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Прошу помочь с англ языком) буду благодарна^^

5-9 класс

Выберите правильное слово
из предлагаемых в скобках вариантов:
1) London is the
(large/largest/larger) city in Europe.

2) The City is a market for
(good/goods) of almost (all/every) kind from (all/every) parts of the world.

3) Not (most/more) than five thousand
people live in the City.

4) You will find here great industrial areas
than depend (from/upon/of)shipping.

Iluxa124 17 июля 2014 г., 20:58:53 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 июля 2014 г., 22:24:47 (9 лет назад)

6-are situatied
7-was buried
8-in the middle of


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перевидите текст ( не обращайте внимание на многоточие)

Dear Jim,
Thank you for your (.....).
Now i live with my granny in the country. The (.....) is hot and sunny. I like summer veri mych!
I (.......) many friends here. We walk in the farest and (.....) in the river. We ride bikes and play fooball. When it is (.....), my friends come to me and we watch (.....) or read books.
Do you know that my (.....) is on the second of July? I think it will be fine and we will have a (....) in the forest.
Will you come to my birthday party?
I will be (....) to see you.
Write back/
John Green.

1. Определите функцию инфинитива в следующих предложениях (the subject, the part of the predicate, the object, the attribute).

1) To doubt, under the circumstances, is almost to insult.

2) Helen had learnt to dance at boarding school.

3) Before daylight it started to drizzle.

4) My intention is to get into parliament.

5) Even to think of it gave him ineffable torture.

6) He asked me to walk in.

7) He was the first to offer his hand to Mike.

8) The abode of Mrs. Betty was not easy to find.

9) To acquire knowledge is the first duty of the artist.

10) I intend to lead a better life in the future.

Пожалуйста переведите простую речь в косвенную!!!!!!!!!! Срочно надо, буду признательна вам за помощь)))*

1)Martin said, "Did you go to the disko, Ted?"
2)Kate said, "How often do you visit your hairdresser, Helen?"
3)Molly said, "What will you prepare for the party?"
4)The shop assistant said, "Have you chosen the present, young ladies?"
5)A young woman said, "Is the baby sleeping?"
6)The teacher said, "Why haven't you learned the poem, Bob?"

Читайте также

Ребята помогите пожалуйста,кому не тяжело,буду благодарна очень

Объясню задание:
Я напишу ряд слов на английском языке их нужно перевести и написать их значение
1 struck a match
2 clank of metal
3 dressing case
4 handcuffs and rusty chains
5 oiling
Заранее спасибо буду благодарная за помощь

Очень прошу помочь.

Make the questions with you from the sentences.
1.I come from Australia. ( Where? )
2. I speak three languages. ( How many? )
3. I'm learning English because I need it for my job. ( Why? )
4. I've been to France, Germany, Sweden, and the United States. ( Which countries?)
5. I was born in Dublin in 1961. ( Where? When? )
6. I've been learning English for three years. ( How long? )
7. I have got 10$ in my pocket. ( How much? )
8. I went to the cinema last night. ( What? )
9. I'm wearning jeans and a jumper. ( What? )
Очень прошу помочь, то что знаете, напишите пожалуйста.

Если бы вам завтра разрешили учить или не учить англ язык что бы вы выбрали?

напишите маленькое сочинение на англ языке

помогите написать пожалуйста сочинение(в виде письма) на англ-языке 9 класс

1)О себе
2)Про свои интересы
3)Про семью
4)О друзьях
5)Что хочу
И если не сложно то с переводом на русский, буду благодарна)))

Очень прошу помочь.Make the questions with you from the sentences.

1.I come from Australia. ( Where? )
2. I speak three languages. ( How many? )
3. I'm learning English because I need it for my job. ( Why? )
4. I've been to France, Germany, Sweden, and the United States. ( Which countries?)
5. I was born in Dublin in 1961. ( Where? When? )
6. I've been learning English for three years. ( How long? )
7. I have got 10$ in my pocket. ( How much? )
8. I went to the cinema last night. ( What? )
9. I'm wearning jeans and a jumper. ( What? )
Очень прошу помочь, то что знаете, напишите пожалуйста.

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