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Вставьте слова : Break, subjects, Art, timetable, marks, desks.

5-9 класс

В предложения: There are a lot of interesting __________ this year.

Nananana123456 17 июля 2013 г., 18:55:56 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 июля 2013 г., 21:11:52 (10 лет назад)

There are a lot of interesting  subjects

+ 0 -
17 июля 2013 г., 23:07:29 (10 лет назад)



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Kete has got a cd . its her/hers cd.
раскрыть скобки

1) What you ( do) here ?
2) I (wait) for Ann.
3) It is five o`clock but dhe ( come not) yet
4) Perhaps something (happen) to her
5) He (not) well yet,

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нужно вставить слово work в правильной форме^

He .... hard because he s got a math test tomorrow
My mother is a teacher.She ... in a priamary school.
нужно вставить слово write в правильной форме^
Jane lets go the cinema.- I am afraid,I can not . I ...... an essay.And itll take a lot of time to do it.
She doesnt use a computer orthe Internet, she .... letters to her sons every Friday.

вставить слово MAKE в нужной форме

Her mother pulled two packages from her shopping bag. In the first package there were some very nice slippers. They ___________ from soft, pink fabric and had bright flashing lights. Inside the second package were glow-in-the-dark pyjamas! вставить слово

вставить слова вместо точек. Christmans is the ... in modern Britain on which a lot of tradition ... by most ordinary people. In Britain it ... on 25 De

cember.Today it ... with ''making money by shops'' that is now of tradition:most people ... the tradition of buying gifts for their family members.People also buy a Christmans tree.This tradition came from Germany. It ... in the nineteenth century.Every Christmas,London gets a gift from the people of Norway-a Christmas tree that is 23 metres high.It stands in the centre of London,in Trafalgar Square and it is decorated with 500 white lights. Christmans is a time that ... families. At night people get together to ... Christmas. Celebrating Christmas ... a Christmas dinner and listening to the Queeh's Christmas ... when the Queen speaks directly to ''her'' people on TV and on the radio. There are many royal traditions in Britain. The Queen's telegram is not a very old custom but it is very old people. Every British person gets a telegram from the Queen on their ohe-hundredth ... . The Changing of the ... is very beautiful tradition.Every morning tourists go to watch the ceremohy at Buckingham Palace. At 11.30 the guard that stands in front of the palace change. слова которые нужно вставить; guard, speech, was introced,includes,is connected,occasion,is celebrated,follow, mark, are preserved, unites anniversary.

Вставь слово подходящее по смыслу(и перевод на русский язык) 1)Look at our ...!There are a lot of new subjects. a)paper b) uniform

c)timetable d)textbook

2)Students like to give ...to their teachers

a)stamps b)timetables c)chocolate d) niclnames

3)Where will they ... their Christams holidays?

a)travel b)spend c) study d)go

4)Last autumn my two classmates ... .

a)went abroad b)went to bed c)went shopping

5)How many ...languages do you learn at school?

a)interesting b)foreing c)easy

Ребета помогите нужно вставить слово

Live and ...(a problem) 5 букв
At ... Technology students learn how to use computers 11 букв
...is woman or a man who teaches you 7 букв
Barbara 's students enjoyed learning ...7 букв

The Boyd often...and jump between the desks during the break 3 буквы
Children draw and paint I'm their ... lessons 3 буквы
Don't .. lies 4 буквы
Do you wear a ...at schol 7 букв
I think it's dull to ... these poems 6 букв
Will you ...this grammar rule ? 7 букв
Ребята если поможете буду очень благодарна

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