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If it has been windy, you may need to do your hair with this c_ _ _ ( 4. Буквы) ПОМОГИТЕ МНЕ ВСТАВИТЬ СЛОВО, ДАЮ 20 пунктов

5-9 класс

Roza0809 28 марта 2014 г., 3:53:00 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 марта 2014 г., 4:58:30 (10 лет назад)

может clip - зажим, скрепка.


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типичный английский дом
say what your parents make or let you do.
Переведите пожалуйста. И не с переводчика. А то там не понятно.

A true friend is a friend who you will never fall out with and who will be your friend for ever. My brother has such a friend.
For me a true friend is a person who never laughs at you, never calls you names and enjoys doing the same things as you do.

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ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ!!! You are going to interview your partner. Prepare questions you may ask. Find out:

1) how much time he/she spends outdoors;
2) if he/she keeps to a diet and why;
3) how he/she understands healthe eating;
4) if he/she takes a lot of medicines and when he/she does it;
5) what he/she is planning to do to keep in good health;
6) how many meals a day he/she has and if they are huge meals;
7) where he/she spends free time;
8) how many hours a day he/she read;
9) when he/she goes to bed.

Найдите в тексте синонимы следующих слов: wide, to research, to attempt, to examine, main, complex, difficult, various. Найдите в тексте

антонимы следующих слов: narrow, easy, practice, old, more, to begin, small, little.

Текст. Scientists study a wide variety of subjects. Some scientists search for clues to the origin of the universe and examine the structure of the cells of living plants and animals. Other researchers investigate why we act the way we do, or try to solve complicated mathematical problems. Scientists use systematic methods of study to make observations and collect facts. They develop theories that help them order and unify facts. Scientific theories consist of general principles or laws that attempt to explain how and why something happens or has happened. A theory is considered to become a part of scientific knowledge if it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true. Scientific study can be divided into three major groups: the natural, social, and technical sciences. As scientific knowledge has grown and become more complicated, many new fields of science have appeared. At the same time, the boundaries between scientific fields have become less and less clear. Numerous areas of science overlap each other and it is often hard to tell where one science ends and another begins. All sciences are closely interconnected. Science has great influence on our lives. It provides the basis of modern technology – the tools and machines that make our life and work easier. The discoveries and inventions of scientists also help shape our view about ourselves and our place in the universe.

Перевод текста. Siberia has the world'd deepest known lake — the breathtakingly beautiful Lake Baikal. It is so clear that if

you drop a coin into the water, the coin can be seen clearly at a depth of a hundred feet. Lake Baikal is also the world's largest freshwater lake with one fifth of the Earth's liquid fresh water.

On several trips to Baikal over the past few years, I have come to know the lake, and have listened to many people who live nearby and worry about its future.

It has a special place in the hearts of Russians and is a symbol of beauty. This huge old lake — clear, beautiful, and surrounded by the wilderness of Siberia — is the world treasure but it can only remain so if the world treats it with love and respect.

First lay the mirror in the dish of water at an angle of about 30°. You may need to hold it there with sticky tape. Then fill the dish with water. At this stage place your dish in a strong beam of sunlight so that the light falls across the mirror. Next look around the room for a reflection of white light, not far away you will see a rainbow. Finally try moving the mirror slightly and watch the rainbow move.

РЕБЯТА!ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ГРАМОТНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!:Henry Howell has been working as a ski guide at the Austrian resort of St Anton.

Since leaving school he has worked each winter in the Alps and each summer at a
resort in Greece.
“I have an unusual weekly schedule. Sundays are spent at the airport picking up our
new guests. Mondays and Tuesdays are spent guiding our guests around the resort.
On Wednesdays I'm behind the customer service desk, Thursday I have off, Friday
and Saturday nights I’m working behind the bar.
soon as I left school I made a decision to go abroad. (1) My first job
was working as a barman at the Italian resort of Clavier, and,
since then, I’ve done everything from laundry boy to restaurant supervisor.
the end of my first working season they asked me (2) whether I would
like to go and work at one of their Greek centres. As I came
from a sailing background, (3) I started teaching windsurfing.
I've visited lots of Europe and I definitely feel I have a career path in the making
because my boss really looks after the staff.
To do well in this job you need a bit of stamina but, most of all, you need to be good
at dealing with people. (4) I was let go but I quickly joined IBM in a similar role. I’m there to sort out any
our clients have and to make sure they have a great holiday.” _Peter
Magee is now back in the UK after studying for an MBA and working
as a management consultant specialising in IT projects. “I decided to
study for an MBA in America. I had been working as a software engineer
for BT* and realised that (5)Languages aren’t that important but having
the right attitude is if I wanted to change my career.
I applied to
Dartmouth Business School, one of the oldest in the US, and was lucky
enough to get a place. At the end of the course I was offered a job at
New York office.
Then I applied for a job in Atlanta. It was a very
interesting time for me - my work was very stimulating. Unfortunately,
the money for the project ran out and (6) I needed a formal business
qualification . It was IBM* that sent me back to work in its UK office.
It wasn't exciting so I left.
When I came back to the UK for a job
interview and (7) even though I’d been to one the US’s most famous
business schools and had worked
with some top companies, they were
only interested in my O Levels. it was crazy.

РЕБЯТА!ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ГРАМОТНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!:Henry Howell has been working as a ski guide at the Austrian resort of St Anton.

Since leaving school he has worked each winter in the Alps and each summer at a
resort in Greece.
“I have an unusual weekly schedule. Sundays are spent at the airport picking up our
new guests. Mondays and Tuesdays are spent guiding our guests around the resort.
On Wednesdays I'm behind the customer service desk, Thursday I have off, Friday
and Saturday nights I’m working behind the bar.
As soon as I left school I made a decision to go abroad. (1) My first job was working as a barman at the Italian resort of Clavier, and,
since then, I’ve done everything from laundry boy to restaurant supervisor.
At the end of my first working season they asked me (2) whether I would like to go and work at one of their Greek centres. As I came
from a sailing background, (3) I started teaching windsurfing.
I've visited lots of Europe and I definitely feel I have a career path in the making
because my boss really looks after the staff.
To do well in this job you need a bit of stamina but, most of all, you need to be good
at dealing with people. (4) I was let go but I quickly joined IBM in a similar role. I’m there to sort out any
problems our clients have and to make sure they have a great holiday.” _Peter Magee is now back in the UK after studying for an MBA and working
US as a management consultant specialising in IT projects. “I decided to study for an MBA in America. I had been working as a software engineer for BT* and realised that (5)Languages aren’t that important but having the right attitude is if I wanted to change my career.
I applied to Dartmouth Business School, one of the oldest in the US, and was lucky enough to get a place. At the end of the course I was offered a job at New York office.
Then I applied for a job in Atlanta. It was a very interesting time for me - my work was very stimulating. Unfortunately, the money for the project ran out and (6) I needed a formal business qualification . It was IBM* that sent me back to work in its UK office. It wasn't exciting so I left.
When I came back to the UK for a job interview and (7) even though I’d been to one the US’s most famous business schools and had worked
with some top companies, they were
only interested in my O Levels. it was crazy.

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