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придумать предложение со словом silly

10-11 класс

Dania225 19 авг. 2014 г., 6:38:56 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 авг. 2014 г., 7:34:31 (9 лет назад)

He always asks silly questions - он всегда задает глупые вопросы

+ 0 -
19 авг. 2014 г., 8:44:37 (9 лет назад)

Yesterday I looked very silly, I'm sorry.


Другие вопросы из категории

Supply the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets 1. Meg (to look) upon as a perfect wife for a clergyman. 2. After his

brother's departure Paul sat for a long time thinking about what (to say).

3. "I'm not prepared," my father said, "to listen to your suggestions that you never (to treat)fairly at school,"

4. "Remember! (to pay) by an nour," grumbled the driver.

5. But there were signs that order (to restore) in the town.

6. Well, what (to do) about it, Ted?

7. He went into the bedroom. The bed (to turn) down for the night by the maid many hours before.

8. Please find out if our father (to see) to leave.

9. She could have gone to Cambridge if she had wanted, she (to offer) .a scholarship."

10. On Friday she (to give) two weeks' notice at the Works.

11. Then the voice announced that the passengers (to ask) to pass through the Customs.

12. I wondered to what extent she (to influence) by his name to accept his offer.

13. Such are the matters that (to deal) with in Mr Burroughs's book.

14. I found the idea of going to Hereford very upsetting because I (to promise) a very nice job a couple of weeks before.

15. Not far away she noticed the film manager in whose office she once (to make) to feel so ridiculous.

16. "You must be very prosperous, Eustace, to own a car like that". - "This car (to lend) to me by an American woman."

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий. Translating this article was not easy. He likes walking quickly. I like

working here. Thank you for finding my bag. This land is good for growing vegetables. Readingpoetry helped them to learn the language. The house is warm because of good heating. Thank you for coming. On reading his story I understand him better. I do not like the idea of going there alone.

Helppppp Составьте вопросы начиная со слов Where, What, How....? Ответьте на поставленные вопросы. 1. I wash my hair

twice a week. (How often/you?)

2. I live in London. (Where/you?)

3. I watch TV every day. (How often/you?)

4. I have lunch at home. (Where/you?)

5. I get up at 7.30 (What time/you?)

6. I go to the cinema a lot (How often/you?)

7. I go to work by bus. (How/you?)

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