Non-ferrous metals are more expensive than ferrous metals and are used only when some characteristic not possessed by iron or steel is essential or desirable in application. These characteristics are: high electrical and thermal conductivity, high corrosion resistance, non-magnetic qualities, light weight, etc.

The metals most frequently used to make non-ferrous metal castings are copper, tin, zinc, lead, nickel, gold and aluminium. Some of the basic non-ferrous metals and their characteristics are described below.

Copper is a reddish-brown, tough metal. It has very high electric conductivity and high corrosion-resistant qualities. Copper is used for making electrical contacts and wires, pipes, telephone cables, tanks, water heaters, etc.

Zinc is a hard, brittle, bluish-white metal that is employed in the pure form as sheet zinc.

Lead is a very heavy bluish-grey metal which is very soft. This metal is highly resistant to corrosion, but its strength is so low that it must be supported by a core of some other metal. Lead is used for lining pipes, acid tanks and coating electrical cables.

Aluminium is a soft, silvery white metal. It is light weight, has high corrosion-resistant qualities and is used for automobile and airplane parts as well as for making different light-weight objects used in everyday life such as: frames, cooking utensils, chairs, etc.

вставь в текст подходящие по смыслу предложения:текст про тюленей

1.makes the same journey twice a year
2.december-march;goes to California to have its babies
3.travels to Alaska to find food
4.April-August:goes back to California to lose its old coat and grow a new one

Elephant seals sometimes called sea elephants make the same journey not once but......................!
From...............,the seals go to the warm waters of California to have.................. .
Then they travel to the cold waters of......................... to find....................... .
From.............. , the seals go back to............... to lose their old....................... and.................... .
Elephant seals travel a long way- and get a lovely new coat too!

пожалуйста сократите текст на 10-12 предложений

текст в документе

помогите пожалуйста с английским очень надо((((( заполните пропуски, задание,нужно в текст правильно вставить отрывки предложений, и какая из частей 1-7

в списке
Fleet Street
Fleet Street runs east from the Royal Courts of Justice as far as Ludgate Circus. It
takes its name from the Fleet River, A ____________ where Farrington Road now
stands. At that time traffic had to cross over the Fleet Bridge in order to reach the
Fleet Street’s associations with printing go back to the end of the 15th century,
when the pioneer publisher Wynkyn de Worde moved here from Westminster. Between
1500 and his death in 1535, from his premises he printed and published hundreds of
books, B ___________ (the Inns of Court and Blackfriars Monastery were both nearby).
Other printers also working in the area included Richard Pynson, printer to the
king after 1508, C ____________ of Fleet Street and Chancery Lane. In 1530 Sir
Thomas More’s nephew William Rastell began printing and selling books from
premises in St Bride’s churchyard, D ____________ in 1557. It was clear that the publishing industry was here to stay. A key date in the history
of Fleet Street was the year 1702 E ____________. Since then the street became home
to hundreds of newspapers, and its name is still synonymous with British national
This state of affairs only came to an end in 1980’s, F ____________ caused by the
changeover to the new technology, which necessitated relocating to gain more space.
The Times led the way, to Docklands, and within a few years Fleet Street was stripped
of its soul.
1. whose office was at the corner
2. which years ago followed the route
3. when the British press was going through a period of deep crisis
4. bringing out an edition of his uncle’s works
5. many on legal and religious subjects
6. including the publishers of Thackeray and the Brontл sisters
7. when the first newspaper, the Daily Courant, appeared

перевести на английский используя герундий 1 Я вспомнил, что меня тоже пригласили туда.

2 Перестань дрожать
3 Представь себе поездку туда
4 Пожалуйста, перестань думать только о своих проблемах
5 Девушка отрицала, что была тогда дома
6 Он продолжал работать
7 Я очень ценю вашу помощь

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